Horseshoe shoots high yield cultivation method

Horseshoe bamboo, also known as bamboo, bamboo grass is a bamboo, bamboo shoots for bamboo bamboo shoots bamboo shoots, because bamboo shoots resemble horseshoe, commonly known as horseshoe shoots. Horseshoe bamboo shoots are bright white, fresh and crisp, sweet and delicious, nutritious, and are the best vegetables in the summer and fall season. Tests have shown that the cost of the mu-planted horseshoe bamboo is about 800 yuan. It is planted in the first year and can be harvested in the third year. The shoot period starts from the end of April and ends at the beginning of November. Generally, about 1,000 kilograms per mu are produced. The annual income can reach over 2,100 yuan. The market is selling well, and the production efficiency is much higher than that of ordinary bamboo shoots. This spring, the Cannabis Town of Dapu County introduced foreign investment and built a thousand mu horseshoe base. Its high-yielding cultivation techniques are described as follows: First, the land selection generally chooses drainage and irrigation facilities, deep soil layer, loose soil, fertile land, suitable pH, rich in organic matter and minerals, low hills and mountains, along river banks, around reservoirs or in front of houses Planted behind the house. The soil is yellow-red soil. Second, site preparation digging loose and fertile gentle slopes generally do not need to site preparation, but the soil conditions are better to carry a little or all squat, deep more than 30 cm, and then dig. Mu is digging 40 holes with a distance of 44 meters. The planting size is 0.8 meters, 0.8 meters and 0.6 meters. It is arranged in a triangle. When digging, the topsoil is separated from the soil and soil, and the toads are turned over before the winter to allow the soil to differentiate. Planted in the spring of the following year. Third, the mother bamboo is selected to grow robust, disease-free pests, stalk-based buds, full-fledged annual root growth of bamboo as well. Mother bamboo leaves strong and vigorous buds in the 3-4th year, obliquely cut off the incision up to Lee water, the best choice for transplanting with mother bamboo. Fourth, bamboo seedlings are planted in 2-3 months of cloudy or rainy time. Before planting each hole, apply 25 kg of decomposed organic fertilizer or 15 kg of burning earth and 1 kg of compound fertilizer. Cover 5 cm of fine soil on the base fertilizer. When planting, the mother bamboo is placed obliquely in the hole, the stalk-base buds are on both sides of the eye, and the bamboo rod and the ground are angled at an angle of 45-60 degrees. The root system is stretched and fully contacted with the soil. The layered filling is practical, watering, and the thickness of the soil is covered. Should be more than 3 centimeters around the mother bamboo is suitable. The bamboo stems that fall out should retain 2 nodes. The upper part of the bamboo stems should be cut into a head shape. V. Post-planting management 1. Young forest tending: After planting, care should be taken to moisturize. Long drought does not rain, watering once every 5-6 days, mother bamboo after survival, sparse manure water once every two weeks, stop fertilizing after the beginning of autumn. Before and after shoot bamboo shoots and long bamboo shoots, they were all cultivated and weeded once to ensure that mother bamboos and bamboo shoots grew well. When entering normal growth, 6 bamboo shoots are kept every year in the bamboo shoots, and 6 old bamboo shoots are cut every year. 2. Chenglin tending: In February every month, the earth is soaked. The soil around the bamboo is split from the outside with a hoe, and the old razor clams are excavated to allow the stalks to be exposed to sunlight, which stimulates and promotes the germination of the shoots. . After fertilizing the soil for the first time, 50 kg of excrement or 2-3 kg of compound fertilizer is applied to each bundle of bamboo, and the fertilizer is applied to the open trench to cover the soil. The second fertilization was in the early stage of the first bamboo shoot in May, and the third one in July was the quick-acting fertilizer. The application of three-component compound fertilizer was 1-5 kg ​​per bundle. Fertilizer should not be allowed to directly contact with the tender bamboo shoots, fertilization should be combined with yarrow grass soil, improve soil physical and chemical properties, is conducive to the growth of bamboo shoots. In addition, we must add soil to cultivate bamboo shoots. Before we shoot bamboo shoots, we should use turf yellow soil to cultivate the bamboo groves. Generally, the thickness of the soil is 20 cm higher than that of the original bamboo culm. After the bamboo shoots, straw, grass, leaves or finely damp soil piles are used again. Cover to increase the number of plants per plant and tenderness, and extend the duration of the shoot. 3, pest and disease control: The main pests and diseases are bamboo coal disease, ground tiger, bamboo weevil, bamboo grasshopper, bamboo aphids and so on. Comprehensive prevention and control can be combined with agricultural control and chemical control methods. Drug control: Use 40% of the Loess Benton 800 times spray to kill, can also be used 90% trichlorfon 800-1000 times liquid control. Sixth, timely harvesting and digging bamboo shoots generally begin at the end of April and end at the beginning of November, and the period from June to September is the peak period of bamboo shoots. Digging bamboo shoots are selected in the early morning of each day, and harvesting is best when the shoot tip is not unearthed or will be broken. China Agricultural Network Editor

Broiler Chicken Cage

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