Watermelon virus disease prevention and treatment

Every year from May to June, people are neglecting the management of melon fields because they are busy with summer harvest and summer crops. Coupled with the increase in temperature, watermelon virus disease generally occurs more severely. At present, Datian watermelon in our province has been planted and the following measures can be taken in the management of the field to prevent the occurrence of viral diseases. 1. Timely spraying control of aphids and blocking the transmission of viral diseases. When spraying, spray thoroughly, spray on the sides of the trench and the ground, spray once every 7 days, and spray 2 or 3 times. 2. Strengthen field management, increase phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer, and timely watering to promote robust growth of melon seedlings and improve plant disease resistance. At the same time, foliar spray of 0.1% zinc sulfate solution is also required. 3. Spray control. Field diseased plants should be removed in a timely manner to reduce the source of infection, and foliar spray 20% virus A WP 500 times or 1.5% plant disease Ling 1000 times, spray once every 5 to 7 days, even spray 3 times .