Water peanut control method

Peanut scientific name Alternanthera philoxeroides, also known as hollow maggots, long stem sky full of stars, revolutionary grass, hollow lotus, Pangju chrysanthemum, Hibiscus sonata, is a genus Asteraceae lotus genus. Alternanthera philoxeroides is one of the first 16 species of invasive alien species developed by the State Protection Agency and Chinese Academy of Sciences in January 2003. Hollow lotus grassland is produced in Brazil. At the end of the 1930s, it was introduced to China with the Japanese invasion of China. It was first cultivated in the suburbs of Shanghai as a feed for breeding horses. In the 1950s, some provinces and cities in the south of China used it as feed for pigs and sheep, and was further introduced into the Yangtze River basin in China. And the southern provinces. The grass has become a weedy weed and occurs in 23 provinces and cities in China. Alternanthera philoxeroides is a perennial weedy weed, with strong vitality, wide adaptability, rapid growth and reproduction, and water and land growth. Alternanthera philoxeroides grows mainly in the environment of farmland (including paddy fields and dry fields), open fields, fish ponds, ditches and river channels. The roots of Alternanthera philoxeroides grow well, and some parts of the ground are luxuriant. Growing in farmland will compete with crops for sunlight, water, fertilizer, and growth space, resulting in severe reductions in production. The growth of the fields and fields in the fields affects the farming operations. In fish ponds and other aquatic environment, rapid growth and reproduction, reduce the dissolved oxygen content in water, corruption and pollution of water quality, affecting the growth of fish and shrimp. Growth in river channels and ditches can block waterways, limit water flow, increase sedimentation, and have a very negative impact on water transport and farmland irrigation. In the roadside, public green areas, residential areas and other growth and environmental health and aesthetics. Alternanthera philoxeroides is highly resistant to stress. Rely on underground (underwater) rhizomes for winter, use vegetative bodies (roots, stems) for asexual reproduction. When the temperature drops to 0°C in winter, the water surface or above-ground parts have frozen to death. When the spring temperature rises to 10°C, the long-term underwater or underground rhizomes can germinate and grow; the stem sections can still survive 1-2 days; Debris or stems that have not been digested by livestock will cause further harm when they enter the farmland. Artificial control methods not only can not control Alternanthera philoxeroides, but will increase the spread and proliferation of Alternanthera philoxeroides. These are the main reasons for the rapid growth and spread of Alternanthera philoxeroides, and it also makes it difficult to control the Alternanthera philoxeroides. We have repeatedly received readers asking how to control Alternanthera philoxeroides. Here are the descriptions as follows: 1. Weeding in combination with farming practices: Excavate the rhizomes of Alternanthera philoxeroides in the soil, then focus on drying and burning. Areas where Alternanthera philoxeroides did not occur should be strengthened and prevented from invading pastoral, pasture or water areas. Control the spread. 2, chemical control: (1) to make it long is a kind of broadleaf weed control postemergence stem and leaf herbicide, so that it not only on the roots of Alternanthera philoxeroides have a killing effect, but also on the stalks of Alternanthera The removal of leaves is quick, so as to obtain a long-term grass control effect, it is the first herbicide to eradicate Alternanthera philoxeroides. How to use: Prevent lotus roots in rice fields. After the treatment, 1 Sky Lotus was poisoned, and the stems and leaves fell on the ground; after 3 days, the leaf color turned yellow; on the 7th day, it began to wither; after 15 days, the control effect was more than 95%. 10 days after the application of dry land, do not eradicate the upper part of the hollow lotus seedlings, do not plow the soil in 20 days, is conducive to full transfer of liquid to the roots and underground stems, in order to improve the control effect; 30 days after application, such as Alternanthera philoxeroides When the soil is re-emerged again, secondary application of pesticides will ensure that the Alternanthera philoxeroides will no longer occur. In general, adding a small amount of laundry detergent to it can increase the control efficiency by about 20%. It can also be used 20% to make it mixed with 20 ml plus 41% Roundup 200 ml. When used in farmland, if the broad-leaved crop has germinated, it must not be used to make it prolonged, otherwise it may cause phytotoxicity. (2) 41% of Roundup Water Repellent is a phytotoxic herbicide: it is used to control rivers, ponds, and ditches on the side of Alternanthera philoxeroides, 20% of it is used to align it with 1000 times liquid on stem and leaf spray; high concentration can also be used. The low-water application method uses 100% spray diluted with 41% of Roundup water, so that the liquid adheres to the stems and leaves of Alternanthera philoxeroides, and Roundup water into the water will not cause water pollution, and is not toxic to fish and shrimps. . Serious damage to the fish ponds should be divided regional application of pesticides to prevent the large number of deaths and rot of Alternanthera philoxeroides, leading to lack of oxygen in fish ponds.

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