Litchi Orchard Rational Fertilization

Reasonable fertilization is based on the age, tree vigor, growth and development stages of litchi to determine the type of fertilization, matching ratio, fertilization time, frequency, fertilization and fertilization methods, etc. Rational fertilization is the technical prerequisite for early litchi, high yield and stable yield of litchi. .

Litchi is a tree species that requires a relatively high amount of fertilizer and will meet its needs on an annual basis. In addition to the winter basal fertilization in young trees, in the growing season to emphasize ground facilities, thin application, each time the shoot should be applied 1-2 times the fertilizer, to decompose manure or compound fertilizer, the right amount of urea. The application of foliar fertilizer is also very important, because the sapling root system is not well-developed, and the leaves can absorb fertilizer through the stomata, cell gaps, and cell membranes. The foliar fertilizer can be sprayed 8-10 times a year, and sprayed when the new shoot leaves turn green. Use the best effect.

The results of tree fertilization in the annual cycle is divided into two major phases, one is the fruit before and after the harvest to the shoot, the results of the mother branch stage, this stage because of fruit consumption more nutrients, in order to ensure the restoration of tree vigor as soon as possible, Withdrawing the shoot normally, it is generally required that a quick-acting fertilizer be applied before the fruit is harvested, and each autumn shoot should be applied with 1-2 fertilizers to make it pump a strong autumn shoot. During the period of attacking, available nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers can be applied. However, after the last autumn shoot turns green, avoid applying fertilizer to the soil. Also, avoid applying fertilizer to farmhouses prematurely in October-December, otherwise it will cause the withdrawal of winter shoots. The farmer's home fertilizer in January was more reasonable. After each new leaf turns green, foliar fertilizers (such as complex nucleotides, etc.) can be sprayed to make branches and leaves more robust. The other stage is flowering and fruit setting period, should pay attention to reasonable fertilization to flower and fruit protection, flowering period to phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, less nitrogen fertilizer, to avoid the occurrence of "shooting" and spring shoots, affect the flower The quality of spraying a cytokinin such as Litchi Paulownin 15 days before flowering can make flower spikes robust and improve the quality of flowers; in the fruit setting period, especially in the later period of fruit development, the rapid growth of pulp consumes a lot of nutrients. The tree's nutrition is seriously deficient, and timely addition of tree nutrients will play an important role in strengthening the fruits and reducing pre-harvest fruit drop. Litchi Garden must also emphasize the application of organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer, commonly known as farmyard manure, is a complete nutrient fertilizer that can meet the demand for various nutrient elements for the normal growth and development of litchi. At the same time, organic fertilizer can improve soil conditions in Litchi Garden. , make the soil loose and breathable, is conducive to drainage and moisture. If only a certain chemical fertilizer is applied for a long time, the nutrient elements in the fertilizer are not comprehensive, the required nutrition is not obtained in the litchi, and the growth results are all poor. At the same time, the soil becomes hard, the permeability is poor, and it is vulnerable to drought. Therefore, the litchi garden must pay attention to the application of organic fertilizer. .

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