Solar greenhouse gardening cultivation technology

Endemic is a green leafy vegetable that is dominated by raw food. It belongs to the family Asteraceae and is a 2-year-old herbaceous plant. It is named because of bitter taste. Softened and bitterly, it tastes crisp and refreshing, with a clear fragrance and a bitter taste. However, the unsoftened green leaves have a very bitter taste, coarse texture and poor palatability. The endangered way of eating is mainly raw, and it can also be eaten hot. Its nutrient composition is similar to that of lettuce. The content of calcium and iron is higher than that of lettuce. The growth period is about 60 days.

1. Requirements for environmental conditions

Borage grows robustly with few pests and diseases. The environmental conditions during growth are similar to those of lettuce. But it is more adaptable than lettuce. The suitable growth temperature is 15-20 °C, and its heat resistance and cold resistance are stronger than lettuce. It is difficult to cultivate lettuce in July-August. Echinacea can grow better and can replace the lettuce supply market. Late autumn and winter seasons, bitterness is more tolerant to frost than lettuce and can extend the supply period. The endangered root system is strong and grows strong. It is suitable for growing on loam and clay loam with strong water retention and fertility conservation.

2. Cultivation Techniques

The method of cultivation of lettuce is basically the same as that of lettuce. It can be cultivated for the first anniversary of the year, mainly for seedling transplanting, and it can also be broadcast live in the fall. Where the average temperature of the whole process of nursery is higher than 10°C, nursery can be done in open field. Less than 10 °C to take appropriate protective ground nursery. Here focuses on the cultivation techniques of solar greenhouses.

2.1 Nursery

2.1.1 Preparation before sowing On well-selected plots, apply 60-80 kilograms of organic fertilizer with sufficient decomposed and sieved fineness per 10 m 2 , and mix well with the soil to make it 1.2 m wide. Hey, leveling.

2.1.2 Seeding Seedlings In the nursery bowl, first pour enough water, then spread the seeds, cover 5 mm thick fine soil, and then cover the small arch shed to keep warm. General 667 square meters with the amount of about 150 grams. Seed bed temperature should be maintained at 15-20 °C to facilitate germination and emergence. After most of the seedlings have been unearthed, remove the film (when the temperature is low, remove the film when the first true leaf is exposed) and ventilate properly. Prevent leggy.

2.1.3 seedlings seedlings grow to 2-3 true leaves when the seedlings, seedlings used seedlings should also be fine soil preparation, fertilization, leveling. Split seedlings should be conducted after 4 pm. Density 6-8 cm square. Subsequent sub-seedling immediately watered and shade, in order to ease the seedlings. After watering once every other day, generally 2-3 waters will slow down. Scattered and shaded. Afterwards, loosen the soil once and water it at the right time. When the seedlings grow to 5-6 true leaves, they can be planted.

2.2 Colonization

2.2.1 Choose cornice to choose fertile soil. Formerly fertilize lots of land with strong ability to retain water and fertility to avoid re-evolution. The best forerunner is the legume crop.

2.2.2 Soil fertilization combined with applying base fertilizer, timely turning over the land, pinging, 667 square meters of high quality organic fertilizer 4000 kg, compound fertilizer 20-30 kg.

2.2.3 The planting density is generally planted at a spacing of 20-25 cm and spaced 30 cm apart. It can be planted densely to soften the lower leaves to improve the market quality.

3. Field management

3.1 Watering Seedling stage Seedlings are generally watered with two gentle seedlings. Each time the amount of water grows gradually with the growth of the seedlings. The soil should be kept moist during the prosperous growth period and the water should be properly controlled during the harvesting period.

3.2 topdressing fertility apply fertilizer to the base, if the base fertilizer is sufficient, you can not top-dressing, otherwise, after the hair tree can be followed by a nitrogen fertilizer, 667 square meters of sulfuric acid ammonia 20 kg.

3.3 Diseases and Insect Pests Diseases and pests are few. Insect pests are whitefly, locust, etc., which can be controlled by Aketai. The disease has soft rot and downy mildew, and can be controlled by agricultural streptomycin and trematothedew, respectively. If the use of chemical control should pay attention to the various drugs based on the effective interval.

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