Please get rid of body odor trouble how to remove body odor

Body odor has become a common disease in our daily lives, especially in the young women population. I always inadvertently smell the pungent smell of body odor, although the phenomenon of body odor will not affect the patient. His body is particularly traumatic, but it will cause unnecessary trouble for their lives and work, and will also cause great trauma to their hearts. What to do if there is body odor? This affects every patient's heart.


How do you get rid of body odor?

First, reduce the skin irritation

Many beauty-loving women like to pull their armpit hair regularly to maintain their beauty, but long-term stimulation of the armpit skin can easily lead to hair follicle hypertrophy. If the large sweat glands are hypertrophic, they can excessively secrete sweat and increase lipid excretion and exudation. At the same time, the armpits are warm and moist, and they are airtight. They are easy to breed and grow bacteria, break down excess unsaturated fatty acids, and increase odors. Therefore, do not pull your armpits often.

Second, after a lot of exercise should be a bath

Many people have the habit of exercising, but it is easy to sweat a lot during the hot summer months. If you do not take a shower in time, it will create favorable conditions for bacteria, and reproduce in large numbers. Odor is inevitable.

Third, usually pay attention to the armpit is particularly clean

When a person with a bad smell is taking a bath every day, it must be thoroughly cleaned. In order to maintain the dryness and comfort of the armpits, it is necessary to create a chance for the bacteria to be washed and diligently dried.

Fourth, adjust emotions

Patients with body odor can not be overly anxious. Emotional anxiety can easily lead to toxin accumulation in the body and aggravate body odor. Many patients find themselves suffering from body odor will consider how to do after body odor, ah, what recipes can cure body odor and the like, or blindly use various remedies to cure body odor, the consequence is that body odor is more and more serious.

Fifth, pay attention to the body detoxification

Patients with constipation should pay special attention to this point, and maintain a smooth bowel movement, remove toxins from the body, and reduce toxins in sweat. This is also a method of reducing body odor.

Six, pay attention to diet

Eat more fruits and vegetables rich in water, drink more lactic acid drinks, avoid eating "flavored" foods, avoid peanut oil nuts, avoid too much red meat.

Seventh, physical method odor removal

Microwave deodorant removal is the use of microwave high-frequency electromagnetic waves, through the treatment of the head contact with the tissue, so that the water molecules in the tissue in the electromagnetic field friction heat production, within a short time to reach 100 °C and spread, so that the rapid local tissue protein coagulation, Necrosis eventually loses its perspiration function to achieve therapeutic goals. This method is suitable for mild deodorant, but the treatment effect is not complete, easy to repeat.

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