Lagerstroemia planting and maintenance management

The crape myrtle (Hundred Red, Full House Red) is beautifully flowered, beautifully colored and has a long flowering period. It is widely planted in parks, roads, residential areas, and industrial and mining areas in landscaping. It can also produce tree stumps or bonsai. It is a landscaping and beautification environment. Family flowering fine flowers.

I. Variety and characteristics

The crape myrtle is native to central and southern China. It has been cultivated for a long time and its varieties are generally divided into crape myrtle, red bayberry, silverweed and cuiwei. There are many red cultivars, such as red safflower, cultivated and wild in Zhejiang.

The branches of crape myrtle are often twisted, the bark is smooth, the skin of the old tree is exfoliated, and the trunk is green, quaint and rare, with high ornamental value. The crape myrtle also has the characteristics of fine leaves, thick branches, thick stems and roots, which is very suitable for making bonsai.

Second, the requirements of environmental conditions

The crape myrtle adapts strongly to environmental conditions. Resists drought and cold. Strict requirements on the soil, but planted in fertile, deep, loose and slightly acidic, acidic soil grows robust, long flowering period; afraid of earthworms, bogey species in the low water table high ground; hi light, growth and flowering are sufficient The sun is also slightly shade-resistant; it thrives in warm and humid climates. Lagerstroemia also has a strong anti-pollution ability, can resist sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, chlorine and other toxic gases, it is also an ideal flower for beautification of the industrial and mining areas, residential areas.

Third, the breeding method

Propagation is mainly used for sowing and cutting, and also for division, stripping and grafting.

1. Seeding and breeding can get a large number of robust and neat seedlings at one time. From November to December, mature seeds were collected, peels were removed, and the seeds were allowed to air dry and placed in a container for storage. In March of the next year, a wide-area broadcast or sowing was conducted on a sandy soil land seedbed, and a layer of fine-grained plaster was used to cover the grass. More than 10 days of germination unearthed, timely exposing the grass, when the seedlings appear 2 pairs of true leaves can be selected after the rain seedlings; seedlings diligent weeding, 6-7 months after the application of thin fertilizer 2-3 times, into the summer irrigation drought, the end of the seedling height About 40-50 cm, when it grows robust, it can bloom, and it should be cut off in time, and the equinox should grow up in the following year.

2. Cutting propagation can be hardwood cuttings and tender cuttings.

Hardwood cuttings are generally carried out before sprouting in late March to early April. Select thick annual branches, cut into l 5cm long cuttings, insert loose, well-drained sandy loam seedbed, cutting depth to expose the top of a cutting bud. After plugging, water is poured and covered with a plastic film to moisturize and keep warm. The seedlings grown into 15-20 cm can be opened the film, changed into shady net, timely watering, when the branches can grow to 60-80 cm.

Twig cuttings were carried out in July-August, when the new branches grew vigorously and were most dynamic. Select semi-woody branches, cut into 8 ~ lOcm long cuttings, leaving 2-3 leaves at the top. Cutting depth is 3 ~ 4cm. After plugging, irrigating the water and putting shading on the arbours, generally 20 days or so can take root, the film will be removed, the shading net will be kept, and watering will be done in due course. The twigs can grow to 60-80 centimeters and the survival rate is very good.

3. Divide and reproduce in the early March or early April to plant the roots of the planting of the tiller seedlings with root excavation, proper pruning the roots and shoots, in addition to planting. Seedlings can be bare root, large seedlings should be equipped with mud balls, tending to be trimmed and reshaped during tending, maintaining a graceful tree shape, and promoting luxuriant flowers.

4. Beads can be grown during the growing season, preferably from March to April in spring. The air pressure strip method can select 1 year to 2 years old branches, and use a sharp knife to injure and remove the bark 1.5 centimeters or so to expose the xylem. Apply the rooting powder solution (diluted according to the instructions) to about 3 cm above the wounded part and wait until dry. After the use of cylindrical plastic bag over the wounded area, filled with loose garden soil, water can be tightened after two, a month after the inspection, such as dry soil can be moisturizing, rooting and cut after the other plant.

5. Grafting method There are several varieties of crape myrtle, such as Yin Wei, flowers are white; Cuiwei, flowers blue-purple, lavender; red micro, pink flowers, dark red, etc.; the author grafted several different flowers in the same tree The annual or biennial branches have a survival rate of more than 98%. The specific method is: from late February to early March, before the sprouts of Lagerstroemia do buds. When grafting, thick rooted seedlings were selected as rootstocks, branches with the desired color were selected for scioning, and splicing methods were adopted. First, cut about 5-8 cm deep at the top of the rootstock by a knife, then take a 5-8 cm long scion with more than 2 buds and cut it into wedges. Then insert the rootstock and rinse it to form a layer. Then, the entire shoot was fully wrapped with a plastic film to expose the bud. In this method, branches of different colors are grafted on the same rootstock to form a multi-colored tree. After 2-3 months of grafting, it can be loosened, and the length of the head can reach 50-80 cm. The branch should be cut short in time to prevent the wind from breaking and it can be cultivated into robust branches. It is cultivated by this method. The survival rate of the plants is very good.

IV. Planting and Management

(I) Planting 1. Planting: It should be planted after falling leaves in November to March of the following year. When planting, keep the trunk 100 to 120 cm high and cut off the upper part. After the new spring shoots are grown, select 3 to 4 main branches to allow them to bloom. 2. Potted plants: Potted plants grown with the old shoots of the year are a good way to quickly cultivate bonsai. As the crape myrtle is soft, the potted crape myrtle can be properly climbed. Generally, the growth of spring shoots is stopped, and the branches are tended to semi-lignification. The panning and shaping are performed, and the bonsai of various postures is made by pulling with a fine brown rope.

(b) fertilization and pest control General crape myrtle management more extensive. In the first half of March, fertilizer should be applied in combination with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium: a phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied from late May to early June to promote strong branching and flowering; in late July and early September, each flowering fertilizer should be applied, and the fertilizer should be cake water. And so on, the flowers bloom brightly. Diseases were detected and treated with Bordeaux mixture or 600 times carbendazim solution.

(3) The flowers of Lagerstroemia crassipes are cultivated at the top of the spring shoots that germinated in the same year. The germination power is strong and the canopy is not neat, so it needs to be trimmed. 1, winter pruning: In order to ensure the normal flowering, and the formation of large inflorescence, pruning in winter is very important. The cedar shall be cut at the height of the main branch at the height of the trunk (cutting) to remove the branches of the year, so that the twigs will grow and blossom; the potted plants will first cut off all the sprouting twigs, diseased branches and overlapping branches, in order to beautify the shape. On the other hand, the full tip of the other shoots is truncated at 1 cm above the head, generally only about 5 cm. 2. Pruning after flowering: After flowering in summer, a part of the residual flowers should be cut off and their seeds should not be allowed to reduce the loss of nutrients and promote the emergence of new shoots and flowering. During the growing season, shearing avoids the pruning or short cutting of the new shoots that germinate in spring, otherwise it may cause only long branches to not bloom.

V. Potted Crape Myrtle Management

1, to strengthen the light Ziwei hi sunshine, the growing season must be set outside the sun

2, timely watering Spring and winter should be kept in the basin soil moist, summer and fall every day to water once in the morning, when the drought can increase the number of watering daily, the river water, well water, rainwater and storage of 2-3 days of tap water Pouring.

3, regular fertigation potted Crape Myrtle over-fertilized, easy to cause leaves and legs lengthy, if the lack of fertilizer leads to thin branches, leaf yellow, the whole plant growth weakened, less flowering or no flowering. Therefore, to be fertilized regularly, the spring and summer growing season needs more fertilization, less after the autumn, winter does not apply into the dormant period. Do not apply fertilizer at high temperatures on rainy days and in summer at noon. Fertilizer concentration shall be applied every 10 days from the beginning of spring to the beginning of autumn in the principle of “fertilization with thin fat”. After the beginning of autumn, it will be applied once every half-month, and the fertilizer will be stopped after the beginning of winter.

4, reasonable pruning Ziwei resistant to pruning, strong branches, shoots a large amount of growth. Therefore, after the flowers are cut off, the flowering period can be prolonged, and the shoots, overlapping branches, cross branches, radiation branches and diseased branches can be cut off at any time to avoid consumption of nutrients.

5, timely change basin potted crape myrtle every 2-3 years to replace a pot of soil, with 5 loose mountain soil, 3 copies of pastoral soil, 2 parts of fine sand mixed with clay soil, when the basin available bone powder, bean cake Powder and other organic fertilizers are used as base fertilizers, but the fertilizers cannot be brought into direct contact with the root system to avoid damaging the root system and affecting plant growth.

VI. Cultivation of dwarf crape myrtle

The dwarf lagerstroemia hi warm and humid climate, cold resistance, drought resistance, resistance to earthworms, salt and alkali resistance, anti-harmful gas, suitable for a wide area. From the perspective of its open cultivation in Henan Province, both big seedlings and young seedlings can safely pass winter. Branches with a high degree of lignification are resistant to temperatures as low as -20°C. The most suitable growth temperature is 15°C to 40°C. Most regions of the country can be planted in open fields.

Breeding methods and cultivation management

Breeding methods commonly used sowing or cutting, but also ramets and layers of propagation.

Seeding sowing black-brown seeds in November and sowing in the second year of spring from March to April, the emergence rate is above 90%. Seed germination temperature is 15 °C to 25 °C, after sowing, about 5 mm cover soil, covered with a film, insulation moisturizing.

Cutting is divided into spring hardwood cuttings and summer tender cuttings in two ways. In spring, the annual branches that grow robustly and without pests are selected and cut before germination. In the field, we chose the leeward sunny side to make a rake. The cuttings were 15 centimeters long and 10 centimeters deep. After the cuttings were irrigated with water, the film was covered with heat and moisturizing. After one month, it could take root and germinate.

In the summer, the cuttings are cut into sandy loam, and the branches of the year are cut about 10 centimeters, and 3 to 4 leaflets are reserved. Open the ditch, plant spacing is 3x10 cm, half of the soil is inserted, irrigated with water, cover the shade nets moisturize, depending on the weather, spray water onto the branches or watering inside the pot to prevent the soil from drying out, and the branches are short of water. After about half a month, the survival rate can reach 95% or more.

The dwarf crape myrtle is drought-tolerant and resistant, and its management is more extensive. The annual seedlings are young and the soil is moist and beneficial to the growth of seedlings. Perennial seedlings can be fertilized in the spring and winter, and nitrogen fertilizers and compound fertilizers are applied in the growing season of seedlings to accelerate seedling growth. The planting density is suitable and no disease usually occurs. Pruning occurs in the spring, leaving 2-3 buds for each shoot, and the rest cut off. Every spring must be trimmed, especially the part of the branches that must be trimmed.

The dwarf crape myrtle is usually transplanted before sprouting in the spring. Due to its well-developed roots, the growing season can also be transplanted through shading measures, and the survival rate is as high as 90% or more.

Landscaping application

The roots of dwarf crape myrtle are well developed, and it is hi-temperature and cold-tolerant, wet and drought-tolerant, and fertile, resistant to salt and alkali, and resistant to harmful gases. Moreover, its colorful flowers, hot summer can also be a large number of flowering, plant shape short, compact, can be planted, but also potted plants, landscaping is widely used.

1. As a large green belt, slope vegetation. It can be used as planting tree species for green belts, isolation belts, slope protection, and sand sealing vegetation for highways, railways, embankments and river slopes. It can also be used for afforestation and landscaping in mining areas, residential communities and scenic resorts. It is also the preferred flower shrub species for afforestation in large and medium-sized cities and industrial and mining areas where harmful gases are excessive.

2. As a flower plant configuration. Many woody plants grow fewer woody plants in summer, such as embellishing dozens of plants or several dwarf crape myrtle components, or trimming into various forms of combined flower blocks, which can greatly improve the landscape effect. Of course, it is also possible to plant individual plants and natural flower balls.

3. Make a variety of shapes. The high-drying crape myrtle is selected from the local high-density, high-density crape myrtle as the rootstock. The dwarf crape myrtle is used as the scion for grafting, and the combined pruning can be cultivated into a ball type, an umbrella type, a tower type, and a weeping type corolla. According to the strong growth of dwarf crape myrtle, it can be trimmed into a style, geometric shape, animal shape, or braided dwarf crape myrtle.

Seven, crape myrtle common disease prevention and treatment

The common disease of crape myrtle is the Ziwei coal contamination. At the initial stage of the disease, a layer of smog-like mold appeared, showing a flaky shape, and gradually thickened to connect the dots later. Until the entire leaf is covered. When severe, it can be cracked, tilted and peeled off, affecting the photosynthesis of plants. Often cause poor growth, flower shape becomes smaller, the amount of flowers is significantly reduced.

Control methods: 1 timely control of aphids and aphids. If there are few damaged plants and the plant shape is small, it can be scraped manually. (2) If the insect pests occur in large amounts, spraying is required to prevent and control the aphids and aphids. A 40% omethoate EC may be used as a 1000 times solution, or a 50% TP as a 1500 times solution. The control of locusts should be carried out when a large number of nymphs hatch. 3 planting should not be too dense, and should be properly trimmed to facilitate ventilation and light, and improve the growth conditions of the bacteria.

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