How to adjust our dietary clock after an eight-day holiday

After a long eight-day holiday, many people will have gastrointestinal discomfort. This is because eating too much food, irregular life, unreasonable dietary structure, mental stress, and dysbacteriosis are common risk factors for abdominal pain, bloating, and constipation. The holiday season is a good time for these kinds of factors to “gather” and further aggravates the gastrointestinal burden. Studies have shown that: gastrointestinal tract dysfunction will directly affect the person's emotions, people irritability, anxiety, insomnia, not only undermines the festival's good mood, but in turn will increase the variety of gastrointestinal symptoms, forming a vicious circle.

Traditional medicine thinks: "If you want to have a long life, you will always be in the intestines." Post-holiday adjustment of gastrointestinal function requires timely and reasonable balance of dietary structure, which is conducive to the stability of the micro-ecological environment in the intestine. After the festival of “Eating and drinking”, we forgot to prepare a diet and comb our stomachs.

Thin salt light head start. The salt intake of the Chinese is originally high, which is detrimental to the body's normal blood pressure. Potassium is the nemesis of sodium and it helps the body to remove excess sodium. Eat more vegetables rich in potassium, such as seaweed, kelp, mushrooms, asparagus, pea sprouts, lettuce, celery and so on. Reduce fat intake, eat less fried foods, eat lighter foods such as rapeseed, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers, radishes and other tuber fruits, soybeans, peas, beans, bean sprouts and other legumes They contain a certain amount of plant proteins and vegetable fats that are good for human health.

There are many benefits of dietary fiber. After the eight-day holiday, they should eat more crude fiber "multi-residue foods", eat more of such food can eliminate livestock and poultry aquatic products and other "small residue food" on the human body caused by the harm. Foods containing more crude fiber include millet, corn, cereals, peanuts, fruits, cabbage, and radish. Vitamins are important nutrients for the maintenance of human physiological functions, especially vitamins related to brain and nerve metabolism, such as vitamin B1 and vitamin B6. These vitamins are rich in brown rice and wheat. In addition, antioxidant nutrients such as carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E are abundant in various fresh vegetables and fruits.

More water to clear the stomach. Drink plenty of water, give a small impetus to the digestive system during indigestion, speed up the metabolism of the gastrointestinal tract, and reduce the harm to the liver of large amounts of meat and wine. Drinking tea can also clear the greasy gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, reduce the intake of refined rice, noodles, sweets, and sweet pastries.

Select balanced digestion of fruits. Cherry is considered to be a fruit that can eliminate the body's toxins, has a considerable effect on detoxification of the kidneys, and has a laxative effect. Dark purple grapes also have a detoxifying effect, and can help produce mucus in the intestines and remove metabolic waste from the liver, intestines, stomach, and kidneys. Apples contain galacturonic acid, which is also helpful for detoxification, and its pectin can prevent food corruption in the intestines. Strawberries are not high in calories and contain vitamin C to clean the gastrointestinal tract and preserve the liver.

Adjust diet "biological clock." During the holiday season, many people’s meal times are disrupted, and they are often staggered. Every day, they feel that their stomachs are full and their stomachs suffer. The primary task of adjusting the diet is to restore normal dietary habits and to forcefully restore the dietary “biological clock” to return to normal eating time.

Gastrointestinal "burden." Post-holiday staple foods should be based on cereals, can be an appropriate increase in corn, oats and so on. Increase the proportion of dark or green vegetables, drink more porridge and soup, such as fresh green leafy vegetables, millet porridge, noodle soup, etc., may wish to match some pickles, these soups and water have a good "clear fire" role, so that has been "afraid "Heavy weight" gastrointestinal rest adjustment.

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