Phalaenopsis common disease control methods

Phalaenopsis plants produce honeydew, which is prone to cause fungal diseases, leading to yellow leaves. Honey dew is caused by a high humidity environment, which is related to seasons and production varieties. If dew occurs, the producer should turn on the circulatory system in the greenhouse for ventilation, and appropriately reduce the amount of water. In addition, producers should avoid the production of honeydew-prone varieties in certain seasons.

The bottom leaf of the Phalaenopsis plant turns yellow, which indicates that there is a problem with one of the root systems. The top of the healthy root system of Phalaenopsis should be red, this part is like a "drill", which absorbs nutrients from the matrix. If a part of the root system has a problem, it will lead to insufficient nutrient of the plant, which will cause the leaves to compete for nutrients. The bottom leaf will become yellow and wither because of competition.

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