The Prevention and Treatment of Lagerstroemia Brown Spot

Brown spot disease is also a common disease on garden plants, which often occurs in the crape myrtle development season. Severe brown spot often causes the leaves of the plants to yellow and fall off. Influential appreciation and flowering.

1 The implied symptom The pathogen of Lagerstroemia brown spot is also a fungus. It is the chief damage to the leaves, and all the lower leaves start to have hair problems, and then gradually extend upwards. In the early stages of the disease, the lesions are of a large or small round or nearly circular shape. A few criminals are in shape. The lesions are purple-black to black, with lighter edges, followed by deeper lesions that appear black or dark black, with a clear boundary with the health department. The color of the lesions in the center of the lesions has faded and the gray and black mold spots have appeared. When the disease is severe, the lesions adjoin each other and the entire leaf quickly turns yellow and falls off prematurely.

2 Occurrence of Discipline Lagerstroemia Brown Spot is caused by the infection of Ceratanthidae. The pathogenic bacteria is wintered on the diseased body in the form of mycelium or conidia, and the first year of infestation is through horizontal sporulation. Dyed and reinfested and spread by airflow or wind and rain. Tianshui area brown spot generally begins in early summer and the risk is serious in autumn. In high temperature and rainy weather, especially in seasons or seasons with frequent storms, it is easy to break out; all lower leaves are more easily infected than layered leaves.

3 control methods

3.1 Early detection and prevention of horticulture, real-time root disease branches, diseased leaves, and centrally destroyed or buried in order to reduce the origin of germs. Strengthen cultivation and management, pruning, and make plants airy and transparent. It is best to change the new soil every year in family potted plants.

3.2 In the early stage of the disease prevention and treatment, 50% carbendazim WP may be sprayed with 500 times, or 65% dexamethasone WP may be 1000 times, or 75% chlorothalonil WP may be treated with 800 times.

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