Crawford Chongyang goes to health and health for the festive season

Autumn is a season in which the elderly suffer from multiple diseases. At this time, there is a large temperature difference between day and night, and it is easy to induce colds and gastrointestinal diseases. The timing of late autumn, the weather gradually cool, the climate is gradually dry, prone to dry throat, stuffy nose, cough, dumbness, joint pain, dry stool and other symptoms, often referred to as "Qiuzao disease." However, due to the decline of various organ functions, the elderly have poor ability to adapt to the outside world, especially those who are frail and suffer from respiratory diseases and chronic diseases. Therefore, at the time of the change of seasons, older people should strengthen their self-care awareness.

Beware of Qiuzao causes old diseases

Chinese medicine emphasizes that the people of heaven and earth should respond accordingly, and to adapt to four-hours, that is, to adopt appropriate methods of health care according to the changes of the four seasons. Since the weather is dry in the fall, care should be taken to prevent it from drying out. Due to the influence of “Qiuzao,” autumn is particularly prone to respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, bronchial asthma, rhinitis, etc., especially for the elderly with low immunity. To deal with Qiuzao, you can use some methods suitable to their own moistening, such as stone soup.

In addition, the elderly fall health care also prevents relapses. Most elderly people have old diseases. Although some diseases have little to do with their seasons, such as stomach diseases, high blood pressure or high blood sugar levels, they usually have a good condition control. However, they are likely to have problems such as Qiuzao and colds during the summer and fall transitions. It caused the onset of old diseases. Therefore, we must pay attention to the prevention of colds, bronchitis, and other "illnesses" in the fall. We must not take any light on these "small problems."

Avoid blind tonics

Autumn is a season of tonic, and many elderly people are beginning to “stick autumn” at this time. There are many popular science articles on health and health in the society, and the elderly are very concerned about health and health. Therefore, most elderly people are very concerned about these popular science articles, read them carefully, and seriously implement the recommendations therein. However, some views are not suitable for all elderly people and are prone to misleading.

Older people must supplement and treat according to their physical conditions. In health care, we must communicate with doctors more than ourselves. We must not make our own proposals, let alone follow blindly. Some elderly people think that children buy various supplements to their own food is filial piety, in fact, many supplements, especially Chinese herbal supplements are very particular about the cold and heat of physical constitution, and the cold and heat itself is divided into different situations, must be clear before taking it, otherwise it will cause the body's Damage, or even disease, can be described as worthless. The elderly people must eat well and they must consider comprehensively many aspects.

Daily life is often very important

The most important thing for the season is that the elderly must maintain good living habits and must pay attention to the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections. The seemingly small problems such as colds cannot be ignored easily. To achieve "there is always living and eating, having a good diet, not having to work hard (meaning that there is a degree of work and rest), emotional peace," and "keeping both form and deity" is the way to health. In particular, the elderly must do “living in a regular way” during the season, and it is best not to break the existing, established habits and stable life rules. Many elderly people have experienced many discomforts after participating in some tourist activities. This is because tourism on the one hand makes the elderly feel tired and often eats badly and sleeps poorly. On the other hand, the lifestyles before and after the tour and during the tour suddenly changed, and the old people's ability to adapt was poor. Unlike the young people, they can naturally adjust in 3 or 2 days. Therefore, after the trip came back, it was not high blood pressure. , The heart is feeling uncomfortable again, had to go to the hospital to see a doctor.

In addition, the elderly should also pay attention to peace of mind, do not overjoy over worry, avoid the ups and downs of emotions, emotional fluctuations are not conducive to health.

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