Making of fresh cactus

Material selection → decolonizing, cleaning, peeling → cutting → crisp → salt water blanching and color protection → desalting → bagging.

Operation points: Selecting materials: The raw materials for fresh vegetables can be divided into two types. One is a tender palm piece that grows for 30-35 days, and the other is an old palm piece that grows for more than 2 months. No matter which kind of palm piece, it should have the following 4 requirements: 1 No disease, pest damage; 2 green or dark green; 3 good freshness, storage time after tender palm piece no more than 3 days, the old palm piece is not More than 1 week; 4 within the storage period does not boil, not freeze, do not hurt heat. If there is a small amount of lesions, wormholes, or deterioration in the palm, it must be removed immediately. Detachment, cleaning, peeling: Use a towel or brush to brush the bristles on the palm surface, and then wash the surface with dust and dirt. For the old palm piece, it is still necessary to cut the skin with a knife, and then use a large tweezers to remove the thicker tendon (vascular bundle).

Cutting: Cut the palm pieces into rectangular blocks of about 10 cm and 6 cm. This shape is convenient for bagging and cooking.

Bao crisp: first with 0.05% of CaCl2 aqueous solution soaked palm pieces for 8 hours, and then moved into the water to fully immerse, during which two or three times, from the time to fully rinse.

Saltwater blanching and color protection: Add 1%-2% salt in clean water, heat it to boiling, and put 0.15%-0.30% copper chlorophyllin as a color-protecting agent.

At this point, the cactus tablets are immediately boiled in salt water and blanched for 10-12 minutes to make the cactus slices translucent, and the salt water blanching can also reduce the viscosity of the cactus.

Desalting: After removing the cactus slices, they should be soaked in cold water for 30-60 minutes to remove most of the salt and then rinse with clean water. Remove the palm piece and place it on a clean drain grid to drain excess water.

Bagging: Place the hot-cooked ingredients on a clean operating table, carefully weighed, align the slices, and put them in a colorless, odorless, non-toxic polyethylene plastic bag. Vacuum the vacuum packaging machine. Sealed packaging. Put a box on the factory date of the seal.

Dietary Supplement and Food additives

Dietary Supplement,Pyrroloquinoline Quinone,Pqq Acid,Pqq Pyrroloquinoline Quinone

Fuzhou Contay Biotechnology Co., Ltd ,