Anemia to eat 5 blood food

If a woman wants beautiful appearance, good looks are a must. The good looks are inseparable from the topic of blood, because women lack of blood, prone to pale, dark yellow, listlessness and Other states. This is not beautiful. Therefore, Xiao Bian here to give the majority of women benefit, recommend several effective blood recipes, allowing you to easily become a goddess.


Longan Lotus Soup

Efficacy: Longan lotus soup can nourish the spleen, soothe the nerves, and nourish the blood. It is suitable for women to moisturize.

Material: longan, lotus seeds

Practice: After the longan and lotus seeds are washed, add appropriate amount of water and cook until the lotus seeds are thoroughly cooked.

Bloody rice red dates porridge

Efficacy: red dates have the effect of blood and nourishment, combined with blood glutinous rice porridge, to blood and Qi.

Material: Bloody rice, red dates, crystal sugar

Method: Wash the bloody glutinous rice and red dates, add appropriate amount of fresh water, boil, add appropriate amount of rock sugar, and boil it into porridge.

Ejiao Sesame Walnut ç¾¹

Efficacy: This diet can kidney, soothe the nerves and benefit the blood.

Material: donkey hide, sesame, walnut, longan

Method: First, 250 grams of gelatin, 250 grams of sesame seeds and 150 grams of walnut meat are added together, and then add 50 grams of longan meat and moderate amount of rock sugar. Steam together for 2 hours. can.

Reference date soup

Efficacy: red dates can make up qi, qi deficiency, moisturizing heart and lungs, Shengjin blood, ginseng complement vitality, Shen Zao Tang has a certain effect on women's qi and blood.

Materials: Red dates, ginseng slices, rock sugar practices: Wash the red dates, and put the ginseng slices together in a small pot, add a cup of water, and simmer for a short time. Then add rock sugar to be dissolved.

Yellow carp soup

Efficacy: Carp is a blood tonic, red dates can nourish the nerves, jaundice qi; yellow carp soup replenishing qi and blood, nourishing the nerves, to adapt to all blood deficiency people.

Materials: 20 grams of astragalus, 1 carp, 10 red dates, salt, ginger, garlic, and oil.

Practice: Wash the astragalus, red dates, garlic slices, ginger washed and shredded, carp slaughtered after going to the intestine miscellaneous, washed and cut spare. Heat the oil in the pan and add it to the bonito, ginger, fry until it is half-cooked, put the red dates and yellow wolfberry into the pot, add fresh water, and boil over the fire. After low heat for 1 hour, season with salt.

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