Vegetables Keeping Tips

Root K? Not all vegetables are all refrigerated. In general, vegetables that contain many sugars, and which are hard to thicken, such as meat, corn, sweet potato, lotus root, burdock, etc., are stored together in storage, making it easier to store the refrigerator. For example, if potatoes are placed in refrigerators, it is easier to shoot them. In general, vegetables that contain more sugar, and which are harder and thicker than the skin, such as lotus root, Chinese wolfberry, sweet potato, lotus root, burdock, etc., may be stored in the refrigerator. It is easier to put the refrigerator in place. Dishes? Dishes? Usually used for a long time, if you put them in the refrigerator, you will soon be able to use them. The most important thing to keep this vegetable is to keep the water, and to avoid rot. The most important thing is to get rid of the hotpots, smashing the door, smashing the smashing of the water, then using the smashing water, and then using the smashing to spread the smashing. Security room, you can effectively save the memory. You can also wrap your bedroom towels (4)~, and then put them in the refrigerator to refrigerate. You can also lose water and keep the new ones.
Fruit and vegetables? The preservation of fruit and vegetables is the first priority for selection. Eggplants, tomatoes, green peppers, etc. need to have more light, more mulberry leaves, more thorns, and more. In addition, the cold-stored food is kept at 6°C, and it is too cold for cooking vegetables. Spicy, spicy, and vegetable are used in a variety of flavors, so the dosage is not large, so it is better to keep the original appearance, that is to say, to keep the quality of the product. Grab the 霰 4 妫 徽 徽 徽 emblem flowers, minced garlic, the end of the pepper, cold 龇 龇 龇 妫 妫 妫 妫 妫 妫 妫 妫 妫 俣 俣 俣 俣 俣 。 。.
最好 ? 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 羰 羰 羰 羰 羰 羰 羰 羰 羰 羰 羰 羰 羰 羰 羰 羰 羰 羰 渺 渺 渺 渺 L L L L L L L L L L L L L. If it has already been cleaned, it can be wrapped in a bag of dried borage and dried in a fridge freezer. White or large vegetables must be removed before refrigeration. 2. Remove the ingredients, and then wrap them in a refrigerator and keep them in a refrigerator for 7 to 10 days. In addition to the summer, the IR potatoes are not cleaned and placed directly in the containers. They can be placed in the containers. . If you want to put it in the refrigerator, you can put it in a sealed bag and then refrigerate it after it is wrapped in the refrigerator. You can put a bottle of fruit in it, because it can prevent the aging of other fruits and vegetables by adding ethylene. Potato sprouts.
Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ コ コ コ コ ( 擦 擦 擦 擦 擦 擦 擦 擦 擦 擦 擦 擦 擦 擦 擦 擦 擦 擦 擦 擦 干 干 干 干 干 干 干 干 干, 恚L place.
Sweet potatoes not peeled sweet potatoes should not be placed in the refrigerator, so as not to worry about the group. After being wrapped in a cassette, it can be stored in the cassette and stored for 3 to 4 weeks. If you want to use the bag, you must first click on the button and then press the button on the button to increase the sweetness of the sweet potato.
Foreign language (10) The foreign currency of the skin is directly placed in the gamma or enamel, and then the flutes can be stored for 1 month. Need to cut (7) to remove the bag to avoid foreign investment due to the tide. If it has been cut, it must be stored in an airtight bag and separated by air to prevent water loss.
It is very easy to black, need to be wrapped with a protective film and then put it in the refrigerator, or cut it into thin slices with vinegar. You can save it for 1 week. The best way to preserve bamboo is to peel it in the refrigerator after boiling it. However, bamboo's sealed containers do not have enough water to cool the water once a day, and they can be stored for 1 week. Can also be? (18) 窆 S cut into small? K after cold? 銎 恚 涂 娱 娱 娱 娱 娱 娱 娱 娱 娱 保存 保存 保存 保存 1 1?
High-grade vegetables cut the high-incision vegetable cuts and blacks, if placed in the regular joint, the fat is ridiculous and ridiculous for 2 to 3 days. High-end foods in supermarkets usually have an urethane film, which must be removed by a 7-inch urine membrane, then placed in a sealed bag, and placed in a refrigerator and fruit and vegetable room. week. In addition, if the ice high? Appetizer first? ⒉ will recite it ?? eulogy? ⒄? Reverence? N room? Towel a little? Q bit to not drip ?? B, then stuffed vegetables core?, And then placed in a sealed security The bag can be refrigerated, and it can be used for 1.4 hours for L to 2 weeks. Cabbage? High? Same dish, if the cut? Cut ????? black. The whole cabbage can be refrigerated by wrapping it with the lotus root, and the amount of vegetables needed can be obtained by using the recipe (4). integrin? shaped? Core? ash? watch? beetles? wrapped? H shu acupuncture Tuoxin shame chi ^ carbonyl less cabbage, necessary to use protection? wrap film? Dun larvae sheath coat bags sister Qian rude ur? screwing [Psi] ?BR> Lettuce Lettuce as long as put a section of ?????????????????????????????????,??r can be 2.?诵???????????????(17)?竦?N room towel inserted into the core?? Lettuce absorb moisture, wait until the towel is dry, then remove the towel, remove it from the towel, and put it in the refrigerator again. ??? lettuce can be dried on the core cutout ?? T? powder, and then dip? startled? N room? towel wrapped from? rage? forlorn Pai Chiu Wu soil radon ??? s insurable? 1 week.
First with spinach before refrigeration? Beetles? Wrapped? Rage? Flesh kill? Scar? Zhi Ying ^ to kill acenaphthene tide? Xi ???, then? ⒏? ​​Cut? Round stretch? [In fruits and vegetables protect? Save room.
Other dishes, such as green vegetables, A dishes, vegetables, etc., will be packed in cold storage before cold storage, and the meat will be chopped, chopped, chopped, chopped, chopped, chopped and chopped.轮 轮 轮 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [. Eggplant eggplant before use refrigerated bags need to be sealed? Good then into the fruit and vegetable security room to save, if directly placed in the refrigerator, easy to loss of water, lose color, umbrella???r need to pay attention to the refrigerator? At 6°C, it is not delicious to avoid ice.
Green pepper because of the special taste of green peppers, use green pepper? R1 is very enough???????????? It is best to use an airtight bag to keep it, or to use a (7) chicory bag to make a hole so that the water can be kept in the bag.
The small melons often can only be used for about 3 days. Before refrigerated storage, must first (12) ↑S melon surface moisture wipe dry, into the sealed bag, 4 4. 诜夂 洳丶 洳丶 桑 桑 桑 s can be stored for 10 days.
Tomatoes stored tomatoes?r need to pedicle? Placement points down, if 6?? B? [release, heavy part of the fast rot.
Corn preservation corn?r need? (9) Remove the crowbar P, dry after cleaning Q, dry with a protective film, 碓俜湃氡 渲 渲 渲 渲 洳丶 洳丶 洳丶 pure umbrella R section (15) 衩 ? ? ? ? ? T Thin, stir-fried with a large amount of heat, and then put it in the heat of the corn without the need to solve the problem. The benzene can be cooked without boiling; if it is baked, it needs to be cooked (15). Fatty 涟虢 涟虢 B 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 味 味 味 味 味 味 味 味 味.
? cauliflower before cold storage? 11.?? Serve the meal?? ~ 10 minutes, the vegetables fully absorb water, can be added in the water after the drying of beer, dry with a protective film wrapped ice into the cold room Medium, can save 5 days.
Four-season beans are usually stored in plastic bags and can be kept in the refrigerator for five to seven days. However, [for a long time, the coffee stains will be produced. If you want to keep them longer, the best? (7) Recruiting melon? Q, use water to rinse it, then put it in the refrigerator, then put it in the refrigerator, and then put it in the refrigerator. Do not let the beans only? ぴ谝 ぴ谝 稹 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR 市售 市售 市售 市售 市售 市售? If you can go to the root, you can (2) split the e, or you can use it to wrap it, place it in the room, and then save it. Around the week.很 ? 很 , , , , , , 放在 放在 放在 放在 放在 放在 放在 放在 放在 放在 放在 放在 放在 蝗菀滓 蝗菀滓 蝗菀滓 蝗菀滓 蝗菀滓 蝗菀滓 蝗菀滓 蝗菀滓 5 姆 姆 Ψ ? 岳 岳 岳 岳 岳 岳 岳 岳 岳 D D D D D D D D D 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Put in the box, play the mask, seal the ur film and place it in the refrigerator for 4 to 0 days. Can also be (6) [cut into a flower into the sealed box after the cold 銎 恚 恚 胝 ? ? ? {?r 谋 淙 淙 鲋 鲋 鲋 褂 褂 褂 纯 纯 纯 纯 umbrella The method is similar to the foreign language, put it in the basket, and then hang it up, and then hang it on the toilet. Save 1 to 2 months. Can also be used as a “garlic” in the “C.”, “C” in the sealed can, then put in a sealed can and put it in the fridge for refrigerated storage. You can use it for 2 weeks. You can also use it for more than 2 weeks. If it is not stored together, it will easily lose water, and if it is cut, it can be stored on the ground or in the sand. Tender, powder and urethane film wrapped up and stored in the refrigerator. As long as the cut, the incision will be wrapped with a protective film, into the refrigerator, it takes 2 weeks.
The chili peppers have been kept for a long time, and the color has not been changed. It is best to use frozen vegetables for 3 to 5 days. The most important thing is to use 4 pieces of Qiaozhi arrogance (11)? Q wipe the moisture of the pepper into the plastic bag, directly to cool the hub and ring the hub for 4 to 2 months.

Royal Jelly is also called Bee Milk. The fresh royal jelly is slightly ropy milk paste  substance; it is the excretive mixture of nutrition gland and maxilla gland of the head of little worker bee. The worker bees use this to feed the 1-3 days` worker bee larva and drone larva, 1-5.5 days` queen bee larva and queen bee in the oviposition period. The royal jelly is the biologic product containing very complicated active elements which contains almost all the nutrition elements required by the growth of the human body.

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Easy Food (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd. ,