Castor Longhorn

The scientific name Paraglenea fortunei (Saunders) is a Coleoptera, Cerambycidae. Widely distributed all over the country. Host ramie, mulberry, hibiscus and so on. Injury features adult leaf petiole, young shoots, resulting in tan-colored spots or biting off the shoots. The larvae feed on the base or underground stems of the ramie during the entire growth period, destroying the transmitting tissues, affecting the transport of water and nutrients, and causing the site to become black or dry.

Morphological characteristics Adult body length 11-17mm, antennae and body length or slightly longer. The male adult coleopteran has a sharply rounded tip; the female adult is blunt, with a slightly longer abdominal belly and a longitudinal groove in the ventral surface. The pronotum is light green with 2 round dark spots on the side. There are light green and black spots on the elytra. Some elysates have 3 dark spots. They are located at the base, in the middle of the middle or at 1/3 of the front. There is a light green spot in the middle of the 3rd spot; There are 2 dark spots on it. Egg length 1.9mm, long oval, yellow-white, later turned yellow-brown. Larvae body length 25mm, milky white, reddish-brown head, the first half of the prosthodontic plate smooth, with yellow-brown bristles, the latter half with a brown grain consisting of convex lines, back chest and abdomen l-7 section on the back of each long ellipse A horizontal concave pattern, surrounded by brown spots. The dragonfly is 14-20mm long, yellowish-white, and has two brown rings at the end.

Living habits are born for 1 generation, and larvae live in the hemp roots 10cm below the ground. The overwintering larvae in the Yangtze River Valley began to phlegm in March and entered the peak of phlegm in early May. Adults were gradually emerged from mid-April to late May. In mid-May, adult eclosion emerged. During the middle of May and early June, spawning occurred. In the middle and late June, the larvae hatched. Adults mostly emerged in the morning and then crawled out of the soil. The body wall and coeling wings hardened and climbed onto the hemp plant. Suddenly fly or fall to a false death when touched. After 3-5 days of eclosion, copulation and spawning are started. The eggs are prolific in the hemp plant about 3 m above the ground. The eggs are produced between xylem and phloem of the stalk, and only 1 grain is produced in each spawning hole. Grain, about 30 grains per woman. The newly hatched larvae first injure the phloem tissue, and after 7-10 days, they invade into the pith part of the stem and invade down to the roots of the faucet and the root of the pole, and feed on the palsy. In the event of an outbreak, there are 3-8 larvae in the l larvae. After the larvae are matured, they first bite a hole in the root, and then they are plugged with morselite or feces to remove the larvae.

Prevention and control methods (1) Use artificial adult death and carry out manual killing in the morning or evening of adult emergence. (2) When harvesting hemp, cut the hemp strains on the ground and eliminate some eggs and larvae. Try to kill the newly hatched larvae by exfoliating the larvae during the hatching of the larvae or by combining the larvae with drugs. When arranging new Ma Tian, ​​the species need to be free of insects. In order to prevent sesame seedlings from spreading Tianniol, the species that are chopped in winter should be soaked in cold water for 24 hours, dried and then planted. (3) Prior to adult spawning, spray (sprinkle) 2.5% B energetic powder of 1–1.5kg or 90% crystallized trichlorfon 1000ml every 667m 2 , starting from around Ma Tian and gradually moving towards the middle. Prevent adults from escaping the field. (4) If necessary, use 90% crystal trichlorfon 700-800 times solution or 10% tea seed cake dipping solution to pour into the paralyzed part and kill the newly hatched larvae.

In fact, this is a botanical product that can replace cigarettes. As everyone knows, traditional cigarettes can cause a lot of harm to people's health, such as lung cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. With the development of the times, people's understanding of health has become more and more profound, and more and more attention is paid to their own health. Therefore, traditional cigarettes have been abandoned by more people, replaced by electronic cigarettes, and technologies that do not burn. Healcier was born like this. Compared with ordinary electronic cigarettes, it is more friendly to human health, so more people are turning to this revolutionary product.

Electronic Cigarette

Smoking Alternatives,Electronic Cigarette,Plant Cigarette Alternative,Plant Extracts Cigarette

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