Can herbal tea drink regularly?

In summer and autumn, people easily get angry. In order to reduce the fire, some people get up and drink herbal tea every day. Can herbal tea drink regularly? When can't I drink herbal tea?

Herbal tea is a generic term for herbal botanical beverages. Cantonese herbal tea is a representative of herbal tea culture.

Herbal tea refers to cold medicine and herbal Chinese Jianshui that can dissipate heat in human body to drink and drink, to eliminate summer heat in the human body, or to treat diseases such as sore throat caused by dry winter. For herbalists, herbal tea can be said to be "life comes from water and health comes from herbal tea." In addition to heat and detoxification, herbal tea can also go to wet Sheng Jin, clear fire, eyesight, Sanjie, swelling, etc., can also cure head redhead, dizziness, tinnitus, swollen boils and high blood pressure, summer can be used as a cool drink . Cold body should not drink too much, pregnant women and children should not drink herbal tea.


Herbal tea is not always suitable

Physiological women should not drink herbal tea

This is because women's menstrual period is in a state of blood loss, which will consume a lot of iron in the body, and the body is somewhat imaginary. At this time, more iron-rich fruits such as grapes and apples should be added, which is better than drinking cold herbal tea. , Or it is easy to damage the spleen and stomach, showing panting water, dizziness, stomachache and other discomfort.

Expectant mothers should not drink herbal tea

When a pregnant woman is pregnant, if she drinks a stronger herbal tea, it will affect the frequency and frequency of heartbeats, increase the burden on the heart and kidneys, or drink less.

Newborn mother should not drink herbal tea

The maternal body after the production is the weakest, should be the main task of tonic, cold tea, will make the post-natal mother's weak body can not afford, will cause many post-mortem pain.

When children have colds, they should not drink herbal tea

Pediatric experts believe that young children, especially those who suffer from colds and coughs, do not benefit from drinking herbal tea.

Children with colds are usually caused by wind and cold, most of the cause is not a strong anger in the body, in this case if you often drink herbal tea, but damage the spleen and stomach in the middle of the gas and yang, add to the spleen and stomach Deficiency, interfere with the absorption of nutrients It's counterproductive. Poor, nausea, diarrhea and other symptoms appear. Warm fruit should be replaced with grapes.

You should not drink herbal tea before going to bed

Herbal tea has a diuretic effect, such as drinking herbal tea before going to bed, and some people will have similar excitement after drinking strong tea, and it is difficult to fall asleep. And before going to bed to drink too much herbal tea, urine output increased significantly, resulting in more nights, affecting the quality of sleep. Therefore, it is not advisable to drink herbal tea before going to sleep.

You should not drink herbal tea on fasting

Some people think that drinking tea in the morning after getting up in the morning or in the empty air will be more easily absorbed and more effective. Therefore, they like to drink fasting tea. They do not know that this will affect their health. Because fasting drinking herbal tea will dilute the gastric juice is not conducive to digestion. Cold herbal tea will inhibit gastrointestinal activity and reduce appetite, affect the appetite of dinner, but also tend to have adverse reactions of acid reflux, mouth water. Drinking herbal tea on an empty stomach for a long period of time also easily causes stomach pain and weakens gastrointestinal function. The doctor told him to never drink cold tea on an empty stomach.

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