How hot weather science drink water

The heat came in the volcanic, hot summer season, and the temperature was getting higher and higher. Under high temperature conditions, the body's metabolic rate increases, sweating occurs in a large amount, and minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium are lost more, so that the body of protein, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamin C, thiamine, nuclear The demand for lutein, vitamin A, and water increased. Therefore, pay attention to the timely replenishment of water and these nutrients. So how should we drink water in the summer? What are the misunderstandings of scientific drinking water? Come and listen to what the experts say! 1. Where does the water needed by our body come from and how important is drinking water to us?


Expert answers: Water is the most abundant substance in the human body, accounting for about 60% to 70% of adult weight. Most of the substances in the blood are water, and muscles, lungs, brains and other combinations and organs also contain a lot of water. A person can survive for 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, and 3 minutes without air. It can be seen that water is an important material to the human body after the air.

Water is a good solvent for various minerals, microorganisms, glucose, amino acids, and other nutrients. It participates in the transport of substances in the body. It transports nutrients into the cells and transports the body's metabolic waste. Water is the main component of the body temperature regulation system. The heat generated by energy metabolism in the body is transmitted through the body fluid to the surface of the skin, and excess heat is removed by evaporation or perspiration to keep the body temperature constant. Water also plays a role in lubrication. Joint lubricants, saliva, gastrointestinal mucus secreted by the digestive tract, mucus in the airway of the respiratory system, mucus production in the urogenital tract, etc. are all inseparable. Therefore, in order to be healthy, you need enough water every day.

The water we need mainly comes from three ways:

1. Water to drink: Including white water, tea, beverages, etc. obtained by various ways, we can obtain a lot of water by drinking water, and this part of water accounts for about 60%.

2. Water from food: The diet of the residents of China is mainly plant-based foods, and fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water; in addition, cooking methods such as steaming, stewing, boiling, and frying not only can retain most of the water in foods. We also add some water when cooking, so we can get a certain amount of water from the food. We get about 40% of the daily moisture from food.

3. The body of raw water: refers to the three major production capacity of nutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates) in the body of water produced by metabolism, but also the body to obtain a way to get water, but the proportion is small. 2. Is the drinking behavior of “thirsty before drinking water” correct? How can drinking water be scientific?

Expert answers: Thirsty, often used as a method to determine the body's lack of water, there are some symptoms that your body is already in a water shortage, including headaches, joint pain, muscle pain, constipation; oliguria, urine Strong odor, yellowish urine, etc. We have always believed that when the body needs water for thirst, it needs to drink water. In fact, when the body is thirsty, the body is already in a state of water shortage, and it begins to use the adjustment system to adjust the water balance. At this time, although drinking water can supplement the lost amount, it is not the best time for drinking water, and it is often easy to drink a large amount of water at one time. Gastrointestinal burden, dilute gastric juice and affect digestion.

Drink time should be assigned at any time of the day, the principle is a small number of times, about 200 ml each time. A night's sleep will lose a lot of moisture, although there is no thirst after getting up, but the body will still appear thick due to lack of water. Drinking a glass of cold water (150 ml) after getting up in the morning can reduce blood viscosity and increase circulating blood volume.

People of different ages and genders need different amounts of water. Children and adolescents need to drink 800-1400 ml of water every day, and adults have 1500-1700 ml. 3, the daily choice of pure drinking water or distilled water is good, what impact on the body?

Expert answers: Drinks in daily life include white water, tea, drinks, etc. White water does not contain energy and thirst quenchers. It is the best drink in daily life, and white water is best for white water. White boiled water contains certain minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Although not essential, it can also provide the body with some minerals. The boiled water easily enters the cells through the cell membrane to promote the body's metabolism, increases the hemoglobin content in the blood, enhances the body's immune function, and improves the body's resistance to disease. It is the drinking water that best meets the needs of the human body, and is clean, simple, and economical. The best choice. Mineral water, mineral water, pure water, etc. can also be used as an option, but it should not be used as the main drinking water. 4. Is the habit of drinking ice water in the summer correct? What kind of discomfort can be caused by drinking ice water?

Experts answer: Under high temperature conditions, the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract is weakened, the secretion of saliva, gastric juice and other digestive fluids is reduced, digestive function is reduced, and anorexia and loss of appetite may occur. Drink ice water often, feel cool for a moment, but it will stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. If it is ice water made from unclean water, it is also prone to food hygiene problems.

5. Is it healthy to drink light salt water from summer morning?

Expert answers: Some people have breakfast to drink light salt water, which will increase sodium intake. At present, our intake of sodium in our diet has far exceeded our needs. Increasing sodium intake will increase the risk of hypertension. High temperature heatstroke is mainly due to potassium deficiency, calcium and magnesium. Under normal circumstances, it is not recommended to drink light salt water.

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