Apricot cultivation techniques

Cultivated value Apricot is a fruit tree commonly cultivated in the Huaihe River and the north of the Qinling Mountains in China. It is drought-resistant, rot-resistant and cold-tolerant. It has strong adaptability to the soil, and it can grow solidly on hilly, sandy and saline lands. As a result, the longevity of the economic life is longer than that of other fruit trees, which is suitable for both intensive cultivation and planting on all sides. The fruit matures in early summer, and it is a fruit off-season on the market. Can be eaten fresh, can also be processed into apricot, canned sugar and other products. Almonds contain a lot of fats and proteins and are rich in nutrition. Sweet kernel can be used in the pastry industry or further processed into almond cream and other products; bitter kernel can be used medicinally, with cough and asthma, laxative and other effects, is one of the traditional export commodities. Apricots and no sauce are also very popular abroad. The main species and variety of apricot are the plants of the genus Apricot of the family Rosaceae, which is the closest relative to the plum. In addition to apricots for economic cultivation, there are also varieties of Li Guangxing cultivated in the northwest region. Variants of mountain apricots are mostly used as rootstocks or kernels. Northeast China, North China and other places still have Liao apricot, Mongolian apricot and other wild species. Apricot is rich in local varieties, and can be roughly classified into fresh, processed, and benevolent, and benevolent and used. Most of the cultivated varieties in the Huaibei region and the Yangtze River Valley are the former species; the main varieties are Badou apricot, Shuibai apricot, egg apricot, purée apricot and apricot plum in Anhui and Jiangsu, and Daban apricot in Hubei and Hunan. Mai Huang Xing, Da Yong Xing, Shu Pu Xing, etc. In addition, there are many fine varieties in the neighboring areas, such as Yangshao Huangxing in Henan, Dahebao apricot in Shandong Zaozhuang, Horseshoe yellow apricot, Liyu apricot in Hongcheng, Red Lotus Incense, and Lushan apricot. In recent years, Shandong has introduced agate apricots, kart apricots and other improved varieties from the United States. However, when introducing and cultivating, we must pay attention to varieties with strong climate adaptability, late flowering and high seed setting rate. Growth Results Habit Apricot is a deciduous tall tree. Deep roots and strong dryness. Saplings grow vigorously and often cause flowers to fail. Buds with early maturity can occur 2 or 3 times in one year. The growth habits are similar to those of plum, with the tips growing branches or extremely long branches, the middle and lower parts forming short branches, and the base buds becoming invisible buds. Only the germination rate and branching force are relatively weak. Apricot flower buds are easy to form and begin to produce fruit within 3 to 4 years after planting. It usually takes a long time to reach the fruit stage. It usually takes about 10 years, but the fruit period is longer. Long, medium and short branches and secondary shoots can all form the result branches. The proportion of long saplings and mid-fruit twigs is relatively large. Shortly after fruiting, short fruit twigs and bouquet-like fruiting twigs are the main result branches, which can produce continuous results for several years. Flower buds are pure flower buds. Each bud has 1 flower. In the long and middle results, the buds and other flower buds are often associated with each other, similar to peach. The single flower buds are mostly located on the upper end of long fruiting branches, short fruit branches and bouquet-like fruit branches. The former has a low fruiting rate. The apricot has a short period of dormancy. The first leaves bloom in spring and is vulnerable to late frost. The large amount of flowers and fruiting rate are often low and many degenerate flowers. Severity is related to species, tree age, tree vigor, and tree nutrient levels. Juvenile trees have more degraded flowers in the long and middle fruit branches. Adult trees have more degenerated flowers in the upper part of the tree crown and in the inner canopy. The main feature of degraded flowers is that the pistil is shrinking, shrinking, or even disappearing, and the powder, fertilization and results cannot be normalized. Apricot is a cross-pollination plant that requires different varieties of pollination to normal fruit. Like Mei, the flowers on the same tree are opened in batches, but the first flowers are of good quality and less degraded. There are two physiological fruit-drops in the growth process of young fruit, which are too prosperous or too weak. Unfavorable climatic conditions will aggravate fruit drop. Sometimes there are phenomena of pre-harvest fruit drop. Cultivation techniques 1. When breeding and planting for economic cultivation, apricots are multiplied by grafting. Rootstocks generally use common apricots to reduce the incidence of root-bearing cancerous diseases; peaches or nectarines can also be used to produce fruits that are easy to produce as early as possible, but have a short lifespan; using Li as an apricot roots, they are prone to sprouting. After the seeds are sowed in spring or after sowing, the number of strata days will be 70 to 100 days. Grafting methods: buds are used in summer and autumn, and branches are used in spring. Specific operating techniques and subsequent management can be found in other fruit trees. Flowering frost is the main reason affecting the stability of apricot yield. Planting sites should be selected where the leewards are sunny and the drainage is good, and the depressions where cold air is easily deposited should not be used. When the cultivation is concentrated in a piece, windbreaks need to be established. Use late flower varieties to help avoid frost. The apricot fruit is not tolerant of storage. In order to prolong the supply period of fresh fruit, it is necessary to consciously choose to stagger the mixed varieties of mature varieties at the time of planting. At the same time, apricots are highly self-explanatory, and the selection of pollination varieties needs to be taken into account when configuring varieties. Plant spacing (4 ~ 5) meters X (5 ~ 6) meters, can be appropriately increased planting density. Autumn plant or spring plant. After planting, covering the film or other materials in the area of ​​the tree disk will help prevent drought and increase the temperature in winter and spring, and improve the survival rate of planting. 2. Plastic pruning According to the strength of different varieties of dryness and growth potential, apricots generally adopt a natural happy-shape or evacuation layered tree. The natural happy shape is suitable for weaker dry varieties, and the shaping technique is basically the same as peach. However, the branching angle of apricot is relatively small, and the number of branches is also small. The trunk height is generally suitable for long stay, and 3 to 4 main branches are cultured on the main trunk. The evacuation layering method is suitable for varieties with strong dryness, two layers of raw branches, the first layer is left 3 to 4, the second layer is left 2 to 3, and the interval between layers is 60 cm to 80 cm. After the main branch of the second floor was selected, it was fun to fall to the center. In addition, it is natural to leave 5 to 6 branches on the main trunk as main branches, and then arrange the secondary main branches appropriately on the main branch to form a natural round head-shaped tree. Pruning in the sapling stage is mainly to cultivate the tree skeleton, according to the requirements of plastic surgery, and at the same time to cultivate sticks. With the exception of leggy branches and dense branches, the remaining branches can be slowly placed on light shears or handles to promote the formation of a large number of branches in the middle and lower parts. As a result, after 3 to 4 years, they undergo contraction and shear and promote branching. In order to maintain tree vigor and maintain stable yield, fruit should be strengthened and pruned, timely retraction of drooping branches, appropriate thinning of dense fruit-like fruit branches, reduction of flowering, and reduction of some branches from 2 to 3 years of life to promote new growth. Fruit branches are continuously formed to improve the ability of results. When bald guilt appears in the internal hemorrhoids, it can be used to promote branching and emptying by taking advantage of the extra long weight of the base. After entering the aging period, re-shrinking and shearing can force the emergence of budding shoots, and systematically update the main branch and extend the result of years. 3. Soil fertility management and conservation of fruit and fruit Although the apricot is tolerant to thin soil, the declining tree vigor will increase the number of degraded flowers and reduce the yield. Therefore, it should be combined with the application of basal fertilizer to expand and explore the soil every year. Apricot responds sensitively to fertilizer and water. In addition, after Chen Qishi uses basic fertilizer, it should also be topdressed after fruit stabilization and after harvest to promote fruit enlargement, improve quality, and restore tree vigor, increase tree nutrient accumulation, and reduce degradation. The proportion of flowers, its significant effect of increasing production. Both fertilizers are mainly nitrogen fertilizers, with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Apricots grow early and concentrated in spring, and basal fertilizers should be applied early. Before applying basal fertilizer, a top dressing should be applied. When there is severe water shortage, the apricot physiological fruit drop is intensified, and when conditions permit, it can be combined with fertilization for irrigation, or the tree tray can be covered with grass to prevent drought. In regions where there is not enough fertilizer and less water, it is also possible to promote the use of fertilizers and water-saving methods for mulching and storing water and fertilizer. Specific methods can refer to the relevant content. Apricot is extremely resistant to waterlogging and the water should be drained in time during the rainy season. Apricot falling fruit is serious, fruiting rate is usually less than 5%, production should be for different reasons for the preservation of fruit. (1) If the proportion of degraded flowers is high, the tree nutrient should be strengthened. In addition to early-stage basal fertilization in autumn, post-harvest leaves can be sprayed with 0.5% urea 2 or 3 times, plus 50 to 1 million parts per million. One hundred (50 PPm ~ 100PPm) concentration of gibberellin to enhance leaf function and prevent early deciduous. In mid- and late May, the short shooter sprays 0. L-concentration of paclobutrazol can significantly reduce degraded flowers. (2) When there are many flowers and their quality, the bouquet-like fruit branches on the perennial branches may be sparsely cut off, and the second and third batches of flowers may be eliminated to save the storage nutrients; at the same time, the early spring fertilizer and water can be enhanced, and the flowering quality and leaf assimilation ability can be improved. , And spray 0.2% urea at full bloom, add 0.15% borax, etc., can effectively improve the fruit rate. (3) Because the shoots are too long to cause flowering and fruit drop, they can be sprayed with 0.1% concentration of paclobutrazol at the shoots after the short branches become mature (mid-late and late May), or 0 for 15 to 20 days after anthesis. A dose of .5 g/m2 to 0.8 g/m2 of tree disk is applied to the paclobutrazol control length. (4) If the flowers develop normally and fall due to poor pollination and fertilization, the bees may be released at the flowering stage or artificially assisted pollination may be used. In addition, measures such as girdling, doing tree-soil soil management, and postponing flowering can all achieve the purpose of flower protection and fruit preservation. Major diseases and pests and their control Many diseases and pests of apricot are the same as those of picks, such as scab, gum, bacterial perforation, aphids, leafhoppers, scale insects, and red neck beetles. The following describes the prevention and treatment of apricot and bulbous scale insects. (1) apricot disease: also known as red swollen disease, the main damage shoots, but also damage flowers and fruits. Bacteria may overwinter in the bud, early in the spring with the growth and flowering of the shoots, hyphae spread, showing symptoms in May. The growth of the diseased shoots was obstructed, and it was thick and short; its leaves were clustered, yellowing and thickening; and the diseased leaves were not easy to fall off in later stages. After flowering, the calyx is hypertrophic and is not easy to open; the victim suffers from stagnant growth and shrinks later. In the prevention and control, it is mainly necessary to do a good job in clearing the garden. In autumn and winter, diseased branches and diseased leaves are cut off and burned. The second time continues. In combination with other pests and diseases, it sprays 5 degrees lime sulfur before germination; if the disease is severe, it sprays Baume 0.3 times lime sulfur once after the leaf is spread. (2) Ballkin scale insects: Infestation with sap and branches of nymphs and female adults, the damaged branches grow weak and die when severe. Control methods: spray a wave of 5 degrees lime sulfur before sprouting in the spring, and spray Baume 0.3 to 0.5 degree lime sulfur or 50% dichlorvos emulsion 1000 to 1500 times at the time of nymph incubation, dispersion and transfer. . In the Yangtze River Basin around May, the field should pay attention to the investigation and observation and protection of natural enemies. Harvest, storage and processing of apricot peel more juice, easy to bump rot, when picking gently. It is advisable to harvest the local market with fresh fruit at the age of nine. Fruits for sale or sale in remote areas should be harvested earlier. Apricot fruit is not resistant to storage and transportation, but it can produce a variety of processed products. When making apricot, the texture is fine, the fruit is orange and the texture is still solid. After washing, cut it to the core and spread it in the bamboo steamer for 2 to 4 hours. Rinse with clean water to remove sulfur. Then set boiling sugar solution in boiling blanching. For the first time, 25% to 30% of the boiling sugar solution is used to blanch for 3 minutes and soaked for 12 hours. The second time, it is re-boiled with 40% to 50% of the boiling sugar solution for 2 minutes and soaked for 10 hours. Concentration of boiling sugar solution was performed on the third blanching. After draining and draining, wash the surface sugar with hot water and bake it at 60°C~65°C. Turn it frequently to prevent coking. The fruit is golden, translucent, flexible and sticky. The processed product is shaped by a little bite and baked back to give a finished product with a moisture content of 13% to 20%. Like plum, apricot can also be made into a salty apricot blank, sun dried, and then replaced with plum fruit to make a “talk apricot”.

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