Common problems in the use of locomotive tires

The quality of tire usage is directly related to the length of driving range, whether the locomotive is properly operated and whether the operation is correct. The length of the tire's service life is certainly related to the quality of the tire, but it is also inseparable from the correct use and maintenance of the tire. Therefore, the following issues are considered in the use of the tire:

1. Tyres not used according to their intended use For example, high-pattern tires for paddy field operations cannot be used as substitutes for pattern tires in road transport operations. Otherwise, the vibration of the locomotives will not only be added during transport, but also the life of the tires will be shortened by 20%— More than 35%. In turn, tractors are operated in the field. If the drive wheels do not use high-profile tires, the tire life will be greatly shortened due to the high slip rate.

2. Do not comply with the specifications for inner and outer tires and linings. If the size of the inner tube and lining used does not match the size of the tire, or if new or repaired outer linings are used, install used inner tubes and linings; or use them in broken tires. A new inner tube; or the use of inner and outer tires with different cross-sectional widths, will affect the service life of the tire.

3. Tyre pressure is too high or too low This is one of the most common causes of significant reduction in tire life. When the farmer is idle, the tractors are engaged in short-distance transportation. They do not have spare tires on the vehicle. If the operator finds that the air pressure is insufficient on the way, it usually arrives at the destination before it replenishment. Some robots do not consider the difference between the old and new tires and the difference in air temperature in different seasons, causing explosions due to high tire pressure.

4. Violation of the tire assembly and disassembly regulations as the operator does not operate in accordance with the tire dismantling regulations, resulting in 10% to 15% damage to the outer edge of the tire, and 8% to 15% damage to the inner tube. This will shorten the tire's time compared to normal use. % -16% or more.

5. Radial overload of vehicle overload tires, which is one of the main reasons for early retirement of tires. According to the tire scientific research data, if the load is less than 3% of the allowable value, the tire life can be doubled; overloading 40%, the tire life can be shortened by 50%.

6. Exceeding the allowable speed of the tire Assuming that the speed of 60km per hour for the vehicle is the standard life of the tire, if the vehicle speed per hour is increased to 90km, the service life of the tire will be shortened by 50%. If the vehicle is driven at high speed for a long time, it will cause tire carcass delamination and tread. Tire peeling and carcass prone to thermal breakage.

7. The maintenance of the tires was not timely repaired. Some individual transport specialists only paid attention to the time to catch money, and there were serious wounds on the tires and they were not repaired in time. Most tires can be replaced with 2 to 3 treads, but when worn to the limit, they cannot be repaired even once.

8. The motorists who exchanged positions from time to time did not perform right and left crossover before and after the new car was used for a long period of time. If you use a snow chain during operation, you should also note that the left and right elasticity is consistent. The slippery road section should be dismantled immediately.

9. If the front axle, rear axle, axle shaft, suspension axle, etc. are deformed and worn, the front and rear axles will have a great impact on the life of the tire. These faults will almost shorten the normal tire life by half. Timely processing.

10. If the distribution of loaded goods is uneven, the unevenly loaded cargo can not only make part of the tires overload and accelerate wear, but also can easily implosion tires. It is also prone to rollover accidents and affect personal safety. If it is a tractor-trailer, it will also affect the adhesion of the front drive wheel to the ground.

11. The places and locations where the vehicles are parked are inappropriate: First, the tyres are oiled, the tyres are exposed to acidity, the third is prolonged exposure, the fourth is close to the fire source, and the fifth is that the ground has sharp stones and sharp Hardware, these will hurt the tires.

12. The long-term parking of locomotives and other equipment, if the tires are not vacant, especially when the tire pressure is lower than the specified value, due to the stable deformation, the tire casing will be delaminated and broken in some cases, so that the tire life is greatly shorten.

13. Low driving skills Many new drivers often experience frequent emergency brakes in driving because of lack of experience. They often use emergency starting and high-speed steering and U-turns. They have high car and traction resistance. The wheels are slid for a long time, or they are hastily Through obstacles, some will not choose the road surface and the corresponding speed, which will also affect the life of the tire. If you are driving on pebbles, gravel, or gravel roads, the service life of the tires will be reduced by 30% compared to driving on asphalt roads. If the speed at the time of steering is higher than 10% of the running speed, the tread wear speed will increase by 40%-50%. When the ambient temperature reaches 36°C, if the locomotive reaches 90km/h, the service life of the tire will be shortened to 70%.

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