Five points for raising pigs in summer

Five points for raising pigs in summer

Adjust the structure of the diet

Energy feed in summer feed should be relatively reduced, increasing green feed. Feeding pigs at night (7:00 pm, 11 pm, 4 am) can reduce daytime activities and increase pig sleep time. Feed 0.5% salt and green feed each at 10am and 3pm during the day. At the same time to provide enough water. In the summer of pigs, the amount of drinking water was 23.8% of their own body weight, and drinking 0.5% of saline was used to regulate body temperature.

Adjust the temperature inside the house

Rinse the floor with cool water, conditionally flush the hose several times a day at noon and afternoon, and open the ventilation holes in the home. At the same time to reduce the temperature of the pig body, spray or rinse the pig body, 2 to 3 times a day to make it heat. If well water can be used in the sun for 10 minutes, then rinse the pig body. Do not rinse within 30 minutes after eating, but do not flush the head with water to prevent shock. It is also possible to dig a shallow pool in or near a corner of the pig house and pour clear water so that the pig can bathe in the pool at any time.

Improve the farm environment

The greening of pig farms can regulate and improve the microclimate environment in the area and reduce summer heat radiation. Photosynthesis of plants can also absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. According to relevant experts' experiments, it has been proved that afforestation work on pig farms can be used to shade the trees everywhere, and in the summer, the ambient temperature of the pig house can be reduced by 3°C to 4°C and the heat radiation can be reduced by 80%.

Keep pigs clean

Summer is the season when the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms are very active. Disinfection is a good way to cut off the transmission route of the disease and kill or eliminate pathogens that stay on the surface of pigs. In order to prevent the occurrence of porcine infectious diseases, pig farms must pay attention to the cleanliness and disinfection work of pig houses. At present, the domestic market for disinfectant drugs is mixed, and the pig farms must select disinfectants produced by veterinary drug GMP certified manufacturers to ensure the quality of disinfection. Regularly sterilize the inside and outside environment of the pig house, including the barn, venues and utensils, equipment, as well as drainage channels, air and sow's whole body surface, and also pay attention to some health corners, such as loading pigs, sewage ditch, and cisterns. Disinfection of places and facilities such as food troughs. The piggery should maintain a good hygienic state and keep the barns dry on the ground, which can relatively reduce the changes of sow limb diseases.

Timely cooling of the pig

Use sauerkraut juice or practical vinegar, each serving 250 to 400 ml; use white lentils to drink soup, about 100 grams each time; use mung beans, add water, cook 20 times until the skin is rotten, let cool and then drink soup to eat beans; Fresh rind smashed and added sugar 0.5% every other day. Or in the diet to add sodium bicarbonate (baking soda): fattening pigs was 0.3%; pregnant pigs and empty pigs was 0.4% to 0.6%; lactating sows and boars were 0.6% to 0.8% (except saline and alkaline areas).


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