Artifical breeding technique of yellow-throated turtle

Yellow-spotted turtles are reptiles, turtles are turtles, turtles, turtles, turtles, also known as stone turtles, water turtles, stone money. Because it does not have the smell of other turtles, it is also known as "turtle turtle."
Yellow-throated turtles are mainly distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Taiwan, Fujian, Hainan, Anhui and other provinces (regions) in China, and their distribution is second only to turtles. At present, the natural resources of the yellow-throated turtle have become increasingly depleted and artificial breeding and artificial breeding must be developed as soon as possible. The knowledge of the artificial breeding of this turtle is presented in the following four aspects: the biological learning of the yellow-throated turtle, the preparation before cultivation, the cultivation of juvenile hatchlings, and the breeding of turtles and turtles.
The biological learning yellow-lucked turtle is resistant to disease and able to fight cold and hunger. It is a amphibious amphibious animal, but it lives more in water. Every year from April to August is the spawning period. Generally, a female with good body and nutritional status can produce 1-3 eggs a year, with 1-10 eggs each time. Yellow-throated turtles have omnivorous feeding habits, and small fish, shrimp, meat, animal internal organs and waste or spoils, snails, frogs, snakes, skins, young grasses, bananas, corn, etc. can all be used as food. Fresh meat is most like to eat. Every year from June to September, the appetite is the most prosperous and the growth is fastest.
Yellow-lucked turtles usually start spawning from mid-April, spawning until the end of August, and spawning peaks from May to June, and spawning after mid-July. The hatching eggs are ideally hatched in the manner of natural temperature and artificially controlled humidity (the hatchling hatchlings grow fast and have strong resistance to disease). After hatching after 55 days, hatchlings of the yellow-throated turtle can be hatched in batches. turtle.
Pre-breeding preparation
1. Select suitable sites to raise turtle sites. To select places with sufficient water sources and good water quality, the soil has good water retention properties (such as clay loam or loam), drainage and irrigation are convenient, the environment is quiet, and the wind is sunny, avoiding external influences such as traffic lines and factories. Big place to raise turtles. Different turtles should be built in different stages.
The construction of young (chicken) turtle ponds: young (young) turtle pond is mainly used for the cultivation of hatchlings and hatchlings. Juvenile turtle: refers to the turtle seedling that hatched that year, until the winter before the growth stage of the turtle seedlings, collectively referred to as hatchlings. Juvenile turtle: After the winter, until it grows into a 500-g turtle before the turtle's growth stage. The ability and vitality of juveniles to adapt to the environment are relatively weak. The young tortoise is between the hatchling and the adult turtle. It is neither too big nor too small. It must be cultivated carefully. Therefore, hatchlings and hatchlings should have special ponds to cultivate. Juvenile turtle pools are generally cement structures, with a 30-degree slope at the bottom of the pool and sports fields, three quarters of which are pools (water depth 20-30 cm), and quarters are sports fields (land parts). The wall surface of the juvenile turtle pond must be smooth, and the height of 50 cm or more must be strictly prevented. Pull shading net shade above turtle pond. Yellow-throated turtles like water and usually live in water. The ponds can therefore be placed in an appropriate amount (about two-thirds of the water surface). Water Lilies can provide hiding places for young hatchlings, but also can absorb some of the harmful substances in the water. In the summer, it can absorb a lot of solar radiant heat and effectively reduce the water temperature. The sports ground is where the turtle activities and feeding. The size of juvenile turtle pool depends on the scale of cultivation, ranging from 5 square meters to 10 square meters. The hatchery pool should have good access to water and drainage facilities. The entrance and exit of the pool should be protected from hurdles. The wire pool should be covered with wire mesh to prevent the invasion of rats and other predators. Before the hatchlings enter the pond, they must be disinfected with 40ppm potassium permanganate solution (1ppm corresponds to a concentration of 1g per cubic meter of water body, the same below). Juvenile tortoise stocking density is about 20 juvenile tortoises per square meter.
The construction of adult turtle pool: adult turtle refers to more than 500 grams, close to or reach sexual maturity turtle. Adult turtles have strong adaptability to the environment and have strong vitality and are not likely to die. The construction of adult turtle ponds can refer to the method of hatchling ponds. The difference is that adult turtle ponds must be composed of pools, playgrounds (land) and sandy lands. The pool accounts for half of the total area of ​​the turtle ponds. Half of the remaining area. Depth of water requires more than 30 cm. Adult Turtle Pool can be used to grow turtles and turtles. Turtle ponds can be planted with a small amount of shading plants around them.
2. Ready feed for yellow-throated turtles has a rich source of feed. Therefore, it is possible to adapt local conditions. Green plants such as banana trees are planted around turtle ponds. They can be shaded and used as a plant feed for turtles; where conditions permit, they can be used to grow snails. Snail meat is one of the meat feeds that turtles prefer to eat. When turtles are placed close to the slaughterhouse, they can use animal offspring to feed turtles. If you use compound feed to feed turtles, you should fully prepare raw materials and equipment required for processing, and production techniques.
3. Selection of robust and high-quality turtle species (seedlings) Yellow-throated turtles have strong disease resistance and are easy to raise. However, improper introduction can also lead to unnecessary losses. The requirements for turtle species or turtle seedlings are: visually observing that they are free from disability, active and responsive, and avoid long-distance transportation to prevent crush injuries. Before buying a turtle, you must first disinfect the turtle pond (soaked in 40ppm potassium permanganate solution for 30 minutes), then drain the pool water and expose the turtle pool for 2-3 days. After the efficacy disappears, inject fresh water. The newly bought turtle must rest for more than two hours. After adapting to the local temperature and environment, the turtle should be sterilized and then put into a turtle pond for rearing.
The cultivation of juvenile tortoises
1. After the juvenile tortoise is hatched from the hatchling, it must be rested for enough time before it can be disinfected and sold. The hatchlings on the general market are turtle seedlings that can be fed directly to the feed. At this time, the juvenile turtle weighs only about 10 grams, and it is advisable to use small containers (such as glue pots) to breed hatchlings. Reference farming density: 0.2 square meters of plastic basin can be stocked 45 juvenile turtles. The water level in the basin is better than just immersing the turtle. The feed consists mainly of minced pork or lean meat, minced beef, small fish and shrimp paste, supplemented with trace elements and appropriate additives. Change the water before each feeding, change the water again after feeding for 1 hour. The amount of feeding is a moderate amount of the left of the hatchlings. Should be fed in the early morning and early evening. After the larvae have switched to eat fish (about the second month after hatching), they can be placed in the hatchling pool. When a small amount of culture, you can continue feeding with plastic basin.
2. Stocking and management of juvenile tortoises Young turtles are soaked in 10 ppm potassium permanganate solution for 10 minutes before being placed in the pool. The stocking density depends on the scale of cultivation and the area of ​​turtle pond, and should not be dense enough. Reference stocking density: 20 hatchlings/m2. Fresh fish such as fish, lean meat, bread worm, and shrimp are the main foods, and special feeds with a protein content of about 40% can also be fed. Daily feeding amount is about 8%-10% of juvenile turtle weight, divided into two groups in the morning and evening. Before and after feeding, the water must be changed in time, and the stadium should be kept clean to reduce the pollution of mosquitoes and flies. Feed feed adhere to the principle of timing, positioning, qualitative, quantitative; pool water depth 20-30 cm; regular use of 10ppm potassium permanganate solution disinfection of hatchlings and juvenile turtle pool.
Juvenile turtle breeding to mid-late November (Hunan, Hubei and some northern parts of our province slightly earlier, about in late October to early November), with the gradual decline in temperature, water temperature, began to enter the overwintering management stage. The wintering methods of juvenile turtles include natural wintering and greenhouse wintering. The juvenile turtle that hatched from the beginning of July to the beginning of September can naturally overwinter: that is, let the young turtle come into winter at room temperature. The hatchlings hatched after October (especially the "tail turtles") should adopt the greenhouse wintering method.
Because the juvenile turtles hatched in the late period have weak physiques, they are prone to die when they naturally pass winter.
The juvenile hatchling hatched at the end of August was fed with miscellaneous fish. After 3 months of breeding, the average body weight was more than 40 grams. In general, individual hatchlings hatch at the time of hatching, and their growth is faster. Smaller individuals grow more slowly and the gap between the future is greater.
When juvenile tortoises naturally pass winter, they should try to reduce the movement of hatchlings. When the weather is fine, if the temperature exceeds 15°C, some hatchlings will occasionally feed on their own initiative and feed a small amount of fresh meat. Change the water more than once a week (depending on the weather and appetite) and disinfect the water immediately after changing the water. All operations must be done carefully at noon high temperatures.
3. After the winter incubation of young turtles, when the outdoor temperature reaches 20°C or more and the water temperature exceeds 15°C, it is transferred to the nursery stage. The hatchlings are cultivated in the same manner as hatchlings. It is worth mentioning that young and young turtles like fresh meat feed and have little or no plant feed. Therefore, some trace elements and other substances should be added to the juvenile tortoise feed to ensure balanced nutrition.
Adult turtle breeding and turtle breeding
1, a reasonable mix of feed Yellow-lucked turtles are omnivorous turtles, the adult turtle into animal feed, vegetal feed. Therefore, when preparing feed, it should be reasonably matched: 70% of animal feed and 30% of plant feed. In artificial breeding, the animal feeds mainly on small fish and shrimp, chilled, snail meat, and meat or scraps of various livestock animals; the plant is mainly banana, tomato, apple, and carrot. In addition, adult turtles thrive and require a variety of nutrients. Therefore, appropriate amounts of vitamins, minerals, etc. must be added to the above feed to ensure that nutrition is as comprehensive as possible.
2. Adhere to the principle of “Four Sets”. Timing: Feeding at the same time in the same season, so that the turtle will produce conditional reflexes and increase appetite. The appetite and growth of summer turtles are very strong. They are fed every morning at 5-6 o'clock in the morning and at 18-19 o'clock in the evening. In the late fall and early winter and early spring season, they are fed at 15-16 o'clock in the afternoon. If the outside temperature is suitable, Turtles take the initiative to eat.
Positioning: When feeding each time, the feed is placed on the fixed food table, which is not only conducive to turtle feeding, but also convenient to collect residual feed in time, and will not pollute the air and water quality.
Qualitative: Each time feed is fed, it must be fresh and palatable to satisfy the turtle's direct swallowing and chewing characteristics.
Quantitative: The feed fed in the same season is basically the same amount. Due to factors such as changes in appetite and climate, the amount of feed should be increased or decreased in time. The amount of feed normally fed in the summer accounts for approximately 7% to 10% of the turtle's weight (referring to animal and plant mixed feed). Feeding should be done within 2 hours after feeding the feed or a small amount of remaining is appropriate.
3. Strengthen day-to-day management The day-to-day management requires hands-on and careful observation. Good or bad water quality directly affects the health, appetite and reproduction of the yellow-throated turtle. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain good water quality conditions; the sports ground and the sand pool are another site for turtle activity and habitat, and must also be kept clean and free of pollution. In addition, we must carefully observe the situation of turtle feed and activities, the turtle's excrement is normal, the sensitivity of the turtle's response, etc., found that the abnormal situation in time to deal with; regular turtle, turtle pond full disinfection.