It is not good for pigs to feed bran for a long time

Pigs that cause nutritional diseases generally occur in bran fed continuously for about 2 months. The surface of the pigs is like eating bricks and foreign bodies at the beginning of the illness. The weight of the hind limbs alternates during feeding, and the wooden trough of the magpies, followed by loss of appetite and inconvenience to walk. , lying more than a few. Severe persons sitting on the hind legs during feeding, difficulty walking, poor appetite, individual cases are also accompanied by fever, malnutrition occurs in piglets, and can only grow up to 15 kilograms in weight in 4 months and nutrient delirium occurs.

Although bran is a good concentrate, it has one of the biggest drawbacks: it is less calcium than phosphorus (1:8). When long-term use of large amounts of bran or wheat bran alone, the calcium content of the diet is difficult to maintain the nutritional needs of pigs (finishing requirements per day for finishing pigs: 20-35 kg body weight requires 8.4 g, 35-60 kg 11 g body weight, 60-90 kg body weight 13 g), it is easy to cause calcium deficiency disease.

In order to avoid the occurrence of this disease, it is best to give the pigs mixed (mixed) feed in places where conditions permit. Where bran is used more, some calcium-rich feeds such as eggshells, stone powder, bone meal, and shell powder should be properly fed into the feed. When this disease occurs, the proportion of feed must first be adjusted.

The eggshells were 10-15 pieces per day, and were mixed and chopped for 3 times after grinding. After 2 weeks, the eggs were appropriately reduced or stopped according to the disease condition. In addition, intravenous calcium injections or oral cod liver oil can also be used. Intravenous injection is mainly performed with 10% calcium gluconate or calcium chloride injection. It is injected once every other day, each time with an intravenous injection of 20-40 ml. Weak in the use of calcium chloride should be added appropriate amount of glucose injection, mixed slowly intravenously, generally used 3 to 4 times, severe use 5 to 6 times.

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Ningbo DOKEE Medical Technology Co., Ltd. ,