Dog days to eat more heat gourd

Whether it is in Chinese medicine or workshops, there are "spring flowers, summer melons, autumn fruit, and winter roots." Introduction of Ancient TCM Health As an extremely common fruit and vegetable melon, it is not only rich in nutrients and nutritious, but also has excellent heat-removing and cooling effects. Absolutely the star of prevention of heat stroke in the dog days.

Chinese medicine believes that winter melon is mild, slightly cold, sweet, with lungs and fluids, phlegm and thirst, eliminate water, heat and heat, detoxification and pus discharge, especially suitable for summer.

Winter melon lotus green bean soup

Efficacy: mung bean, sweet, cold. Is a legume, with heat, relieve heat, the benefits of hydrolytic toxicity. The effect of the soup is to clear heat and relieve heat and dampness.

Materials: Old wax gourd (must be linked to Pi Lianren) 1kg (2 kg), fresh lotus leaves 1/3, lentils 30g, glutinous rice 30g, green beans 50g.

Production: Wash all the ingredients and cut the melon. Lotus leaf, mung bean, lentils, glutinous rice soaked slightly. Put it together in a soup bowl and add 2500ml of water (about 10 bowls). After the fire boils, change to a small simmer, simmer for 2 hours, and add salt or sugar (alkaline or sweet).

Weight: 4-5 people


Winter melon fish

Efficacy: Squid fish is sweet, warm, non-toxic, there is warm stomach and in the middle, Pinggan liver yang, defecate wind, cure carbuncle, cut off malaria, benefit bowel eyes and eyesight effect, the effect of soup for heat and heat, Yang Wei Yi gas.

Ingredients: 500g wax gourd, 400g silver carp, 100g egg white, 1/3 orange peel, 3 ginger slices, and several pieces of coriander.

Production: The melon peeled and went to benevolence. Rinse the fish gizzard from the frying pan until it is slightly yellow, and mix it with a suitable amount of wine to make it savory. Then add boiling water 1500ml (about 6 bowls) and dried tangerine peel, roll through the dried tangerine peel, remove the fish gizzard, and remove the bones. Then add winter melon and fish paste in the wok soup and roll it to freshly cooked. Add egg white, mix with salt and sesame oil, and put it into a pot.

Weight: 3-4 people

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