New method for prevention and treatment of poplar forest diseases

Forest trees (including bamboo forests, fruit trees, and flowers and trees) are harmed every year by scale insects. Many species of scale insects are covered with wax shells, wax powder, and wax wires, which are generally difficult to penetrate through the wax layer. Therefore, it is difficult to control the scale insects. The three methods of controlling scale insects are described as follows:

1, natural enemy prevention. First of all, we must understand the natural enemies of scale insects, and then think of ways to introduce, protect and use natural enemies. For example, the main natural enemies of the cotton scale insects are Australian ladybugs and red ladybird insects; the main natural enemy of the powder scale insects is Lamophilus ladybirds; the main natural enemies of the black scale scale insects are oligosial bees; the scale insects and red waxes The main natural enemies of scale insects are hop bees and so on. The use of natural enemies to control scale insects is a more thorough and convenient method, but it is technically strong.

2, spraying control. The key is to apply the drug when the first instar nymphs are active. Generally, the newly hatched nymphs do not immediately climb out of their mother's wax shells. They often wait for 1-3 days. When the weather is sunny and warm, they gradually climb out. After crawling for a period of time, they begin to fix, and in a few days, Waxing in succession, when waxed, the control is more difficult. Therefore, if a scale insect is found crawling from the mother to the outside, it should be immediately sprayed and prevented. Iminophos is generally available 800-2000 times, or with 1000-1500 times dichlorvos jet, can also be used to prevent and cure pine alkali mixture, control pesticide concentration, winter can be thicker, summer can be more thin. Other systemic pesticides, such as monocrotophos, fluoroacetamide, insecticidal ether, morcilla pine, omethoate, etc., can also be used. However, attention should be paid to forestry objects, pest species, and the time of occurrence of insect pests.

3, pruning prevention. Scale insects like yin and wet external environment. The winter forest trees are used for pruning and lightening to remove light and reduce humidity, so as to create living conditions that are not conducive to scale insects and achieve control of the reproduction of scale insects. If it cannot be pruned, the victim tree has a period of leafy dormancy, and diesel can be sprayed in winter. Diesel oil can directly destroy the wax shell of scale insects and kill the scale insects. After the spring, generally the shoots can be extracted again, which will not affect the growth and development of forest trees.

Machine Dried Kelp

Rongcheng Jingyi Oceanic Technology Company Limited ,