Fermented mash is a good feed for fish

Bacteria are the waste left after the cultivation of edible fungi. In the past, it was generally a pity that it was generally used as fertilizer or fuel and was not fully utilized. In fact, these discarded edible fungi culture materials, due to the decomposition of the hyphae, their crude fiber and lignin are greatly reduced, crude protein and crude fat are greatly improved, there are more abundant nutrients, if it is fermented, then It can be a good feed for fish.
How to ferment bacilli? The main process is: choose the mold-free, insect-free and white waste bacterium to break up, stir in the appropriate amount of salt, superphosphate, urea and water, mix thoroughly, and add water to catch the bacterium by hand. It is advisable to seep out of the water without driping; then, cover the top of the fungus with thick and thick human and animal dung, cover with a plastic film, seal and ferment; after 1 week of fermentation, turn the broom 1 time, and Mix well, then cover with a film to continue fermentation; generally ferment for 20 days to 1 month (when the temperature is high, the number of fermentation days is less, when the temperature is low, the number of fermentation days is more), and it can be used to feed fish.
According to the practice of some fish farming households, the use of fermented bacteria-feeding fish to feed fish all year round favors the fish. After the fish eats, they grow rapidly and have fewer diseases, which reduces the cost of raising fish and raises the cost. Fish benefits.