Summer corn yellow leaves?

Maize leaves yellow, dull, is the lack of nitrogen in corn and soil, or due to pest damage. Long-term yellowing of corn leaves often leads to early reproductive growth, premature heading, resulting in baldness, corn plants produce "premature aging", that is, premature aging of corn plants mature, low yield. The measures for preventing and controlling corn yellow leaves are as follows:

The re-fertilized water adopts the “five-stage top-dressing method” management for yellow-leaf corn, that is, chase Miao Fei, small bell mouth fertilizer, big bell mouth fertilizer, panicle fertilizer, and grain fertilizer, and fertilize it a small number of times in order to improve fertilizer efficiency. Seedling Mushi 10 kg of urea, potassium sulfate 5 kg; small bell-mouth Mushi DAP 15 kg, potassium sulfate 10 kg, full-element fertilizer 2 kg; large bell-mouth Mushi DAP 25 kg, sulfuric acid Potassium 15 kg, full-element fertilizer 3 kg; ear Mushi DAP 10 kg, potassium sulfate 5 kg; grain Mushi DAP 2 kg, potassium sulfate 3 kg. If it does not rain after fertilization, it must be watered after 3-5 days of fertilization, with water to regulate fertilizer, and water to promote fat.

Early prevention of disease The insecticide is applied early according to the characteristics of the yellow leaf disease and insects, and the medicine is eliminated by the disease (bug), leaving no trouble.

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