How long cooked chestnut can be cooked

How long can you cook raw chestnuts? The best place to eat chestnuts in autumn is to achieve the effects of supplementing spleen with Qi, thickening gastrointestinal tract, strengthening gluten and strengthening bones, and preventing cardiovascular diseases. Chestnuts are sweet and have a soft texture. They can be eaten simply by cooking with water. However, many people do not know how long chestnuts must be cooked before cooking. The following Xiao Bian shares with you the time and skills of cooking chestnuts.

How long does it take to cook the chestnut?

Ordinary cooking method: boiled chestnut in cold water, boil over the fire, after 15 minutes, for a small fire, the minimum fire and cook for 15 minutes must be cooked. It's very fragrant, delicious, and tasty.

Use a pressure cooker to cook:

Put the chestnuts in the pressure cooker, don't put too much, put a little water, slow the fire, and there are more than 10 minutes on the line. If it is boiled and not eaten directly, chestnuts will be easily lost due to soaking in water, and they will lose their original sweetness. Another method is to steam, there is no first way to eat, try not to prevent it. Remember to draw a knife on the chestnuts before cooking. The boiled chestnuts are good to see and peel.


Poached chestnuts quickly peeled

1. Before cooking, use a knife to draw a cross opening on the chestnuts. After cooking, the chestnuts will open and it is easy to peel.

2, boiled with water, heat the chestnuts into the cold water and soak for 10 to 20 seconds, pick up the drained water, chestnut skin will shrink because of the cold, it is easy to remove. Similarly, after being cooked, it can be frozen in the refrigerator, and the frozen chestnuts do not have a flavor.

Spicy taste cooking

In addition to the ordinary boiled method, chestnuts can also be cooked using spiced flavored cooking methods. The chestnuts tasted rich.

Steps: Clean the chestnuts, then use a knife to make a thin seam on the surface. Place the chestnuts in the pot, add the appropriate amount of water, add five spices, and cook for about half an hour.

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