10 benefits of chili

When the burning sensation of hot peppers blooms on the taste buds; when we fall in love with the feeling of sweating and exhaling, regardless of whether it is cold or heat, north or south, or male or female, the “spicy” becomes unconsciously. The taste of most people is inseparable from life. It caused our appetite to increase greatly, and we thought when we didn’t want to eat it. In the hearty, we quietly took away the pressure accumulated during a busy day. Spicy, in the end there is what kind of food charm, do you really eat spicy?

Eating spicy food not only makes people feel happy. In fact, pepper itself is rich in nutrients and has many health effects. Professor Shen Yanying, deputy head of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Medical University, pointed out that, first of all, the vitamins and types of vitamins in peppers are extremely abundant. In a small pepper, vitamins A, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, carotene, folic acid and other vitamins are all included. Second, peppers also contain calcium, iron and other minerals as well as dietary fiber. Combined with various domestic and foreign research, the benefits of eating chili peppers are as follows:

1, appetizers and digestion. Pepper can promote the secretion of digestive juices and increase appetite.

2, warm stomach cold. "Food Herbs," said that pepper can warm the stomach. If you have symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and stomachache in the cold, you can eat some peppers properly.

3, promote blood circulation. Pepper has a certain medicinal properties, so it can "in addition to the wind and sweat, phlegm, dehumidification." Interpretation with modern medicine is to promote blood circulation, improve cold, frostbite, vascular headache.

4, skin beauty. Pepper can promote hormone secretion and improve skin condition. Many people think that eating spicy food will cause acne. It is actually not a problem with hot peppers. Only the physique that loves pimple itself will only burn the broth when the chili is eaten.

5, lipid-lowering diet. Capsaicin accelerates lipolysis, and abundant dietary fiber also has a certain lipid-lowering effect.

6, pain relief heat. Pepper is warm and can reduce body temperature through sweating and relieve muscle pain, so it has a strong antipyretic and analgesic effect. The United States found that capsaicin can reduce the transmission of painful neurotransmitters, making people feel less painful.

7, against cancer. Capsaicin can accelerate cancer cell death without harming healthy cells.

8, protect the heart. Eating chili regularly can delay the development of atherosclerosis.

9, lower blood pressure. The latest animal experiments in Britain found that capsaicin can reduce blood pressure, but the exact mechanism is not yet clear.

10, is beneficial to diabetes. For certain symptoms of type 1 diabetes, capsaicin may play a mitigating role.

Healthy eating chili teach you four tricks

1, the best pepper cooked to eat.

There are chili peppers, fresh peppers, pickled peppers and other types of pepper, Shen Yan Ying suggested that it is better to eat fresh peppers, because of which more nutrients. In addition, the best pepper cooked to eat. Because raw pepper contains a large amount of capsaicin, it may stimulate the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. After heating, there will be less gastrointestinal irritation.

2, spicy spicy food.

From the taste point of view, there are spicy, hot and sour, mustard and hot pepper. The spicy heat of pepper is added to the spicy, making it easier to get angry and eat less. The capsaicin in the pepper is less; the vinegar in the hot and sour has detoxification and reduces the chance of getting angry, so you can eat more.

3, with the solution of spicy food under fire.

Although spicy, too much to eat, it is also a bit overwhelming. Professor Li Runguo, deputy dean of the School of Engineering and Technology of Shenyang Normal University, and a professor of food science, taught everyone how to eat spicy food: eat sweet and sour foods. Sweetness can cover and interfere with spicy taste, and acid can neutralize alkaline capsaicin. Feeling too hot, it's useful to have some vinegar, a cold, sweet drink, and cool fruit. If you are doing spicy food at home, you should try to match the food with nourishing yin, dryness, and diarrhea, such as duck, shrimp, squid, bitter gourd, loofah, cucumber, etc. You can also cook some cool mung bean porridge and lotus leaf porridge. To defeat the fire.

4, spicy depends on the constitution.

For peppers, the degree of tolerance varies according to the individual's physical fitness. People with cold hands and feet and anemia can eat more properly. People with stomach ulcers, esophagitis, and acne, as well as yin and wang, often suffer from constipation and long acne. In addition, peppers have a dampness effect, northerners also eat less in the spring and autumn.

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