Analysis of Occurrence Trend of Strawberry Diseases and Pests in Facilities Cultivation

According to the survey results of field pests and diseases in strawberry pests and diseases monitoring stations in the province, comprehensive climatic conditions, strawberry growth and development processes and management levels, it is estimated that the main diseases and insect pests of strawberry in our province will be generally moderate in the winter and next spring. It is a light year, but we must be especially vigilant about the dynamics of powdery mildew and aphids. At present, the average daily temperature in our province has significantly declined. There are small cold stocks in the northern part of the country. The main producing areas in each strawberry must strengthen the guidance of the management of the local raspberry farmers' greenhouses. Attention should be paid to insulation, ventilation, and dehumidification, and pest and disease predictions must be issued in a timely manner. The timely implementation of classified guidance, effective control of hazards and ensuring the safe production of strawberries.
First, the status of major pests and diseases in strawberry powdery mildew: is in the early stages of disease, the average field strain rate was 0.10%, a range of 0 to 0.18%, 0.33% lower than the same period last year.
Verticillium wilt: The average diseased planting rate in the field was 16.25%, which ranged from 14.56 to 17.57%, which was 5.5 times that of 2.92% in the same period of last year. Verticillium wilt is a serious occurrence due to colonization of diseased seedlings and disinfection of the soil. At present, the diseased strains are basically taken to remove diseased plants and replanting. As the temperature drops, the damage is basically over.
Anthracnose: The average disease rate in the field was 10.86%, which ranged from 10.31 to 11.76%, an increase of 7.9 percentage points from 2.93% in the same period of last year. Anthrax was devastated this year. The main factor was that from September 12 to October 1, there was a rare continuous high-temperature and dry weather in our province. The maximum temperature reached 37°C and the humidity in the fields was too high after watering.
Botrytis: None of the survey sites occurred.
Locust: Mainly cotton aphid and Myzus persicae, with an average of 5.87 tadpoles per leaf, with a range of 4.6 to 8 heads, an increase of 43.17% over 4.1 in the same period last year.
Anthraquinones: mainly cinnabar leafhoppers, two-spotted spider mites, and side-to-side cicadas, with a pupa strain rate of 0.22%, with an average of 0.67 per leaf clover and 0.43 eggs.
Spodoptera litura: the average strain hazard rate was 3.29%, a range of 2.86% to 3.66%, an increase of 1.22 percentage points over the 2.07% of the same period last year, the difference between the fields is large.
Second, the trend of the main pests and diseases of strawberry this winter and next spring, powdery mildew: Because this year's May to June, "Med season", rain, strawberry nursery powdery mildew is generally occurring year. However, since the strawberry planting in mid-September, the temperature in our province has been high, the continuous irrigation of the raspberry farmers, the humidity in the field is too large, and the occurrence of powdery mildew is now a multifaceted situation. It is expected that the occurrence of powdery mildew in this winter and spring will be the year of moderate occurrence.
Botrytis cinerea: It is a light year, but if there is continuous rainy weather this winter and next spring, the damage will increase.
Locust: As the temperature and humidity in the greenhouse are suitable for its occurrence and reproduction, it is difficult to prevent and control completely. In addition to the high base number of locusts, it is expected that the locusts will occur in the middle of winter and spring, and the damage will gradually increase after March of spring. It may reach a large extent to a very large extent.
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Third, prevention and treatment advice
1. It is imperative to strengthen the guidance of the management of local raspberry farmers' greenhouses in the main producing areas of strawberry, pay attention to insulation, ventilation, and dehumidification, timely release pest and disease forecast, and fully implement the plant protection policy of “prevention-oriented, comprehensive prevention and control”. Carry out classified guidance to effectively control hazards and ensure safe production of strawberries.
2. Strengthen cultivation and management as the basis, and fully apply agricultural and physical control measures to effectively control the occurrence and harm of pests and diseases. Promote the use of hose drip irrigation and full-coverage of plastic mulch (covered in Qilian ditch) or rice paddles in the ditch to control the air humidity in the shed, and eliminate flooding in the strawberry production area. Timely cleanup of diseased leaves and fruit and other diseased bodies in the strawberry production garden, and centralize destruction to reduce the source of infectious diseases. Strawberry Garden Topdressing promotes the use of three-element compound fertilizer and avoids partial application of nitrogen fertilizer. Do a good job in open and closed management of greenhouse membranes, improve ventilation and light transmission conditions, especially when the fertilized water meets cloudy days, it should be opened in time to avoid harmful gases such as ammonia and nitrogen.
3, pay close attention to the initial stage of pest control and prevention. Due to the special growing environment of strawberry for facility cultivation, powdery mildew, botrytis, fleas, mites and other pests can easily spread and harm the shed in the shed, and it is difficult to control. Therefore, we must remove diseased leaves, diseased fruits, and other diseased bodies in the center of the pests such as powdery mildew, aphids, and mites, and timely select and kill drugs to prevent spread; find Verticillium wilt and anthrax. Disease center strains should be promptly removed.
4, choose counterpart drugs, scientific and rational drug use. In the prevention and control of pharmaceuticals, the use of biological pesticides such as plant sources and high-quality mineral oils are preferred, safety production is carried out in accordance with the pollution-free strawberry production regulations, the use of highly toxic and high-residue pesticides is strictly prohibited, and strict compliance with pesticide safety intervals.
(1) Powdery mildew: 99.1% of Green Ying (mineral oil) EC 300 times, or 50% Tribecopol (trioxonate) 3 000 times, or 62.25% Xiansheng (Myclobutanil Zinc) wettable powder 600 times, or 5% hypertonic myclobutanil 1500 times, or 40% Fuxing (fluorosilazole) EC 4000 times for prevention and treatment. Can also be used "a smoked spirit" smoke fumigation fumigation control, each standard shed (6 meters 30 meters) each time 3, fumigation at night, 3 to 4 times, each time interval of 7 days.
(2) Botrytis cinerea: It is mainly for prevention, and the agent can be selected to be controlled by “one smoked” smoke fumigation agent, with 3 in each standard shed and fumigated at night for 3 to 4 consecutive times, each interval of 7 days; 40% Shijiale (pyrimethanil) Suspension 800x, 50% Nong Liling (Epoxy Core) dry suspension 1 000x, or 80% Dasheng M-45 (mancozeb) Wet powder 800 times, or 50% fluoproxil (isotricarb-urea) wettable powder 800 times, or 50% procymidone wettable powder 800 times, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 800 times etc. Spray control, once every 7 to 10 days, continuous control 2 to 3 times, pay attention to alternate medication.
(3) Verticillium wilt: When the Verticillium wilt disease strain was found, it was timely removed and replanted. After the replantation, 10% more anti-linging agent was used for 80 times, or 8% of the bacteria was used for the drug (Ningnanmycin). 1000 times liquid and other irrigation control.
(4) Anthracnose: When the diseased plant is found, it is timely removed and replanted. After replanting, 25% SPK (cimonyl) EC is used 1 000 times, or 80% DAS M-45 WP 700 times. , Or 20% Longke (thiamphidone) suspoemulsion 400 times and other water control, continuous control 3 to 5 times.
(5) Locust: In the spotting period, 0.3% of Aiqing (Azadirachtin) EC 1 000 times, or 70% of Yimeile (Imidacloprid) water dispersible granules 10 000 times, or 5% of Adak Dimethoate) WP 1500 times and other spray control.
(6) Apes: When the heat preservation work is started, key monitoring will be carried out. In the spotting period, insect leaves will be removed in time to reduce the source of insects. Before the flowering of strawberry, when the amount of sputum per leaf reaches 2 to 3, use 9.5% of chlorpyrifos (quinoxaline) EC 2 000-3 000 times, or 15% of Broom Clam (15%) EC 1 500 Diluent, or 1% 5% thiazolyl cream 1 200 times, or 57% of acetylidone EC 2 000 times spray control. In the above agents, 99.1% 1% Lin Ying EC was added and the result was better.

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