Artificial indoor nursery technology

In recent years, the scale of Sinonovacula constricat (Lamark) breeding has gradually expanded, and the seed mainly comes from wild populations in Zhejiang Province. With increasingly strained resources, the quality of seedlings is not guaranteed, and this has brought certain constraints to Jiangsu's hydrocarbon conservation industry. In view of this, on the basis of summarizing predecessors' researches, the author conducted a trial of artificial breeding on earthworms in 2000 and achieved success. The situation is briefly described below.

1 village material method

1.1 Nursery facilities a. A total of 6 nursery ponds were 18m2 with a maximum water level of 1.3m. b. The bait cultivation: first-grade cultivation as a conical flask, secondary cultivation as a 40L white plastic bucket, and tertiary cultivation as a cement pool of 18m2; c. Water supply system: 3 dark sedimentation tanks, 23m3 each, 1 sand filter tank; d. Supply system: 22kw, 1.11kw vortex pump several units.

1.2 Pro-Berish source pro-shellfish is selected from the natural sea area of ​​Zhejiang Yuhuan area and inner pond cultured into shellfish. The average body length of the first instar was 6.03 cm and the weight was 12.5 g. The average body length of the 2nd instar was 7.26 cm and the weight was 23 g. Use bubble box at normal temperature or add ice to cool and transport. The transportation time is 20-24 hours. The prokaryotic egg cells of each batch were found to have matured to disseminated periods. After pro-mailed, some of the pro-shellfish were raised in indoor cement pools and the other part was subjected to oxy-producing tests.

1.3 After oxytocin was washed by pro-shellfish, it was disinfected with one-ten thousandth of KMn04 solution for 10 minutes, and oxytocin was produced by different methods. There are normal temperature and dry + water; low temperature (4 °C - 6 °C) dry ten water; first raised 10h, then normal temperature and dry + flowing water; after repeated tests, it is proved that raising ten normal temperature and dry ten water has better oxytocin effect. Normal fertilized eggs can be obtained.

1.4 Spawning Incubation of pro-shellfish is stimulated by dryness and irritation. At midnight, it enters the pool and stimulates the flow of water. After the end of the discharge, the pro-shellfish was inflated, aerated, and hatched in the original pool. The concentrations of penicillin 0.510-6 and EDTA 510-6 were also used.

1.5 Development of larvae Fertilized eggs develop into D-shaped larvae after 20 h, and are drained with a 400-mesh screen and transferred to the pool for cultivation. Daily management is mainly controlled in the following aspects. a. D-shaped larvae density 5 / mI; b. Change the water: Change the water once a day, change the amount of water from 30% to 100% on a daily basis, change the water with a sieve mesh screen mesh with the growth of larvae in time; c. Baits: After the development of D-shaped larvae, 3010 gold algae were fed, and Platycladiia was added the next day. The amount of feeding was 3010 georgeta 50,000-80,000/ml days, and Platycladus 0.5 million-1. Thousands/mL days, twice daily feeding. The actual feeding amount is determined by daily microscopic larval gastrointestinal fullness; d. Inflate: for continuous inflation, distribution of aerolites 1.5 / m:, the amount of gas control to the surface of the air bubble is appropriate; e. Prevention: Use nitrofurazone 1x10-6 or penicillin 0.5x10-6 every day to maintain the concentration of EDTA 5x10-6; f water conditions: water temperature 20°C~26°C, specific gravity 1.010, PH 8.2-8 .5, lighting around 2000Lux.

1.6 Metamorphosis and attachment of larvae When the D-shaped larvae are cultivated for 5-8 days, the larvae grow to 180-200 μm. At this point, the peduncles form, the face plate gradually falls off, ie, the metamorphosis is attached, and the metamorphosis of the larvae needs to be put in a timely manner. Quality not only provides the necessary living conditions for the attached seedlings, but also plays a role in promoting the metamorphosis of the larvae. Attachment bases are selected to be free of pollution and soft sand on the mudflats of the local natural sea area. When used, the dried sludge was homogenized with bubbling and sieved through a 160.300-mesh sieve, boiled and sterilized in a pool of humans. The deposited base amount per bath was 2.3 Kg (dry weight). a. Attached larvae culture density: 50 000 / m2; b. Water quality during cultivation: water temperature 18°C-23°C, specific gravity 1.010, pH 8.0-8.5, light 2000LMx; c. Daily management: daily water change 100%; d. Baits: Thousands of Planoidea daidai 10000-20,000/mI, gold algae 30,000. 50,000/mI; e. Every 3-5 days, remove the pool, replace the sediment, and rinse the seedlings.

1.7 Nutrient cultivation When the seedlings grow to about 400 μm, they are transferred to an outdoor soil pool for cultivation. Flatten the seedling fields five days before seedlings, and store water for fertilization.

2 results

2.1 On October 13, 2000, 12kg of pro-shellfish was used, and eggs were laid at 6:00 the next morning and developed into D-shaped larvae after 20 hours. The total number was 100 million, and the specification was 100-110μm. It was released on October 17th. Attachment bases, average daily growth of 18μm. On November 7th, the number of attached seedlings was 13.88 million. The average size was 391.32 μm, and the average daily growth was 11 μm.

2.2 Nursing of juveniles The above-mentioned seedlings were raised in two 320m2 intermediate cultivation ponds, respectively, and grew well.

3 Questions and Discussion

3.1 The selection of pro-shellfish choices is the key to the success or failure of artificial seedling production. The gonadal development of the cockroaches matures in batches and disperses in batches. Gonadal plumage can easily determine the maturity of the gonads, and can also be used to determine the degree of gonadal development through microscopic examination. However, in different sea areas and under different culture conditions, the pro-family gonads have different developmental development and it is difficult to grasp the timing of oxytocin production. In addition, after the long-distance transportation of the pro-bees, the vigor is poor, and it is difficult to raise them temporarily. In general, 2 to 3 days after the pro-nursery, all of them will die. How to obtain the ideal pro-shellfish and grasp the optimal time for oxy-production is the key to artificial breeding. According to observations by Wu Hongxi and Jin Binming, it is considered that the larvae in the inner pond culture have a slow development of gonads or overgrowth of the gonads due to the lack of water for a long period of time. This is consistent with our experimental results. Therefore, the use of natural sea bream cultured oysters, and in the prosperous period of the tide or the first few days to choose pro-shell oyster production, the effect is good.

3.2 The bait feed is the basis for the growth, development and metamorphosis of the larvae and seedlings. Some studies have reported on the larval plankton and juvenile bait. The 3010 Chlorella and Platymonas subcordiformis selected in this experiment were good food for the larvae of the larvae. However, in the post-attached juveniles, seedlings grow slowly, which may be related to the lack of benthic diatoms. Therefore, to maintain the rapid growth of seedlings, good and adequate food supply is essential. At the same time, after the seedlings are attached, they should be promptly moved to the outdoor earth pool or tidal flat for intermediate culture so that the seedlings can have sufficient natural food and living space for the growth of the seedlings.

3.3 The cultivation of the middle spawning into the outdoor soil pool cultivation has the following characteristics: the water quality in the earthen pond does not flow, and the lack of food is its shortcoming; the enemy has less harmful organisms, and it is not its advantage to escape. Compared with natural sea areas, the overall growth of juveniles is slow and the survival rate is not high. How to solve the above problems requires further discussion.

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