What are the benefits of eating pears

Natural mineral water

Because pears are characterized by a fresh, juicy, sweet and sour taste, the consumption of pears in daily life has a good effect of thirst-quenching. It is because of this that it has the reputation of “natural mineral water”. Especially in the dry season, we often feel itchy skin and dry mouth and nose due to dry weather. At this time, eating a proper amount of pear can effectively relieve these symptoms.

Therefore, experts suggest that in daily life should be appropriate to eat more pears, especially in the autumn and winter and other dry season, this time it is easy to get angry and other symptoms, this time eating pears or stewed pears to drink, it can be effective Alleviate the symptoms of various types of fire. However, experts reminded that since pears are cold and cold, the number of foods eaten at one time should not be too high. In particular, people with weak spleen and stomach should pay more attention to avoid eating raw pears in their daily lives. It is best to eat boiled water with pears.

2. Dry throat

Many people often experience dry throat in their daily lives. There are many reasons for this, besides the frogs caused by the dry climate and the cold. Many people have dry throat and coughing and sputum during the cold. This time, they may try to ease these symptoms by eating a moderate amount of pears.

Some people still experience dryness and itching of the throat due to upper respiratory tract infections. In addition, dry coughs, polydipsia, hot flashes, and other yin deficiency symptoms can also occur. When these symptoms occur, the pears are boiled and boiled. Water, while adding some rock sugar, can effectively relieve these symptoms.

3. Supplement body fluid

Only a large amount of body fluids in the human body can enable us to exercise freely. Once body fluids are scarce or inadequate, it will lead to various uncomfortable symptoms. In particular, it is easy to get angry and dry throat pain, etc., this time to pay attention, we must pay attention to drink plenty of water in order to supplement body fluids, in addition to drinking pear juice can also be added to adequate moisture and nutrition.

When there is a shortage of body fluids, the pears can be squeezed into juice, and a small amount of fat sea, oysters, rock sugar, etc. can be added together to cook and drink. The appropriate amount of drinking has a good alleviating effect on physical health, prone to laryngitis and other symptoms, but also has a good effect of moisturizing the throat and replenishing body fluids. Therefore, on the question of the benefits of eating pears, supplementing body fluids is one of its functions and must be used in life.

4. Adhesion is not cured

Many people are often accompanied by cough and sputum after catching a cold. However, after the cold has healed, it is difficult to heal itself. At this time, some pears can also be eaten to achieve a cure. Add raw pears with rock sugar or honey, and then paste into a paste and serve as a “pear paste”. The amount of edible autumn pear paste in daily life has a good effect in treating hyperactivity and cough.

On the issue of the benefits of eating pears, experts pointed out that these are the most easily overlooked benefits. Although the nutritional value of pears is high, they should pay attention when eating.

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