Dog breeding techniques

First, thoroughbred start. The following varieties can be referenced, selected, tested, promoted and promoted throughout the country: Tai Hang Dogs. Taihang dogs are 55 to 60 cm tall, 28 to 32 kg in weight, and 40 kg in maximum weight. Resistance to rough feeding, fast growth, beautiful appearance, good meat quality. Chow Chow. Adult weight 50 ~ 55 cm, weight 25 ~ 30 kg, maximum weight 40 kg up and down, head large and round, tall and fat, superior fur, excellent flesh taste, is the ideal combination of skin and meat. Scorpion dogs. Adult body height of 55 cm up and down, adult body weight 25 to 30 kg, maximum body weight of about 40 kg, body size, hair density, resistance to crude feeding, cold resistance, good meat quality, is one of the better breeds of meat dog family. Dali dog. Adult body height 40-50 cm, weight 17- 25 kg, thick skin, wrinkles, head, such as hippo, mouth large, thick limbs, obesity, tail Alice, ugly and lovely, excellent meat quality, for Chinese and foreign dogs lovers and meat One of the beloved treasures used by dog ​​farms and households. Lower dog. It is about 55 centimeters tall and adult up to 25 kilograms in body weight. It has short body hair, well-developed limbs, white jade, red eyes, nose, and tongue, double eyelids, and beautiful poles. It can be described as a "national treasure." It is used for meat, hunting, and viewing. For one of the ideal multi-functional varieties. Pork dog. Adult body height about 45 cm, weight 15 to 16 kg, the first such as tubular, short back, rolled fat, its uniqueness is live when the dog, like a pig after slaughter, both taste when the smell of pork, but also The savory flavor of dog meat, delicious meat, people commonly known as "pork dog", is a table very popular, very competitive meat dog treasures. Tibetan mastiff. The adult body is 80 centimeters tall and stands almost the same height as a man. It weighs about 100 kilograms and is placed in front of a human lion as a male lion. Using its male dog to breed with other breeder dogs can breed new breeds of dog. One of the breeding directions.
Second, the omnivorous feed feeding experience of comprehensive breeding, meat dog efficient feeding must implement the "mix of omnivorous food, full price balance, classification fine feeding" principle, the specific feeding standards: dog, weaning puppies, young dogs, empty bitches, The crude protein ratios of pregnant female dogs, recreational dogs, and breeding dogs were 22% to 23%, 18% to 20%, 15% to 17%, 14% to 15%, 15% to 16%, and 15%, respectively. From 16% to 18%, the digestive energy ratios were 3.1-3.2, 3.1, 3, 3.1, 3.1, 3, 3.1, 3, and 3.1 megacalories, respectively. And according to the local system in detail formulated a variety of dogs, various stages of development of specific feed formulations. The entire formula is based on the formulation of puppies and young dogs that are in a special development stage and determine the success or failure of the entire breeding process. The puppies are: 40% corn or rice, 10% soybean cake or peanut cake, 10% bran or rice bran, 10% sweet potato or sorghum, 8% peanut shell flour, 6% bone meal, 10% fish meal or animal waste. Vegetables 4%, auxin 1%, salt 1%; young dogs according to: 36% cornmeal or crushed rice, bean cake or peanut cake 12%, wheat bran or rice bran 12%, peanut shell powder 9%, sweet potato noodles or sorghum noodles 12 %, fish meal or animal waste 8%, bone meal 2%, vegetables 8%, salt 1%, plus an appropriate amount of VAVD and trace elements. Relaxed male dogs and females with empty arms are reduced accordingly, and breeding dogs and pregnant bitches are increased accordingly. As a result of the operation, the overall growth and development of the dog population gradually became better, and it quickly entered the track of safe, rapid and efficient development.
Third, scientific management. "Love" dogs, science "keeping" dogs, is an important part of efficient production. This implementation of scientific management, dog industry has achieved good results every year. General management. Mainly kennel, environment, dog health and health movement in several aspects. It is required that the husbandry and management personnel should regularly clean and disinfect the kennels, maintain good ventilation and light, and appropriate humidity and temperature; the kennels should be planted trees, cut flowers, plant grass, purify, green, and beautify, so that the dogs have a good ecological environment. The dog's tableware was cleaned and daily disinfection was performed; the grooming was performed in a timely manner; the medicinal bath was promptly before summer and there was a health exercise every day.
Seasonal management.
Spring: Spring is the estrus mating, breeding and moulting season for meat breeders. It is also the season when the growth and development of commercial meat dogs are most prosperous. It is also a season in which dogs are susceptible to disease and have a high incidence. At this time, attention should be paid to strengthening the estrus dogs. Control, management, and planned breeding; timely injection of rabies and H. canis vaccine for dogs, prevention of disease and disease prevention.
Summer: Summer is hot, it is a season of high incidence of infectious diseases and parasitic diseases, and dog food should be mildew. In view of this, attention should be paid to the drying and ventilation of kennels, cooling of dogs during summer, disinfection of leftovers, deworming of dogs, Dog disease prevention, prevention, treatment.
Fall: Fall is the second breeding season for dogs, and it is also the season when there is a large amount of wool and nutritive winter storage. The quality of feed should be increased in a timely manner to improve the breeding rate, conception rate and birth rate of dogs. The kennels and dogs are hygienic, keep the skin and coat clean, promote smooth hair replacement and prevent skin diseases; at the same time, do a good job during the autumn and winter seasons during the exchange of dogs for insecticide, cold protection, cold prevention and health care.
Winter: The cold winter is the season when the dog breeds and rests. It is also a season of high incidence of respiratory diseases, rheumatic diseases, and viral infectious diseases. It is necessary to strengthen the dog nutrition in time, keep the doghouse warm, sanitize, and dog outdoors. Activities and disease prevention work.
Classification management.
Breast-feeding dogs: Observe the first four days after birth. The guard dog is crushed or crushed by the bitch and pay attention to see if it is breast-feeding. After five days, the mother and child can enjoy the sun to facilitate the growth and development of bones and prevent osteomalacia. 12 to 13 Anti-glare protection against eye-opening at the beginning of the day; after 20 days, the mother and child can be allowed to exercise at the activity site, and the insects are promptly dewormed after 30 days, and then the insects are repelled once a month; the coat is washed once a week on a hot day to keep the body surface clean.
Puppies: Poultry weaners are transferred to the initial stage of self-feeding. They often have fear of the outside environment and people. The breeders should treat each other kindly and train them to take a rest and defecate regularly; keep the kennels dry and pay attention to excrement inspection. When the 60-day-old vaccine is vaccinated in time.
Young dogs: At this stage, the growth and development of dogs is fast, and nutrient consumption is high. It is necessary to adjust in time, increase the quality of feeds, strengthen health management and health inspections, and appropriately reduce exercise so as to facilitate rapid fattening.
Pregnancy bitches: Attention to regular feeding, moderate exercise, and prevention of obstetric diseases are mainly aimed at strengthening the body and preventing miscarriage.
Nursing female dog: The focus is on grooming and cleaning, nipple disinfection, delivery room hygiene, and outdoor activities to ensure that the mother and child are quiet and comfortable.
Male dogs: Emphasizing single-circle breeding, ensuring nutrition, regular activities, and making them have a strong constitution and prosperous breeding ability.
Diseased dogs: Requires timely identification of the condition, prescribes remedy, care, and rehabilitation as soon as possible.

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