It is also time to sow celery

Celery plant type, petiole hypertrophy, less fiber, quality tender crisp, resistant to storage and transportation, to the petiole of the heart for edible, with lower blood pressure, brain, bowel and facilitate the effect. In terms of cultivation, Celery prefers a cool and mild climate, is not tolerant of high temperatures, and the optimal temperature for growth is 15-25 degrees. According to local history, seedlings are generally sown in late August and late September, and transplanted in November. The second year Listed around the Spring Festival. This cultivation preference has caused two kinds of extreme results. First, it is about 1 yuan per pound for listing, and the profit per acre is nearly 10,000 yuan. The other kind is listed and piled, and a few cents a pound is not required. However, due to the production of celery exceeding 10,000 kilos per mu (in Chengdu, the average mu yield is 4,000 kilograms, and the yield of high-yielding fields can reach 6,000 kilograms or more). It is worthwhile for farmers' friends to give it a try. With good luck, a few thousand yuan per mu can also be used. Period. If the sowing time for celery is slightly delayed, it is expected to be listed in March and April next year. Perhaps the planting benefit will be better.

Because Celery celery is cool and cool, the optimum temperature for growth is 15-25 degrees, which is lower than 10 degrees for 7-10 days, and it is easy to twitch and blossom. Therefore, the winter cultivation needs heat insulation coverage. In addition, although the current temperature for sowing does not require soaking and germination, it is recommended to use low temperature germination such as refrigerators because celery sprouts well below 10 degrees. Specific celery cultivation management is as follows:

Seed selection and sowing

Should choose well-drained, fertile soil, soft, cool and well-ventilated field cultivation. Each mu of field needs seedbed 38-40 square meters. Before sowing, each plot was planted with 150 kg of farmyard manure and 6 kg of superphosphate. Although seeds may not be germinated after October, if the home has a water well or a refrigerator, it is still necessary to cope with seed germination. The specific method is to soak the seed with cold water for about 20 hours before sowing, then wrap it in wet gauze and hang it on the surface of the well. Or put the soaked seeds in a refrigerator at a temperature of 5-8 degrees. After more than 50% of the seed is exposed, it should be sown uniformly and covered with fine soil on the footbed of seeded water. The thickness of the seed should be invisible. Seeds of 2 to 3 grams per square meter of seedlings can produce 2000-3000 seedlings.

Because the seeds of celery are very small, they can be mixed with dry fine soil or ash. Then cover the bed with 2 to 3 centimeters thick straw and drench it. About 10 days after sowing, seedlings emerge. Seedling period is about 50 days - 60 days.

Seedling Management

After sowing, the bed soil was kept moist, and the water and fertilizer were poured and poured once every two weeks after emergence. The preparation method of water and fertilizer is to use 350 grams of urea, 800 grams of superphosphate, 100 grams of potassium chloride, add 100 kilograms of water and stir well.

The main diseases during the seedling stage are blight and damping-off, which often causes the seedlings to die. 70% chlorothalonil wettable powder 1000 times can be sprayed after onset. When the seedlings grew 3 to 4 true leaves, the seedlings were planted and the seedlings were planted at a distance of 6 cm. Each mu of farmland needs to be planted with 18m2 beds. If the planting area is small or the manpower is adequate, it is recommended that the seedlings be planted in a 89 cm nutrient bowl with 1 plant per plant, which is beneficial to the plant growth after planting.

It should be noted that in general local celery does not need to be faked. However, celery is not the same, due to its slow growth during the seedling period, about 60 days. In order to make full use of the land and to facilitate centralized management, it is necessary to cultivate seedlings through cultivation. When the seedlings are 2-3 pieces of true leaves, they can be planted in batches according to the size of the seedlings, so that the growth is uniform, the density is 5-6 cm square, and the condition can be better if it is falsely transplanted into the nutrition bowl. When the seedlings grow to 8 leaves, transplant the field again.

Transplanting and growing period management

Celery grows in favor of water and development but requires sufficient air, but its root system is shallow. Therefore, the transplanting field should be sandy loam with loose soil, good ventilation performance, and strong water retention and fertility. The soil is heavy, thin, and poorly drained. Block, not easy to cultivate.

Fertilizer is mainly based on basal fertilizer, accounting for about 80% of the total amount of fertilizer. Four hundred kilograms of organic manure per hectare of field compost, 30-40 kilograms of superphosphate, 7-10 kilograms of potassium sulfate or 75 kilograms of compound fertilizer. Line spacing 50-60 cm, plant spacing 20-25 cm, acres planted 6000-8000 strains. 1-2 hours before transplanting, the seedbed is first leached with water and transplanted with soil to minimize the degree of damage to the root system. At this time, the benefits of nutrients can be reflected. The use of nutrients can basically achieve no root damage and no delay after transplanting. The effect of seedlings.

The celery needs a large amount of fertilizer to absorb low fertility, but it has high resistance to fertility. In addition to the base fertilizer, but also according to the needs of different growth and development stages, reasonable fertilizer. And during the entire growth period, appropriate quantities of calcium Darling and borax are also added to supplement calcium and boron. If the celery is deficient in calcium, heart rot is easy to occur; in the absence of boron, the early outer leaves are prone to blemishes and the petioles are prone to cleft palate in the later period. After planting, when the heart leaves grow, the underground part of the long lateral roots, this time requires a lot of water and fertilizer, should be watered once every 7-10 days, once every 3 weeks topdressing, winter fertilizer to use decomposed human excreta, but also both antifreeze The effect is that for the first time, about 10% of the compost is used to compost the thin manure, and then 30% to 40% of the contaminated manure water is applied 1-2 times to promote the growth of the heart. During the whole period, about 5-6 times of top-dressing was applied, and two or three times (at the peak of growth) were combined with topically applied potassium dihydrogen phosphate 2-3 times.

The early growth of parsley is very vulnerable to weeds. Especially when it comes to rainy weather, weeds grow faster and cause more serious damage. Manual weeding can be done. At the same time, we can combine cultivating and weeding to remove ineffective tillers to reduce nutrient consumption.

To increase yield and improve quality, growth regulators can be sprayed before harvesting. 30 days before and 15 days after harvest, Yunda 120 was sprayed once. In the winter of drought, low temperature and weak light, spraying Yunda 120 will show very good results.

Because of the poor cold resistance of celery, plants at minus 3 degrees will suffer freezing. When the average temperature falls below 13 degrees during the ten days (usually in mid-November), coverage should be provided. Its facilities mostly use bamboo self-made medium-sized arch sheds. In the coldest period, small sheds can be added to the middle sheds, and the double-layered membranes are kept warm and cold until they are harvested and marketed. For the grown celery, if it is not harvested in time, it is best to dig up roots for prosthetic storage, which is more conducive to antifreeze and batch marketing. (Chengdu Agricultural Quality Monitoring Center Agronomist)

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