Germany develops new home dialysis machine

Release date: 2009-06-03

A new home dialysis machine Liberty Cycler helps patients with renal failure and end-stage renal disease undergo self-peritoneal dialysis at home, during which the patient is asleep.

The Liberty Cycler is designed to automate peritoneal dialysis (APD), which converts used and fresh dialysate while the patient is asleep, but unlike hemodialysis, the dialysis does not require a needle. During nighttime sleep, the machine fills and empties abdominal dialysis for 3 to 5 times; in the morning, dialysate flows into the abdomen, the catheter is detached from the system, and dialysis is performed during the day. During this time, normal daily activities can be maintained. At night, sleep before the catheter is cycled to perform APD.

The system has a large color touch screen, which is very convenient to operate through picture navigation. It has a special connector to automatically insert into the catheter cavity, which is very convenient for dialysis. It has a small footprint and does not require a specific water pipe. The system was developed by the dialysis machine developer Fresenius, Germany.

Shanghai Medical Device Industry Association

(Triangular leaf Coptis) Ranunculaceae, Coptis. Rhizome yellow, internodes obvious, mostly densely rooted, with transverse stolons. Leaves 3-11; leaf blade ovate, slightly leathery; petiole glabrous. Scapes yellow-green, narrowly ovate, apical apex; petals nearly lanceolate, apex acuminate, Middle slightly widened, with honey groove; stamens long only about 1/2 of the petals; anthers yellow, filaments narrowly linear; style slightly curved. Oval oblong, carpels stalked puberulent. March-April flowering, April-June results. Specialty Chongqing pillars yellow water. Health elevation of 1600-2200 meters between the mountain forest, often cultivated, wild rare. Rhizome is a famous traditional Chinese medicine ("Coptis"), with berberine, Coptidis base, Coptis base, tetrandrine and other alkaloids, can cure acute conjunctivitis, acute bacillary dysentery, acute gastroenteritis, hematemesis, Embolism.

Plant Triangular Leaves Coptis

Plant Triangular Leaves Coptis

Plant Triangular Leaves Coptis

Chongqing Taisun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ,