How to cure the lack of manganese in watermelon

Manganese deficiency Symptoms When watermelons lack Mn, the yellow veins between veins are tender and the main vein is still green, which leads to the development of a newly matured leaf. In the absence of heavy manganese, there is a tendency to develop from the leaf margin to the midrib, causing the main vein to turn yellow. In the long-term, the manganese deficiency will cause the entire leaf to turn yellow and gradually spread to the old leaf in the middle to make its veins. Yellowing. In addition, in the absence of manganese, seed development is not complete, and it is easy to form deformed fruit.

Remedial measures First, when preparing soil, apply 1 to 4 kg of manganese sulfate per acre as a base fertilizer; secondly, when sowing, soak in seeds with a 0.05% to 0.1% solution of manganese sulfate for 12 hours, or mix 4-8 grams of sulfuric acid per kg of melon seeds. Manganese as a fertilizer; Third, the discovery of manganese deficiency, timely spraying with 0.05% ~ 0.1% manganese sulfate solution can be.

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