Peacock breeding technology

The biological characteristics of peacock

Peacock inhabits open savanna below 2000 meters above sea level, or grows on highland areas where bushes, needles, broadleaf trees and other trees are open. It is especially fond of activities near the coast of the river and in the open air. The distribution of green peacock is mainly in southern Yunnan, China, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Indonesia, and blue peacock is mainly distributed in India and Sri Lanka.

The peacock's feet are strong, good to go and fly without good, climb blunt, dig the earth well, mouth hard. The upper jaw was bowed and the wings were short-circular, and the knots were active. Enemies can also make short flights. Common 1 male with 3 ~ 5 females, activities with the chicks, males in front, nestlings in the middle, females in the back, walking up and down nod, and continue to stretch their necks looking around. The wild peacock has a fixed feeding time. In the early morning, when the mist and fog have not yet dispersed, they quietly come to the river to drink water, comb their feathers, and then forage. At noon, they hide in the shade and rest. Fixed branches. The peacocks are miscellaneous, eat the seeds of plants, rice, sprouts, grasses, etc., and also eat some berry and pods, cockroaches, and moths. The peacock’s life span is 20 to 25 years. The 22-month-old peacock begins mating.

For artificial breeding of peacock, some necessary environmental conditions should be created according to habitat and living habits. Peacocks can be paired or bred with two or three females in the same cage and can also be raised in large areas. Request fixed feeding. The building is generally 5 meters 5 meters 5 meters, the stadium should be large, fenced with barbed wire. The stadium is suitable for land use, and it needs to be shaded by trees. It is better to use hard sand at the bottom of the house, and perches at about 2 meters. The building requires a south-facing location and is slightly elevated and well lit.

The growth and development of peacocks

According to the measurement of the mouth peak length, wing length, length, body length, and body weight of peacocks ranging from 1 day to 60 days, the average daily gain can reach 9.79 grams during the growth period of peacock 60 days old. The average daily growth of the body length is 0.517 cm. The fastest growth is the tail length, followed by body weight, wing length, body length, and length. The slowest growth rate is the mouth peak length. The 15th to 40th day of age was the peak period of body weight and body length growth, and the 105-day-old young peacock showed an open screen phenomenon.

Peacock feeding technology

Brooding Peacock Feeding and Management The newly hatched chicks were tan feathers with a slightly deeper top and back, and a lighter belly. There were dark brown flying feathers when hatched. Due to the weak and delicate body of the young, it requires relatively high ambient temperature and high nutrition. At the same time, it requires special management.

Manual brooding requires brooding cages, brooders, sinks, and food troughs. Keep cages and equipment thoroughly sterilized before brooding. The temperature should be controlled flexibly according to the chick's age and performance. In general, it is from 1 day to 10 days at 34°C to 38°C, from 11 days to 20 days at 28°C to 26°C, and from 21 days to 30 days at 26°C to 24°C. Later, with the increase of peacock age, the increase in feathers, cold resistance gradually strengthened. After 1 week, when the weather is fine, the peacock can be placed outdoors to slowly adjust to the outside environment, weather, and temperature.

The peacock is a newly hatched bird that can feed on its own after hatching. Allow yourself to drink some low potassium permanganate water before eating. The chicken feed is then fed (with a crude protein requirement of 22.5% or more). From 1 day to 10 days of age, feed 4 times a day. At the same time, cooked chicken yolk, mealworm and chopped green feed were added to the chicken feed. At the age of 11 days to 30 days, 3 times a day, chicken eggs were appropriately fed with cooked eggs, green feed, and flour insects. After 31 days of age, feed 2 to 3 times a day. Feed can be properly added sorghum, mealworms, flour insects and so on. The content of cooked eggs in feed gradually decreased until the end of 60 days of feeding, 90 days after the same feeding as adult peacock.

The daily management of young peacock requires very detailed. Try to keep the environment quiet and noisy. Build food condition reflections gradually. Daily morning should be carefully observed the temperature, the young state of the spirit and feces, so that timely detection of problems and timely treatment. The cages require cleanliness and ensure that there are sufficient health care sands for peacocks to eat freely. Food troughs and sinks are cleaned daily. Wash and disinfect once a week. Since the peacock wing feather grows fast, it can fly after 1 week and measures should be taken to prevent flight. In addition, during the entire breeding period, regular epidemic prevention should be conducted, regular deworming, and regular disinfection.

Adult Peacock Feeding Management The daily management of adult peacocks is mainly for cleaning cages, premises, feces, and eating utensils. Feeding should be scheduled, can not be arbitrarily changed, so that peacock life has a certain rule. The peacock's feed mainly consists of three parts: pellets, mixed feed, and green feed. Pellets are mainly sorghum, corn, barley, pockmarks, etc. The pellet basins should be large and heavy aluminum pots to prevent them from being peated. Mixed feed consists of various energy feeds, protein feeds and bone meal, calcium powder, trace elements, and various vitamins. Green feed refers to all kinds of leaves, tender grass, fruits and so on. When brooding, add appropriate amount of minced meat, cooked eggs, etc., first chop it, add appropriate mix and mix well, call it soft material, soft material can be fed alone, but also can be fed into green feed. Peacocks in the breeding season, moulting period, vitamin B1, B2 and vitamin E should be properly increased, as well as shells, bone meal and other mineral feed. The peacock's feed is mainly composed of pellets, mixed (soft material) and blue-green materials. Pay attention to the feed intake of peacock every day, and adjust it the next day to reduce waste.

Four Seasons Management Spring: The weather is gradually warmer and the sunshine is gradually lengthening. It is the breeding season for peacock courtship and mating spawning. At this time, the peacock has a large amount of exercise and a large feed intake. It should increase the amount of feed, increase the level of nutrition in the feed, supplement the egg yolk, flour insects, fish feed and various vitamins, and increase calcium and phosphorus and other mineral feeds. At the same time, it is required to set up egg nests in cages to prepare for spawning. Summer: Summer is hot and rainy. The brooding spawning gradually ceased. The management focus was on preventing the heatstroke and cooling. No tree shade was needed to take a arbor. The feed should increase the proportion of green feed. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly change the water and wash dishes and basins. Soft materials should be prevented from deterioration and pellets should be prevented from mildew. Fall: Shorter days of sunshine and lower temperatures. Peacock began to moult, the proportion of oil seeds should be reduced in the feed. Management mainly prevents the occurrence of various diseases and parasitic diseases. At the same time, it is necessary to prepare for wintering, such as cage decontamination and cold insulation measures. Winter: The climate is cold and the sunshine is short. The proportion of soft crop seeds should be increased in feed. At the same time should pay attention to cold, more sun.

Prevention and treatment of common peacock diseases

Infectious diseases of peacocks include chicken Newcastle disease, chicken marek, chicken white plague, fowl pox, and so on. In addition, various kinds of parasitic diseases occur in the body and in the body. In order to avoid the occurrence of these diseases, we must first strictly perform daily health work. In spring and autumn each year, we must thoroughly clean and disinfect the sand, thoroughly remove the sand from the cage, and then dispose of the new sand after disinfection. Pay attention to moisture in the rainy season, and regular feeding deworming drugs, usually half a month to a month for a course of treatment. In order to prevent enteritis, 0.1% potassium permanganate water can be fed properly.

Peacock aureus disease

The main symptoms of clinical peacock peacock show no spirit, loose feathers, half-closed eyes, anorexia, standing before standing still, later moved to the ground, like a lot of drinking water. Always have severe diarrhea, ranging from grayish white, greenish white, pale yellow to watery stools. Body temperature is from 42.8°C to 43.5°C. The course of disease lasted 4 days to 5 days, and finally the dehydration died.

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[Name] Medical Cold Patch
[Package Dimension] 10cm×12cm 2pieces/box
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Do not apply the patch on the problematic skin, such as wounds, eczema, dermatitis,or in the eyes. People allergic to herbs and the pregnant are advised not to use the medication. If swelling or irritation occurs, please stop using and if any of these effects persist or worsen.notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Children using the patch must be supervised by adults.
[Storage Conditions]
 Store below 30c in a dry place away from heat and direct sunlight.

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