Improve the survival rate of ostrich brooding

First, choose a good breeding egg hatching too large, too small, sand shell, leather, soft shell eggs can not be hatched. Practice has shown that hatchlings with high hatching rates are easy to cultivate. To increase the hatching rate, we must have highly responsible hatchers, well-functioning hatching machines, and raise good ostriches to minimize the storage time of eggs. Generally, the storage time should not exceed 7 days. Before the hatching of eggs, the disinfection system should be strict. disinfection.
Second, choose to maintain a healthy and healthy young chicks should be vigorous and vigorous, villous clean, large body, large head, thick feet, abdomen size is moderate, the hatching time is normal, according to the size of the weight of timely feeding, each group of 25 ~ 30 animals are appropriate, and the poor chicks of Shantou, Minhang, Belly, Blood umbilicus should be eliminated in time. Poor young chicks are difficult to raise and become fragile and sick. They become a potential source of infection and pose a serious threat to healthy young chicks. They can easily cause illness in the entire population.

3. Robust young chicks should raise their chicks and raise them into the brooding room and then put them into the brooding room for the first day of maintenance. No matter the size, just keep warm and properly ventilate and give the necessary umbilical disinfection. The temperature under the heat lamp or insulation umbrella is controlled at 33. °C ~ 36 °C, after the weekly drop of 2 °C, at room temperature within 1 week to maintain above 24 °C. The relative humidity in the house is about 55% to 70%, which should be appropriately adjusted according to the edema exhibited by hatchlings during shelling. One day after the start of water supply.

Fourth, drinking water and eating baby chicks drinking 0.1% electrolyte solution (water temperature around 35 °C) to allow them to freely drink water, can not drink water, the head can be pressed to force drinking water, so after a few adjustments, the chicks will learn to drink water, After half an hour drinking, the method is to put a few shallow plastic food trays on the brooding litter. The whole priced brooding powder is mixed with chopped, fine and delicate fresh grass, allowing the chicks to eat freely. Birds that do not eat can use artificially induced feeding. The method is: After a healthy chick that has learned to eat, after strict disinfection, it is put into the flock. The mimicking ability of the ostrich is very strong, and soon he learns to eat.

Fifth, the number of feeding the newly hatched small ostrich digestive function is not perfect, should be fed less Tim Tim. 1 to 7 days of age to eat less, feed 6 to 7 times a day, including 2 times in the evening, 7 to 20 days of feeding 5 to 6 times a day, including 1 to 2 times in the evening, 20 to 30 days of age fed 4 to 5 This time, once in the evening, 4 times a day from 1 to 3 months of age. The ration is formulated with full-priced powder. Green material is fine green grass, and the ratio of fine material to green material is 1:1 to 2, and it is mixed and fed.

6. Feeding density Rearing young ostriches should maintain suitable density. The indoor area varies according to the age of the month, which is within the range of 1 to 60 days and 0.6 square meters/piece respectively, and within the range of 61 to 180 days and 2 to 3 square meters/piece. The area of ​​the playing field is 4. ~ 8 square meters / only. With age growth, it is necessary to reduce the rearing density as appropriate, otherwise it is easy to appear uneven in size; some ostrich nutrient deficiency causes hair loss, and poor sanitation induces other diseases.

VII. The incubation temperature is an important condition for the cultivation of small birds. The young ostrich have short hairs without hairiness, lack of subcutaneous fat, and poor heat preservation and regulation of body temperature. Therefore, fluctuations in ambient temperature will directly affect the body temperature. At a moderate temperature, young ostriches are quiet, lively, and evenly distributed; at high temperatures, young quacks call out quickly, their movements are disturbed, and they are kept away from heat sources. At low temperatures, the sounds are low and syllables are long, crowded into piles and close to heat sources. The first week after hatching, the young ostriches are completely reared in the incubator. In the second week of age, the incubator door can be opened periodically during the day to allow the young ostriches to exercise, eat, and drink in the brooding room. In the evening, the young ostriches are all rushed into the incubator for insulation and rest. At this time, attention should be paid to the temperature of the brooding room. After three weeks of age, the young ostriches will be removed from the incubator and directly insulated with infrared light bulbs. The grass mat or the bottom of the wood will be used in the heat preservation area to pay attention to the ground insulation, cover the sacks and disinfect the white cloth, prevent the young ostriches from catching cold, and timely. Into the stadium grazing. The incubation time for young ostriches is generally 2 months.

VIII. Ventilation and ventilation The growth and development of young ostrich chicks are fast and the metabolism is vigorous. Indoors are prone to ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, methane, skatole, dust and other harmful substances. Ostriches have poor resistance to respiratory diseases, and are easily induced respiratory diseases. . Therefore, timely ventilation should be carried out to keep the indoor air clean and fresh. If the temperature is low, heat lamps can be added.

Nine, do a good job of daily health Ground should be kept dry, sports grounds to be well-drained, wet ground suitable for the survival and reproduction of pathogens. Do not feed moldy feed or moldy litter to reduce aspergillosis in ostriches. The brooding house and sports grounds should be cleaned every day. The litter should be disinfected, leveled, cleaned, replaced frequently, and the food tanks should be cleaned and disinfected economically. Feed and drinking water should be Cleanliness, the site must be regularly disinfected, and the manure must be fermented to kill pathogens.

X. Disease prevention and control It is necessary to stress that the most effective means of preventing diseases is to establish complete and complete epidemic prevention and health care procedures and strictly implement the various epidemic prevention systems.

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