US developed a diagnosis of gastroparesis syndrome can swallow capsules

Release date: 2006-10-08

US developed a diagnostic gastroparesis syndrome swallowable capsule US SmartPill developed a wireless swallowable medical device SmartPill Gastrointestinal (GI) monitoring system, which has been obtained by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) The license is sold in the United States.
The system is as large as a vitamin pill and contributes to a comprehensive diagnosis of gastroparesis syndrome. Gastroparesis syndrome can affect many patients, including approximately 50% of patients with diabetes and Parkinson's disease.
Gastroparesis syndrome is referred to as gastroparesis, also known as gastric weakness and stomach paralysis. It is a clinical syndrome characterized by delayed gastric emptying. It is mainly characterized by early satiety, post-prandial full-abdominal full-blown reticular vomiting or weight loss. Clinical examination revealed no organic damage in the gastrointestinal tract. Shanghai Medical Device Network

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