Counting foods for soothe the nerves

Work stress, stress in life, and excessive workload will overwhelm our brains and overuse our brains. At this time we need to calm our brains. So what kind of food is good for foods that calm the brain?

1, millet

Millet, also known as corn, is sweet and salty and cool. Chen corny taste bitter, cold. Li Shizhen said in the "Compendium of Materia Medica," that millet "congee porridge food Yidan, make-up damage, open the stomach." Its function lies in "spleen, stomach, and sleep."

According to modern medicine, the degree of drowsiness after a meal is often related to the content of tryptophan in the food protein. Tryptophan can cause brain cells to secrete a sleepy serotonin, 5-hydroxytryptamine, which can temporarily inhibit brain thinking and cause drowsiness. The more this substance is secreted by the nerve cells of the brain, the more difficult it is for people. The content of tryptophan in millet dominates all grains, with a tryptophan content of 202 milligrams per 100 grams, which is unmatched by other cereals. In addition, millet is rich in easily digestible starch, can make people feel full after eating, can promote the secretion of human insulin, and further increase the amount of tryptophan in the brain.

2, milk

Milk, also known as milk, is sweet and flat. Milk is an ideal food for treating insomnia. Milk contains tryptophan, a biochemical substance that makes people feel drowsy, and it can make people sleep well. It also adds to the sense of well-being created by the nutrition of milk, which can also increase the effect of hypnosis. Skim milk is the same as non-skim milk. The role.

Modern medical research confirms that when people exercise muscle to stimulate the nerve endings to release calcium during the day, and blood carries it into the sleep center, when the sleep center stores a certain amount of calcium, people feel sleepy and disturbed. This means that there must be enough lactic acid in the blood to drive calcium along with blood flow to the sleep center. Skimmed milk contains calcium and lactic acid, especially in the middle-aged and elderly people. It is difficult for the body to obtain these two active ingredients simultaneously. Therefore, Taking calcium supplements while taking skim milk can enhance its efficacy. The experiment also proved that the general sleeping pills have gradually weakened, and the hypnotic effect of milk is gradually strengthened, especially in the middle of the night, it is more fragrant and sweeter, and it is more ideal for the treatment of insomnia in the elderly.


Lily has lungs and coughs, and has the effect of calming the nerves. Clinically used to treat chronic sputum, sputum, sputum, sputum, fever, residual fever, unrefined fever, virtual annoyance, convulsions, confusion, beriberi edema. “Japan Children's Herbal Medicine” stated that “there is peace of mind, bile, benefit...” According to clinical observations, Lilium has a good effect on neuroses, palpitations, insomnia, and dreams caused by menopausal syndrome.

4, Ganoderma lucidum

Ganoderma lucidum, sweet, slightly bitter, tepid. Good gas, nourishing the mind and calming down the effect of cough and asthma. For insomnia, heart palpitations, forgetfulness embolism. Ganoderma lucidum is a sweet, peaceful product that can benefit heart, heart and mind, increase wisdom, so governance of these various evidence, and can be widely used in all imaginary weakness. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" calls it "therapeutic uselessness". According to the “Chinese Herbal Planting Guidebook”, Ganoderma lucidum “treats chronic diseases such as neurasthenia, insomnia, and indigestion”. "Food and traditional Chinese medicine and the side" introduced: neurasthenia with Ganoderma lucidum 6 ~ 10 grams of decoction, or made of Ganoderma syrup daily work, each taking 20 ml.

Modern research data confirm that: Ganoderma lucidum can enhance the function of the central nervous system, improve coronary blood circulation, increase myocardial nutrition and blood flow, reduce myocardial oxygen consumption and sugar consumption, and enhance myocardial and body tolerance to hypoxia; Ganoderma lucidum can drop Blood lipids, regulate blood pressure, liver protection, there is expectorant cough effect. Ganoderma has a good therapeutic value. Because Ganoderma lucidum has a good sedative effect, it has obvious clinical effects on long-term insomnia, neurasthenia caused by pale complexion, restlessness, mental fatigue, and appearance.

5, pig heart

Pig heart, sweet, salty, flat. There is a calming mind and nourishing the heart. As a nutritive and medicinal dish, pig heart has a long history. Folks are said to "make up for the heart," which is also justified. Pig's heart has twice the protein content of pork, and its fat content is only one-tenth of that of pork. In addition, it also contains more calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins, niacin and other ingredients. It can be used to strengthen the nutrition of myocardium and increase the contractility of myocardium Can cure convulsions, cramps, spontaneous sweating, insomnia embolism.

6, Suanzaoren

Suanzaoren, sexual sweet, flat. Liver, Ningxin, soothe the nerves, sweat effect. Eliminate anxiety, sleeplessness, thirst, and sweating.

Pharmacological studies have confirmed that jujube decoction shows sedation and drowsiness to rats orally or intraperitoneally. Regardless of daytime or nighttime, normal state or coffee-induced excitement, Suanzaoren has sedative and hypnotic effects. The clinical application proves that hypnosis effect can be achieved by using raw materials and frying.

7, 茯苓

Hey, sweet, light, flat. Benefits of water, dampness, spleen, soothe the nerves. "Ben Cao Yan Yi" said: "Oh, blasphemy God, the power of performing water, and the heart and spleen can not be ignorant." "Compendium of Materia Medica" also said: "The descendants of the treatment of heart disease must be used to disobey God. Therefore, Gu Jie Zhang Shi in the wind and guilty conscience, non-disobedient God can not be removed, but you can not cure heart disease."

8, lettuce juice

Lettuce juice, taste with lettuce, bitter, sweet, cool. "Herbal Supplements" called it "Lee's five internal organs, pass the meridians and open up the chest." According to relevant information, the milky white slurry of lettuce stems, leaves and skin has a calming and tranquilizing effect and can help children, middle-aged and old people to sleep. Before going to sleep, the effect of food service is obvious.

9, wheat

Wheat has the function of cultivating the mind and benefiting the heart, especially suitable for women who suffer from neurasthenia, restlessness, insomnia, or those who like to cry, and have few stretches (that is, women's visceral diseases in Chinese medicine). There are ancient Ganmai Dazao soup, with 60 grams of wheat, 15 dates, 10 grams of licorice, 3 bowls of water, fry a bowl, once served before going to bed.

10, rice

The glutinous rice complements blood and warms the spleen and stomach. It is suitable for all those who are physically weak to be consumed by nervous breakdown, especially for cooking porridge, or cooking porridge with red dates. It is best to nourish tonic, warm internal organs, and replenish qi.

11, West Gumi

The sago rice can help the spleen and qi, suitable for all people who are physically weak, or eaten after the post-partum illness. "Civil Garden, small knowledge," said: "The spleen and stomach, chronic illness deficiency, the best food porridge." If with red dates, lotus seeds or walnuts and other porridge eat even better.

12, quail eggs

The meat and eggs of quail have higher nutritional value than chickens. The quail meat contains 24.3% of protein, which is 4.6% higher than that of equal amount of chicken. The quail eggs contain 13.5% of protein, which is 1.7% more than the equivalent amount of eggs. The quail egg is rich in lecithin and is an indispensable nutrient for advanced nervous activities. Therefore, people with neurasthenia should often eat quail eggs and meat.

13. Gentleman's Oil

Dry oyster sauce is also called field chicken oil. It is rich in protein, fat, vitamins and hormones. It is a good nourishing and strong food. It is suitable for energy consumption, neurasthenia, chronic illness, and postpartum frailty. It is mostly used for the treatment of neurasthenia. Such as "Liaoning main herbs" contains: "Treatment deficiency, neurasthenia." "Sichuan Chinese Medicine Chi" also cloud: "governance neurasthenia: gentleman oyster sauce, soil bird's nest, steamed clothes."

14, oyster meat

Oyster meat can treat insomnia, anxiety, and anxiety. "Medical Forest Minor" that: oyster meat "Qingfei fill the heart, nourishing yin and nourishing blood." Cui Yuxi "Eat" also contains: "The night without sleep, voluntary uncertainty." Therefore, people with neurasthenia food quite appropriate.

15, 鳗鲡

Meng Wei, a famous food doctor in the Tang Dynasty, believed that he was “extremely beneficial”. "Daily Materia Medica," said it can "make up the five internal organs," and the ancients used it to treat lung ailments. It is very beneficial to people with neurasthenia and can often cook and fill up with emptiness.

16, locusts

Farmers in northern China often postpone it and fry vegetables and taste like shrimp. It is rich in protein and has a strong nourishing effect. Prof. Ye Kuangquan once described in "Food Herbs and Toilets": "Neurasthenia, aphid powder, 6 grams each time, 2 or 3 times a day, serving after eating."

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