Prunella's efficacy and action and methods of eating

The effect of Prunella vulgaris

【Tropism of taste】 cold, bitter, pungent, non-toxic; liver, gall bladder.

【Indications】 With Qinggan Xiehuo, Jieyu Sanjie, lower blood pressure, swelling and detoxification and other functions. Indications of headache, dizziness, irritability, deafness, delirium, rib pain, chyle, bloated, hepatitis embolism.

Prunella vulgaris has the functions of clearing the liver and eyesight, dispersing phlegm and eliminating tumors, and also has the effect of reducing urine blood pressure. Folk use it to make tea, cool refreshing agent. Prunella vulgaris is a medicine for clearing away anger and stagnation.

【Function Indications 1】

Liver eyesight

For liver heat red eyes and swelling, and liver Yang Shangzhi headache, dizziness (such as hypertension), can be used with Kudingcha, wild chrysanthemum.

Heat Sanitizing

For mastitis, mumps, with Bupleurum, red peony root, Zhejiang Fritillaria.

For phlegm (such as lymph node tuberculosis), tumors (such as simple goiter), often with oysters, Fritillaria.


Prunella can clear the urine, and it has a good effect on turbidity and prostatitis.

Brainless blood pressure

The water extract of Prunella vulgaris, the ethanol-water extract and the 30% ethanol extract have the effect of lowering blood pressure in anesthetized animals.

Antibacterial anti-inflammatory

Prunella decoction has inhibitory effects on Shigella, Salmonella typhi, Vibrio cholerae, Escherichia coli, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, and has a broad antimicrobial spectrum.

1 "The Classics": The main cold heat, phlegm, rat scrofula, head sores, broken disease, scattered phlegm gas, swollen feet wet.

2 "Ben Cao Yan Yi Supplements": nourishing blood.

3 "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica": the liver wind, the meridians, governance mouth tilted.

【Function Indications 2】

Liver, Sanjie, diuresis; cure rickets, rickets, eye pain, jaundice, gonorrhea, hypertension embolism; leaves can be on behalf of the tea.

Treatment of lymphatic tuberculosis, thyroid enlargement, hernia, neoplasms, breast hernia, breast cancer, eyeball nocturnal pain, shyness tears, head dizziness, mouth tilt, bone pain, tuberculosis, acute jaundice-type infectious hepatitis, blood clotting, vaginal discharge .

Liver deficiency (cold tears, shameless day). With Prunella half, aconite one or two, a total of research for the end. For each serving, tune down.

Chibai belt. When Prunella vulgaris blossoms, it is dried and researched. Each serving two money, served before meals, rice soup sent.

Collapse. With Prunella vulgare as the end, each serving a teaspoon, rice soup tune down.

Postpartum hemorrhage, arduous, with Prunella smash, take a bowl of juice, extremely effective.

Injured, knife wounded. Prune Prunella in the mouth and apply it to the wound.

Sweat spots. Use Prunella to make gravy and wash the affected area daily.

瘰疬 (No matter whether it has collapsed, or it has been lost for a long time). With Prunella sixty-two, add two cups of water, fry to 70%, warm clothes after a period of time after eating. Deficient body, can use Prunella Jianzhi cream paste service, and to cream the affected area. It is better to take Shiquan Dabu Tongjia, Fritillaria and Polygalaceae.

Attached to the side: The function of Prunella vulgaris is Liver eyesight, with phlegm to eliminate tumors, but also the role of diuretic blood pressure. The folk also used it to make tea and make cool and passive summer herbs.

The role of Prunella vulgaris

Prunella vulgaris, a traditional Chinese medicine that has a long history of drug use, has always played an important role in the medical front that protects people's lives and health. "Sanjie swelling" as its traditional efficacy, its efficacy has been proved by many clinical practice, and its scientific nature has also been confirmed by more and more experimental research institutes.

With the increase of clinical malignancy, mammary gland hyperplasia, urinary system stones and various goiter patients, as well as the intensification of modern chemistry, toxicology, and clinical research, Prunella vulgaris must have the effect of “swollen swelling”. Will be recognized, studied and applied by more and more scholars and clinicians

Anti-malignant tumors

Malignant tumors belong to the category of “cancer”, “rock”, “swelling”, and “accumulation” in traditional Chinese medicine and are caused by the weakness of righteousness, stigma, qi stagnation, blood accumulation, and accumulation of cult poisons. Chinese medicine treats malignant neoplasms, and treats them as a basic treatment, such as assisting righteousness, cultivating blood circulation, removing blood stasis, dissolving dampness, clearing away heat and detoxification, relieving the liver, regulating qi, activating circulation, and using drugs to attack poisons. Prunella vulgaris can clear away heat and detoxify, taste spicy, and regulate the liver, regulate the energy of the liver, pass through the active collaterals, disperse the knot, phlegm, and so on, so it is commonly used in the treatment of various types of malignant tumors. Modern pharmacological research also proves that it has very Good anti-malignant function.

Anti-mammary gland hyperplasia

Hyperplasia of mammary glands is a high incidence of females. There are 58% to 89% of women with mammary gland hyperplasia at autopsy, accounting for more than 75% of breast diseases. Clinical breast hyperplasia with milk pain, breast tissue thickening and multiple nodules of different sizes as the main symptoms, prominent performance is premenstrual breast tenderness and breast lumps, generally believed that the occurrence of the disease and ovarian dysfunction Can occur at any age after puberty, and is dominated by middle-aged women. Chinese medicine believes that the disease is caused by stagnation of liver stagnation, phlegm and sputum, and maladjustment by Chong Ren; stagnation of stagnation of liver stagnation, paralysis of stagnation of liver stasis, and kidney malnutrition are the symptoms of disease. The book. Prunella Xin to Sanjie, bitter to escape heat, the main into the liver, there is a good effect of Liver Sanjie, especially for liver phlegm fire, bonfire lumps, it is often used clinically for the treatment of breast hyperplasia .

Anti-urinary system stones

The urinary system stones, which belong to the category of Chinese herbal showers, mainly refer to sand shower and stone shower, and are common clinical diseases. The cause of the disease is relatively complex. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that the disease has a close relationship with internal and external factors such as wind and heat, heat, emotions, diet, and the environment. However, due to heat and heat endogenously, the kidney deficiency heat accumulation in the next coke, Zhuo Shuo body fluid, so that the impurities in the urine formed into gravel; long time stone retention, deter meridians and cause qi stagnation and blood stasis, no general pain. Prunella cold, spicy, bitter, it can dehumidify heat, but also by the liver, it can Shuganjieyu. Now pharmacological studies have shown that Prunella vulgaris has the effect of inhibiting calcium oxalate crystal formation and stone formation.

Regulates thyroid function

Thyroid disease, which is referred to in the Chinese medicine as "sputum" disease, is caused by sensational internal injuries, diet, and water and soil unfavorable conditions that cause qi stagnation, phlegm stasis, and blood stasis in front of the neck. Mass enlargement is a class of diseases with major clinical features. Qi stagnation and phlegm stasis were the basic pathological features of rickets. A typical DNA trapezoidal apoptotic band appeared in agarose gel electrophoresis. The expression of Bcl22 protein was weakened and the expression of Bax protein was increased. Prunella vulgaris significantly inhibited the growth of human esophageal cancer Eca109 cells; after 24 hours, there was a significant adipocytotic apoptotic peak. The 5% concentration of Prunella vulgaris injection significantly inhibited the growth of human gastric adenocarcinoma SGC27901 cells. After 24 hours, the cells were significantly shrunken and the nuclei were pyknotic stained, and the subdiploid apoptotic peak appeared.

The side effects of Prunella vulgaris

Prunella herbal tea can not drink

Prunella cool, some restaurants commonly used Prunella herbal tea to drink to customers, "moisture" heavy, weak spleen and stomach or people suffering from rheumatism, it is easy to cause diarrhea and even worse. The country has allowed Prunella as an additive to herbal tea.

Long-term heavy use of Prunella, may have side effects, will increase the liver and kidney load, long-term intake will cause the accumulation of traditional Chinese medicine ingredients poisoning, can cause severe liver, kidney and other diseases.

Sarms Liquid

Sarms Liquid is lineup on the market. I'll go through each one in detail and explain how they work.
The MK-2866 is one of the most popular SARMS in the fitness industry today. Its purpose is to prevent muscle atrophy and osteoporosis. Ostalin is popular because it is extremely mild on the body and does not suppress natural testosterone levels.
In a 12-week double-blind study, participants gained an average of 3 pounds of muscle and lost 1 pound of fat. Remember, this is without changing diet or physical activity. Basically, the people who took oxtaline and did nothing else, their physique improved a lot. This is remarkable when you consider that the participants had no significant side effects.
As I said before, oxytaline is very mild and doesn't have any meaningful side effects. Nevertheless, some have reported slight inhibition of testosterone for periods of more than 12 weeks. In my opinion, if you keep it to eight weeks or less, you should be fine.
Mk-2866 dose regimen
Most people find that 20 to 40 milligrams a day is perfect. You can use ostalin in the cut and fill cycle without problem. You can also superimpose this compound on other SARMS to achieve this goal more efficiently. Read more about mK-2866 here.
LGD 4033
Do you want to gain muscle as soon as possible? The LGD 4033 is what you've been waiting for. In one study, men who took LGD 4033 for 21 days increased lean body mass dramatically. Natural testosterone levels also had little inhibitory effect. A daily dose of 1 mg was used in this study.
LGD4033 also showed increased libido, attention and bone density. No side effects such as an enlarged prostate or hair loss have been reported.
It is important to consider that LGD4033 shows no ability to reduce fat. So if you want to gain muscle and lose adipose tissue, I recommend stacking it with MK2866 or GW501516 alkali for best results.
Dosage of LGD 4033
You can see the results of 1 mg per day. Most people like to take about 10 milligrams a day for eight weeks. I have seen clients use this SARM at much higher doses, but the benefits seem to diminish beyond 20 mg per day.
GW501516 is one of my favorite compounds on the market right now. It's the only one on this list that actually improves your cardiovascular function. Literally, if you take cardamom, you'll be able to run longer and harder in the gym. Cardamom also has the ability to burn a lot of fat.
The study showed that participants doubled their muscular endurance and lost an average of 6 pounds of body fat in 12 weeks. It's crazy. You can't find a more effective way to reduce
Mk-677 is another exciting compound that is rapidly becoming popular. What's special about it is that it dramatically increases your growth hormone levels. As far as I know, this is the only efficient SARM. For decades, bodybuilders have been using HGH to boost their growth hormone levels. However, growth hormone can be injected
There are two main disadvantages:
HGH is very expensive. It usually costs about 2000 dollars a month when you use it a lot and you have to inject HGH multiple times a day. That's why mK-677 is so exciting. First of all, you take it orally, so you don't need an injection. Also, it has a long half-life, which means you only need to inject it -- once a day.
MK677 is a flexible growth hormone because you can take it at the same time. Nutrilbo also promotes deep sleep, which is essential for recovery and muscle growth.
Mk-677 dose regimen
Most people found that 5 mg to 20 mg was the "sweet spot" for mK-677. You don't need to cycle the compound, so you can run it however you want. I have a friend who has been using it for two years straight and his blood tests look great.
RAD1 40
The RAD140, also known as Testolone, is another exciting SARM. It reportedly has an anabolic rate of an incredible 90:1. The testosterone ratio is 100 to 100. This means that Rad-140 is almost anabolic, but has almost none of the androgenic effects of true testosterone. What is this equal to? There is a lot of muscle gain, but no hair loss or conversion to estrogen.
Rad-1 40 dose used
I recommend taking 15-30 mg of test dragon daily. Don't go more than a week or two and make sure you have enough water when you take rad-140. This is one of my favorite SARM, it goes well with MK2866 and L GD4033.
Yk-11: - A real myostatin?
Discovered as recently as 2011, YK-11 quickly gained a reputation as one of the most powerful compounds ever created. To better explain this, you need to understand what YK-11 does and why it's so powerful. Basically, all humans have a hormone called myostatin that inhibits muscle growth. Very few people and animals are born without this hormone, and every one of them has one thing in common: they are completely shattered.
Ever since myostatin was discovered, scientists have been trying to suppress its effects. In theory, if you could suppress the effects of myostatin on the body, you could create an ability to make muscles get crazy amounts beyond what could be achieved through hard work or even Steroids.
Yk-11 may be the world's first true myostatin inhibitor. People who took YK-11 all had the same result: massive muscle growth in a short period of time.
YK - 11 dose
For best results, take 5mg twice daily. Because yK-11 has a short half-life, frequent dosing is required. The S4 is similar to ostalin. It is one of the OG compounds and one of the oldest. The effect is mild and can run safely for a long time. The most powerful effect of Andalin is to promote weight loss. It can also lower body fat slightly.
Dose of S4
Most people find that 50 milligrams a day is enough. Two days off, five days off as required.
Last but not least, let's talk about shorthand. When the SARM first hit the market, the study called it "movement in a pill" because of its effect on mitochondria. In a study of mice, those given the speedsolvent ran 50 percent longer than those not treated with the compound. Another finding of the study was that mice given the enzyme lost 60 percent of their fat compared with mice not given the drug. Diet and exercise did not change in the study.
The recommended dose of SR9009
SR9009 has a half-life of 2.5 hours, so you have to take it three to four times a day. Most people like to take a daily dose of 20 to 30mg.
The benefit of SARMS is that side effects are minimal, so you don't have to worry about any negative effects. However, everything has its limits, and some people may experience closure, or even gynecologic mastitis, if you are currently predisposed to it.

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