Brain Protecting "Food Act"

Nutrients are the indispensable material basis for human intelligence and brain development. To have a smart mind; it is necessary to pay attention to eating habits in daily life.

Satiety: After eating, the blood vessels of the digestive tract dilate, and the whole body's blood concentrates in the gastrointestinal tract, causing the brain to become hypoxic. Insufficient brain supply will accelerate the aging of brain cells. Therefore, three meals should be prevented from becoming overfull to help protect the brain.

Dieting: Greed will accelerate the premature aging of the brain, but it does not mean that eating less is better. The development of brain and intelligence requires comprehensive and balanced nutrition. The lack of proteins, nucleic acids, phospholipids, and lecithin results in a decrease in the number of brain cells, a decrease in the size of the brain, and poor development of glial cells and nerve fibers, resulting in mental retardation. Insufficient energy intake of anorexia can result in unresponsiveness, poor ability to accept, and diminished thinking and memory.

Vegetarian: Some people eat without mouth, resulting in reduced fat intake. The unsaturated fatty acids that account for 60% of brain cells need to be supplemented by food and the human body cannot synthesize them. In particular, fish is rich in unsaturated fatty acid diphosphohexaenoic acid, the highest content of human brain fatty acids, which is related to the growth of brain cells and the maintenance of normal physiological functions. Taurine, which is rich in fish and shellfish, plays an important role in the development of brain nerves. Therefore, the diet should be balanced.

Fried food: This kind of food is subjected to high temperature and coking during processing and cooking. It can not only denature protein, lose its biological activity, but also convert it into mutagens. When making fried foods, a certain amount of alum is often added. Excessive aluminum in the alum enters the body and can directly destroy the function of the DNA of the genetic material in the nerve cell, causing the degenerative changes of brain cells, so it should not be eaten or eaten.

Sweets: Eating a moderate amount of sweet foods can help brain development, but eating too much is less beneficial. Sugar is an acidic food. It is metabolized in the body to form acid radicals, which can lead to acidification of body fluids, resulting in an unhealthy acidic body, causing a decline in brain function, manifested as irritability, lack of energy, disturbed sleep, and unresponsiveness.

Drinking: Alcohol is a neurophilic substance that is most harmful to the brain. Chronic poisoning can lead to alcohol dementia and degeneration of the cerebellum. Alcohol can dehydrate the brain cells of the fetus. Even if the pregnant woman drinks wine, if it exceeds 400 ml, it may cause fetal brain damage. Excessive consumption of caffeine-rich tea or cola-type beverages not only interferes with human memory, but also causes hyperactivity in children.