Measures to prevent premature aging of vegetables

Symptoms of premature decay of vegetables such as eggplant, pepper, cucumber, and tomato are: atrophy of plants, yellowing of leaves, late fruit ripening, and low yield, severely leading to premature plant death. The main cause of premature aging is high temperature and rain, the prevention method is as follows: 1, timely pruning. The main function of the topping is to prevent the plants from being long, reduce the excessive consumption of nutrients, and promote the multiple results of the plants. Practice has shown that reasonable pruning of pepper can significantly increase its yield. The operation method is: After the first pepper is harvested (at this time, the pepper pods are already in the cutting-off stage), and 8 branches growing above the four branches growing near the base are cut off. At the same time, water and fertilizer management must be strengthened so that not only the consumption of excessive nutrients can be reduced, but also the four large branches growing near the base can be well ventilated and light-transmitting, reducing the phenomenon of flowering and fruiting, and improving the yield of peppers. Cucumbers must be towed around 25 leaves in order to promote the formation of melons, otherwise it is easy to cause obstruction of nutrient transport. Tomato picking time to harvest after the 4th ear fruit, and leave 2 leaves on the ear fruit, so as not to cause premature root failure and leaf curling under the plant, should not be on the 4th inflorescence just a flowering topping. 2. Remove old leaves. All kinds of fruits and vegetables should be promptly removed from the plant's lower leaves, dead leaves and diseased leaves to prevent field closure. This will not only reduce the nutrient consumption of the plant, but also effectively control the spread and spread of the disease. It is also conducive to ventilation and light in the field, and promote the robust growth of plants. 3, early harvest. Fruit vegetables encourage the early harvest of fruits, early harvest can reduce nutrient consumption and prevent premature aging of plants. 4, timely fertilizer. Timely topdressing fruits and vegetables can provide sufficient nutrients for plant growth and development, which is the key to prevent plant aging. The best time for topdressing after harvesting the fruit is generally topdressing 1-2 times, which can be combined with irrigation to catch up to human fecal urine, followed by nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer. For every 667m2 of cucumber topped with 10kg of DAP, each 667m2 of eggplant topped with 10kg of urea. The amount of pepper chase fertilizer should be more appropriate. For every 667m2, about 12kg of DAP can be topdressed, but the fertilizer needs to be dissolved in the water. Shi, not suitable for planing, because chili is afraid of rooting. 5, irrigation cooling. In the hot summer season, irrigation can be performed according to the weather and soil moisture. Small water should be poured during irrigation to prevent scouring the base of the ridge and damaging the plant roots. At the same time, after the heavy rain, it is necessary to do a good job of drainage and flood control to ensure the normal growth and development of the seedlings. 6, disease prevention and pest control. Fruit and vegetable vegetables should pay attention to the early prevention and control of aphids in time, generally available 20% chlormethrin emulsion 800-1000 times sprayed leaves. Can be used to cucumber powdery mildew 50% thiophanate 800-1000 times or sprayed with 25% triadimefon 1200 times liquid spray, can be used for cucumber downy mildew 40% 300 aluminum aluminum phosphate 300-400 times or 25% rosacea 1000 times spray control. Controlling tomato gray mold can be sprayed with 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600-800 times, or 50% thiophanate wettable powder 500 times. Prevention of eggplant blight, can be used at the beginning of its disease with 75% chlorothalonil 700 times or 50% Kedan 500 times spray, spray every 7-10 days, a total of 3-4 spray, spray time Evenly sprayed on the leaves and fruits, this can effectively control the development of the disease. China Agricultural Network Editor

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