Kale cultivation methods and seasons

Cultivation methods and seasons
1) Cultivation in open field in spring. The Beijing area will be nursed in early February, planted in mid-March, harvested in early May, and harvested continuously until early July, with a harvest period of 2 months.
2) Cultivation in cool summer areas. The cool summer in the northern part of the country is sown in March and planted in April. It can be harvested continuously from May until it is frozen in October.
3) Cultivation in open field in autumn. The nursery was planted in June and planted in July. It was harvested from September to the end of October and the harvest period was about 2 months.
4) Protect cultivation in autumn, winter and spring. The cultivation of high-efficiency sunlight greenhouses with good conditions should be selected. When the environmental conditions of the facilities are poor, the winter production is low. The nursery was planted in August and planted in September. It began to harvest just when it entered winter in November, and it can be harvested continuously until May of the following year.
Cultivation Techniques
1) Seed preparation. At present, the kale species used in China is Worcester introduced from the United States. The variety grows vigorously, the edges of young leaves are shrunken, the texture is soft, and the flavor is strong. It is resistant to cold and heat, and it is strong in winter. Kale 1000-grain weight 3 to 5 grams. Use about 30 grams per 667 square meters.
2) Nursery. Kale can be used to cultivate seedlings. It can also be used to grow seedlings. The seedlings can not be grown too long. The length of the seedlings should be determined according to the size of the hole. The nutrition seedlings can be used for 6 cm and 6 cm. The seedlings can be used in 40 days. about.
3) Soil preparation, fertilization, and hoeing. Kale is strong in fertility. Although it is resistant to barren, it prefers fertile land. The contents of calcium and phosphorus in kale leaves are relatively high. It is necessary to apply more organic fertilizer as a base fertilizer, which can be applied according to the cultivation method and fertility of the land. Into the organic fertilizer 1500 ~ 4000 kg, do 畦 generally 1.5 meters wide 畦.
4) Colonization and colonization density. About 40 days after sowing can be planted, 667 square meters of planting 3000 ~ 4000 is appropriate. The long growing period can be diluted, and the short growing season can be denser in winter. Generally, 1.33 meters wide can be planted in 3 rows with a 0.4 meter spacing.
5) Management. Kale is a kind of easy-to-cultivate vegetable. If the temperature is suitable, combined with water and fertilizer management, it can grow well. The condition of kale is suitable for rapid growth and it grows extremely fast.
1 moisture management. After planting, the planting water was planted, and after 1 week, the seedlings were irrigated with water, and the seedlings were irrigated once after easing the seedlings. The seedlings were appropriately planted and then entered vigorous growing season. The principle of keeping the ground moist will be used for replenishing water. In the spring, it should be dry and hot and watered. In autumn and winter, the temperature is low and evaporation is slow. Watering should be avoided.
2 top dressing. Slow seedlings can be combined with slow seedling water chase fertilizer, applying urea 2.5 to 5 kg per 667 square meters. In order to enter the vigorous growth harvest period, in addition to topdressing nitrogen fertilizers, compound fertilizers should also be topdressed for 15 to 30 days at a time, about 15 kg each time.
3 hit the bottom leaves. The long growing season should promptly knock out the yellow leaves, old leaves, and diseased leaves on the lower side, reduce the consumption of nutrients one by one, and be favorable for ventilation and light transmission. Use a new round of photosynthetic leaves to make nutrients and ensure the vigorous growth of plants.

Speaking of bulking cycle, you may wonder what is bulking and what we could get after a bulking cycle. If you`re in gym for a while, you may be familiar with such words and phrases related to the whole gym enviroment. Don`t get it wrong, bulking doesn`t mean to build as much muscle as possible, but gain weight at the same time. With the right steroids, you can add size and bulk to the muscle easily, that`s what we say Bulking Cycle Steroids.

Actually there various choice for bodybuilders as supliment, Raw Steroids , Human Growth Hormone , semi-finished oils, Bodybuilding Peptides and Sarms Raws , different people have their preference. 

Common bulking cycle steroids include Dianabole, Trenbolone, Nandrolone Decanoate, anadrol, Oxymetholone, Boldenone acetate, Nandrolone base, Oxandrolone, Methenolone Enanthate etc. The original form of them is raw powders, and most of raws are produced in China. China is the biggest raw producer well-know in the bodybuilding world, people all know steroids China, and when speaking of steroids, they think of China. China exports raw steroids worldwidely, Testosterone Raws , Trenbolone Raws , Superdrol Raws and Proviron Raws etc. are very popular around world. Besides the raw steroids, the semi-finished oils wihch is made of the raws is also welcome by users who don`t know the process of brewing the raw steroids.

When coming to bulking cycle steorids, Dianabol is sure to be the king. Dianaoble is very powerful and can turn a skinny beanpole into a beast of a man. It`s the best steroids for muscle mass, you can gain muscle at rapid speed. But dianabol will cause water retention, it need to be controled in a moderate dose so that the side effect won`t be too significant.

Another famouse one for bulking is Nandrolone decanoate, it`s trade name is Deca Durabolin. It promots muscle mass and strength, and can help reparing joints at the same time. It gives users extra dimension of thickness, so that they still look big even when in a relaxed position. Water retention is also available, but is fairly easy to control. This is a large ester based steroid, and will not be fast acting, but it will provide significant gains in lean mass.

Anadrol is also a widely used bulking cycle steroids. It`s known as `Anddrol 50`, it`s considered one of the most powerful anabolic bulking steroids in existence. When you take 50mg Anadrol you`ll make very good gains. However, despite of the huge gains, anadrol comes with sever water retention, which will make a user look bloated and puffy. 

Choosing suitable cycle is very important , it`s better to do enough survey or ask your coach before you start a cycle. If brewing raw steroids is difficult for you, you can try semi-finished oils first. After a bulking cycle, it`s also a good idea to consider a PCT, which will make your cycle more com plete.

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