This autumn rainy green onions prevent rot

Recently, many vegetable farmers telephoned and reported that many green onions (commonly known as “spin onions”) no longer grow. The tips of the leaves are dry and yellow, and the ridges and earthworms have been removed. The onion roots have been found to be rotten. The author believes that these black onion root tissues are rotted and blackened due to root rot in the onion.

Heavy weighting is a key factor that causes root rot of green onions. Due to the continuous cultivation for many years, the number of pathogenic bacteria in the soil has increased, and diseases caused by heavy pods have been unavoidable, and it is very easy to cause rot of green onions. Affected by the continuous rainy weather, the soil moisture is too large and the air permeability is reduced, affecting the normal breathing of the roots, and the plant's own resistance declines. If the soil is cultivated at this time, resulting in a large number of wounds, pathogens can be used organically, which intensifies the occurrence of diseases.

For the prevention and treatment of root rot of green onions, the author believes that the onion root is buried deep after cultivating green onions and the rooting of the onion after the onset of the disease is not effective. Therefore, the prevention of the early stage is the key.

Before cultivating soil with green onions, biofungus can be applied along with water, such as Ruishen, Feitiansheng, etc., to increase the soil beneficial bacteria and inhibit the infection of pathogens; or to use 58% of metalaxyl manganese zinc 600 to 800 times or 70% of the Cymoxan manganese zinc zinc 800 ~ 1000 times Irrigation; or in the trench soil bacteria poisoning net (enexone + hymexazol), an average of 5 to 6 pounds of land, and then earth. After earth-cultivation, if a diseased plant is found, it is necessary to promptly break the ridge and apply 72% Prec 800 times liquid + 96% hymexazol 3000 times liquid + rooting agent.

In rainy days, it is necessary to pay attention to the drainage of large fields, to avoid the rooting of water and to induce root rot. For pests such as cockroach and green onion, insecticides such as phoxim particles and chlorpyrifos can be used for control. The land that has been planted with green onions for many years should be rotated with other crops, but it cannot be rotated with the garlic and leeks of Liliaceae.

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