Day lily efficient production technology

1. Good quality, high yield resistant, good seedlings are selected as good color (yellowish or yellowish) of dried buds, with almost no black (brown) color at the mouth of the buds; fleshy hypertrophy, full-length flower buds over 10cm in length, and dried buds At 0.3g/a; high rate of bolting, large number of moss, many branches on the moss, dense, plant height of 1.2m, compact plant type, strong tiller, flowering 50-60 days, More than 15% of dry-processed rate, drought-tolerant, resistant to pests and other high-yield varieties with strong resistance. My county is headed by Qing Dinghua (Jinlong species) and Hunan Jingzhou flower. 2, to change the breeding of the ramets and vegetative bud buds Breeding broccoli breeding methods are mostly used to reproduce, slice or bud bred breeding. Due to the slow propagation of the ramets, the roots are cut into two pieces from the top down, then cut longitudinally into several pieces according to their thickness, or they are cut into several buds, and they are propagated after the seedlings are propagated through slices or buds. Then transplanted into the field, the speed and effect is good. 3. Although basal fertilization and planting of day lily are robust, different types of soil can be planted and sufficient basal fertilizer should be applied before planting. That is, before ploughing and soil preparation, apply 3,000 kg of rotted high-quality bar fertilizer or 150-200 kg of feed cake per mu, 30 kg of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, and then dig more than 25 cm of radiating ridge. Sloping land should be built terraces or horizontal belts to protect water and soil. Day lily does not require strict planting time. Generally it can be planted after harvesting and before sprouting in the spring of the following year. However, the flower moss has died and the winter planting is good when it is first established. Since the seedlings were transplanted immediately after harvesting, the seedlings could grow well in the year and accumulated more dry matter. Early spring planting, favorable root system development, rapid seedling growth, more tiller, high yield. 4. Seedlings treatment and reasonable close planting Transplanting of the ramets should be carried out with the black pedicles underneath the shortened stems, cut the roots of the expanded roots of the roots of the fleshy root, cut them to 5-7 cm, and remove the decayed roots and leaves. Proper close planting is an important measure to accelerate the early entry of daylily into the rich period. Using a wide and narrow row of dense hole spacing. That is, wide line lm, narrow line 0.6m, hole spacing 0.25-0.4m, planting 2100-3300 holes per acre, planting 3 strains per hole, 10cm spacing within the hole, and 6300-9900 strains per acre. Sparsely planted and thinly planted. Fruit mulberry seed 500-1000 holes per mu. Depth of planting depth of the neck into the soil 3-4cm best, is conducive to deep roots, more labor, early birth and rapid harvest of high yield 5, to strengthen field management day lily has a great potential for growth, the highest per mu up to 500kg dry vegetables. The first application of manure after emergence in the spring after thawing, and then cultivating 10-15cm, in order to increase the soil temperature, promote rooting and speed up the emergence. In the second and third time, the soil was cultivated in combination with cultivators during the bolting period. Grasping autumn digging is an important way to seize the high yield of day lily. After the Huanghualai harvest is completed and before the winter seedlings grow vigorously, the sun should be dug as soon as possible to promote the early and long growth of the winter seedlings. Autumn digging technology: First, the soil should be dug deep to increase the degree of weathering of the soil, rooting down the roots, and expanding the absorption range of the roots; secondly, loosening the soil around the clusters and cutting off the roots of aging. To promote the emergence of new roots; Third, to dig coarse, do not break the clods when digging, let them overlap each other to increase the gap; Fourth, select the sunny dry soil when the autumn digging, to avoid re-stepping, so that the excavation The clods will not be scattered and will be conducive to weathering. Fifth, we must do a good job of protecting the new root seedlings, dug 15-20 cm in depth, and dig shallowly around the bushes to avoid injury. 1 Balanced fertilization Daylily is very fertile and fat-tolerant and should be fertilized at the spring sprouting stage, the bolting flowering stage and the winter seedling development stage. The principles of applying basic fertilizer, applying early Miaofei, reapplying nourishing manure, and supplementing Ningfu should be mastered. The first is to apply good winter seedling fertilizer, stop growing on the ground part of the lily, that is, after the autumn seedlings withered by frost, Mushi compound fertilizer 20kg, bar fertilizer 1500kg; followed by spring Miaofei, when the lily began to sprout in spring when Mu chase Decomposing person manure 3000kg or urea 20-25kg, superphosphate lOkg, potassium sulphate 5kg, or compound fertilizer 30kg; the third is the extraction of the moss fertilizer, when the flower moss starts to extract, Mushi urea 15kg, superphosphate lOkg (first And organic fertilizer heap rot), potassium sulfate 5kg or compound fertilizer 25kg; fourth is organic combination of Shilei fertilizer and root dressing, in the beginning of picking 7-10 days, Mushi urea and compound fertilizer each 15kg. At the same time during the picking period, the leaves were sprayed with 800-fold amino acid fertilizer twice or three times every 10 days to improve disease resistance, drought resistance, and moisture resistance, prolong the flowering period, increase the bud weight, and significantly increase the yield. 2 timely irrigation or ditch drainage day lily flowering moss and bud water requirements, to prevent soil whitening, keep the soil moist, so should see the days to see seedlings and other specific conditions irrigation 2-3 times. At the same time, in rainy weather, the ditch should be drained. 3 do a good job of covering the straw (field) cover the weeds, leaves or other crop stalks in the lily row can prevent weeding but also protect the water and soil, improve soil fertility. 6. Diseases and Pests Prevention The main diseases of day lily are leaf spot, leaf blight, and rust. The first is based on the prevention and control of agriculture and supplemented by chemical control. That is, the first choice is to use disease-resistant seed varieties, strengthen field management for fitness cultivation, and increase plant disease resistance; second, use bacillus, can kill, and pod fruit to control leaf blight, leaf blight, and rust. The main pests of day lily are locusts and red spiders. The insects are treated with imidacloprid, and the red spider is controlled by destroying locusts or using arvita or insects. 7, timely harvest day lily must be harvested on time, steamed vegetables as soon as possible, timely drying, ring buckle, in order to increase production and ensure quality. Early or late harvesting affects both yield and quality. The best picking period is about 2 hours before flowering, when the flower buds are fully hypertrophied, yellow-green, and the culm on the upper vertical groove is obvious. When harvesting, we should strictly control the principle of “because the buds are constantly smashing, don’t spit, and don’t pull the pistil out”, and do not pull hard and fast, so as not to affect the output. 8, timely processing of lily after harvesting should pay close attention to steaming, otherwise the flower buds are easy to open, affect the quality, but also perishable deterioration. Steaming in time can significantly improve quality. When steaming, day lily is placed in a steamer and closed. First use a fiery fire, steam out and then continue to burn with slow fire for about 10 minutes, so that it is fully cooked. The standard of steaming is: the buds change from yellow-green to light yellow, and the luster is bright and yellow; they are not green; the buds are covered with small drops of water; the thickness of the dishes is about 1/3 less than when they were originally loaded; Soft and muscular, with chopsticks from the middle of the bud, the two ends of the dish can be bent slightly. At the same time steamed good food, immediately dried or dried, when drying or drying, pay attention to the bud to maintain the original "one" shape, dried or dried immediately after the "Santa are" trademark sealed packaging to prevent moisture deterioration , to maintain a beautiful quality, mention the value of goods.

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