Winter melon kiln preservation five points

The melon kiln preserves five points for keeping fresh wax gourds with high yields. The cultivation in our country is very extensive. At the peak of autumn harvest each year, the price of manganese often falls. Storage preservation is an important means to ensure long-term supply of wax gourd and regulate market surplus. Through the melon storage, you can extend the sale and supply period of melon, and maintain the value in the off-season. The methods of storage are various, among which the cellar is relatively simple and easy to store and has a long storage time. First, suitable storage conditions. The melon is warm and heat resistant, and it is a cold-sensitive vegetable. It is suitable for storage: the temperature is 10-15°C, the relative humidity is 70-75%, and it is well ventilated. It is stored at about 10-15°C and can be stored for several months. Melon is not tolerant to low temperature storage and cold damage occurs below 10°C. However, if the storage temperature is too high, the respiration rate will increase, the tissue will soon become soft, the pathogenic bacteria will multiply rapidly, and the storage period will not be long. Second, the preparation of storage melon. Melon water content is higher, tender melon and over ripe melon should not be stored, so the storage of melon requires nine mature, thick skin, thick meat, dense texture, good quality, shiny surface, covered with waxy varieties. Store melons can not be frosted, during the growth should be under the paving slabs or hanging in the air, and to prevent sunlight exposure, irrigation is not allowed 1 week before harvest. Before going into storage, gourd must be protected from rain. Harvest 3-5 cm of guava when harvesting. When you select a cool weather, use scissors to pick it up in the morning. In order to prevent melons and melons from colliding with mechanical damage and causing microbial infestation, the melons are packaged in newspapers. During the handling process, care should be taken to prevent scratches and bumps. Special attention should be paid to preventing the falling and rolling phenomenon, so as to avoid internal damage to wax gourd and cause great hidden troubles in storage. Third, the preparation of storage kiln. The construction of storage kiln is mostly semi-underground, that is, the height of the kiln chamber is about 3.6 meters, and the surface of the ground is 1.8 meters above and below. There is a kiln window around and it is open to facilitate ventilation and ventilation. The size of the storage kiln is determined by the amount of wax gourd stored. The construction of this structure has the characteristics of high temperature, coolness, easy ventilation, and easy control of dry humidity. Before the preparation of gourd storage 2-3 days before the library should be a complete disinfection and sterilization: After the potassium fumonite smoke fumigation kiln library sealed treatment, and the library temperature dropped to 13 °C, and then need to store the winter melon into the library. Fourth, the melon's display. Select ripe wax gourd that has been carefully selected and neatly and undamaged to be stored or racked in the warehouse. It is best to use shelf and place it in a single layer. The storage of winter melon because of better ventilation, the corresponding better than heap storage, but shelf storage of melon should also be placed on the storage rack first soft and ventilated ventilation materials such as hay, and then put the melon. When stacking, you should first put hay or straw on the bottom of the warehouse, and then put melon on top, usually not more than 3 layers, so as not to damage the pressure. Leave aside when stacking for inspection. In the process of laying, it is advocated how long the winter melon field is, and how to put it in the cellar, that is, according to the state of melons growing in the field, to perform the same state display, and must not be misplaced, because the melon melon has been adapted to the direction of gravity, and it is not easy. Laceration occurs and storage time can be longer. Fifth, remove the disease melon. During the storage period, it is necessary to pay attention to the inspection of the cellar, and check the cellar of the soft, moldy and rotten melon at any time to prevent the spread of germs. At the same time, the winter melon around the diseased melon was detected and stored separately and disinfected. Melon storage period, as long as you can grasp the temperature and humidity conditions, generally can be stored for 3-4 months or more.

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