One-time heavy drinking is harmful to the body

A study published in Finland shows that one-time heavy drinking, like regular alcoholism, can cause serious harm to the body and lead to cardiovascular disease.

The researchers analyzed the health data of 26,000 Finns aged 25 to 64 collected in the Finnish National Health Survey three times in 1987, 1992 and 1997. As a result, it has been found that accidental one-time heavy drinking, like regular alcoholism, can also lead to increased blood pressure and severe arrhythmia among drinkers. According to Xinhua News Agency

Types of wheelchairs

1. According to material classification, aluminum alloy, light material and steel aluminum alloy, light material and steel.

2. According to the type, it can be divided into manual Wheelchair and electric wheelchair, among which manual wheelchair can be divided into manual push and self-service type.

3. According to people's needs, it can be divided into single side wheelchair, toilet wheelchair, sports wheelchair and lying wheelchair.

4.According to whether it can be folded It can be divided into foldable and unfoldable wheelchairs.


Medicare Wheelchair,Multifunction Wheelchair,Wheelchair Rehabilitation,Folding Electric Wheelchair

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