Fruit type cucumber cultivation

Fruit-type cucumbers (ie European short foods) are fresh cucumber varieties suitable for conservation cultivation in recent years. With melon shape short, melon yard dense, many results, no thorns, easy to clean, crisp and crisp taste, rich flavor and other characteristics, in large and medium-sized cities and tourist areas have good prospects for development. Requirements for environmental conditions The fruit-type cucumber is not too cold tolerant, and the most suitable growth temperature is 25-32 degrees during the day, 15-18 degrees during the night, and the ground temperature requirement is around 22 degrees. Wet and fragile, requiring higher air humidity and soil temperature, avoiding wet and cold combined growth environment. Strong light. The soil conditions requiring deep soil and loose fertility require more fertilizer and should be applied in combination with nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers. The preferred varieties for selection of fine varieties are: 1mkl60, which is a hybrid from the Netherlands. 2 Daiduoxing, a generation of hybrids introduced from the Netherlands. 2 Chunguang No.2, a generation of hybrids selected by China Agricultural University. 4 Sweet Green No. 6, a generation of hybrids cultivated by Beijing Shengguangdi Company. The annual production of cornices is arranged in autumn in the greenhouse, sowed in mid-to-late July, planted in mid-August, harvested from September to mid-October. High-efficiency and energy-saving solar greenhouse cultivation in autumn and winter, from August to September sowing, seedling age of 30 days, 9-10 months of planting, harvested from October to next January. High-efficiency and energy-saving solar greenhouses Winter pods are planted from late September to early October, with 30 days of seedling age, planting in early November, and harvesting from December to April. The solar greenhouse is planted in early spring and planted in mid-January. The seedling age is 35 days, and it is planted in mid-February and harvested from mid-March to mid-July. Spring sheds were planted in late spring and planted in late February and planted in late March. Harvested from late April to mid-July. High-efficiency and energy-saving solar greenhouses The autumn and winter pods and winter pods are to be kept warm at the end of December to the end of January of the same year with old mulching membranes in addition to the larvae. The indoor heating lines and other temporary heating measures are to be installed. Cultivate strong seedlings soaking in warm water of 55 degrees for 25 minutes (except for coated seeds), using a nutrient seedling with a size of 10 cm x 10 cm. Grass ash as a substrate. After the seeds germinate, they are treated in an environment of -2o degrees for 24-48 hours and then sown. Seedlings require higher temperatures when they are unearthed. 28-32 degrees during the day is appropriate. After emergence, the plants should be released and the temperature should be kept at 25-30 degrees during the day and 10-15 degrees at night. The seedling period requires strong light conditions. The criteria for strong seedlings are as follows: Seedling age 25-35 days, plant has 3 leaves and 1 heart, cotyledon hypertrophied flat, stem diameter 0.6 mm, leaf dark green, developed roots, no pests. Site Preparation and Planting Each 1/15 hectare (1 acre) is planted with crushed fine-quality organic fertilizer of 3,000 tons or more, or 500 tons of active organic fertilizer. After fertilization, plowing 25-30 cm, fine soil preparation. It is best to install 20-30 cm high sorghum and mulch film, it is best to install drip irrigation facilities. When the temperature of 10 centimeters is stable below 15 degrees, it can be planted with a spacing of 90-100 centimeters. Can be planted in a single line. Size colonization can also be used. Using small colonization. Large row spacing of 1.2 meters, small row spacing of 0.6 water, spacing of 30-40 centimeters, colonization of 1700-2500 plants per 1/15 ha. Colonization should be selected on a sunny day, and be careful not to plant too deep. The above pods should be level with the sorghum and watered immediately after planting. China Agricultural Network Editor


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