How to control locusts in cotton fields

Miao Miao occurrence of the peak period, how to control the locust in cotton fields? Plant protection station experts pointed out that the prevention and control methods include spraying omethoate on overwintering hosts to eliminate locusts on overwintering hosts. Cotton field prevention and treatment of aphids are: 1,3% acetamiprid 1000 to 2000 times per acre spray. 2,5% hit 2500 to 4000 times spray per acre. 3, 10% Saipokai 30 to 50 ml per mu, diluted 2000 times liquid spray. 4, 10% imidacloprid 10 to 20 grams per mu, spray 50 to 60 kg of water. In addition, due to the increase in temperature changes in the city in late April, and the occurrence of continuous cold weather, cotton blight has occurred in different degrees in some districts and counties in the city. In addition to cotton aphids, cotton farmers should also pay attention to the occurrence of diseases such as crop emergence and anthrax, and pay attention to timely prevention and treatment.