Newly-produced chickens have to limit production in the winter

Many chicken farmers believe that the higher the egg production rate in winter, the better the egg production rate in winter. In fact, this point of view is unscientific. This is because if the egg production rate of new production chickens exceeds 60% in winter, the moulting phenomenon will stop when the chickens are at the peak of egg production in the coming spring, especially those eggs. The breeder chickens, which collect eggs and breed chicks during the spring season, will bring difficulties to reproductive breeders and affect economic efficiency; even if the new breeds of chickens are not discontinued in the spring, the protein concentration will be thin and the quality will be poor. Affects the hatching rate and the survival rate of the chicks. Therefore, the rate of winter egg production for new production chickens is generally controlled at 40% to 50%.

The method of controlling the egg production rate of new chickens is mainly to adjust the ratio of protein and carbohydrate in the diet. The protein content of feed before egg production should be maintained at 16% to 17%, and the metabolic energy should be kept at 2700-2750 kcal/kg. When the egg production rate of new winter chicken reaches 50%, the protein content in feed should be reduced. To 13.5% to 14.5%, the metabolic energy increased to 2800 to 2850 kcal/kg. In the middle and late January of the following year, the protein content in the feed will be increased to 15.5% to 16.5%, and the metabolic energy will be reduced to 2700 to 2750 kcal/kg. This will allow the new chickens to continue to mature and increase production. The amount of eggs is more conducive to breeding and development of good breeder chickens in the coming year.

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